The Kansas marijuana advocacy group Fire It Up Kansas has been denied a section of highway to keep clean. The Kansas Department of Transportation says that they...
“Marijuana’s continued presence on the statute’s list of illegal substances isn’t based on whim. It’s based on what science tells us about this dangerous and addictive drug....
Recently, with little fanfare, Gov. John Kitzhaber signed House Bill 3460 into law, creating a regulated supply system for medical marijuana. Finally, patients will have legal and...
A fellow named David Frum recently wrote an anti-cannabusiness screed on entitled “Be Afraid of Big Marijuana.” Frum is a Prohibitionist yammerer who’s on the Board of Directors...
The Marijuana Policy Project announced Monday it will support efforts to end marijuana prohibition in 10 more states by 2017. The announcement comes one day before the...
Board chair note: NORML’s board of directors has always consisted of a wide variety and array of stakeholders who support ending cannabis prohibition. At the most recent Annual Meeting...
Our Lost Border: Essays on Life Amid the Narco-Violence, Sarah Cortez and Sergio Troncoso, eds. (2013, Arte Publico Press, 290 pp., $14.75 PB Amazon) The Fight to...
The annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health released Wednesday by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health...
Drug dealers in Argentina have been training pigeons to deliver marijuana. Aside from generating a stoner’s dream headline, has anyone thought of what repealing prohibition might do to the...
As reported earlier this week on Harborside Medical’s website and reposted here on Weedist, the federal government is now going after medical marijuana in one of the...
CNN reports that — despite the increasing calls from activists, the public, and even Dr. Sanjay Gupta (who was Obama’s original pick for Surgeon General) to reschedule marijuana...
Three billboards have popped up to raise awareness and recruit supporters for a Sensible BC petition to decriminalize and legalize cannabis in the province. The petition would...
In a great article on Huffington Post, Marijuana Policy Project’s Rob Kampia reports that with the recent passage of Illinois’ medical marijuana law, most of our nation’s...
Montel Williams joined Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Piers Morgan Live to continue the discussion of the federal government’s hypocrisy regarding medical marijuana. Dr. Gupta has been on...
MPP released a video last week listing the country’s “Worst State Legislators of 2013″ on marijuana policy issues. The seven state representatives and one state Senator were selected based on...
In his blog on, Paul Mulshine discusses a Larry King Live video of Ron Paul debating Stephen Baldwin on marijuana legalization. Debating may be the wrong...
As soon as tomorrow afternoon, votes are expected in the Uruguayan House of Representatives which will cast the country into the lead to become the first country...
Thanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant...
Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made America, by Peter Andreas (2013, Oxford University Press, 454 pp., $22.41 HB Amazon) Wow. With Smuggler Nation, Brown University political science professor...