Patrick Kennedy was the guest on February 10th’s Colbert Report. I still can’t tell if Kennedy is a good-intentioned (albeit misguided) person who is doing something he...
More cops with pain pill issues, a Texas deputy goes down for slinging cocaine, and a former Milwaukee cop gets slapped for putting his hands in the...
The NFL and its players union doesn’t require players to disclose the substances for which they have tested positive. This is becoming more of an issue as...
Orlando attorney and medical marijuana advocate John Morgan compared medical marijuana and oxycontin, noting that marijuana is a safer, non-addictive substitute for the popular pain pills.
Ten month old Lilly Fisher has been in CPS custody since April when her father requested their help rescuing her from an extremely unsafe situation while in...
Aldon Smith, the one-man sack factory linebacker from the San Francisco 49ers was arrested last Friday (Sept 20th) morning on suspicion of a DUI. Smith crashed his car...
“I don’t understand how you were prescribed Marinol? We only give this drug to terminally ill cancer patients.” This was the question I was asked from the...
According to the Associated Press, “Sales of the nation’s two most popular prescription painkillers, oxycodone and hydrocodone, have exploded across the U.S. in the last decade.” The increasing abuse of...
by Phillip Smith, August 28, 2103 Two Texas cops lose their jobs, a California jail guard gets busted at the playground, a Tennessee sheriff’s lieutenant cops to...
I believe each individual should explore the rationale for self-medicating. I’m not suggesting to anyone that they fully ignore conventional wisdom, medical evidence or your doctor’s advice,...
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, created a documentary, simply titled WEED, based on a year’s research. The show focused on medical cannabis and aired last night. Overall, I was...
Dr. Sanjay Gupta made a huge statement for cannabis reform, when he appeared on Piers Morgan last night and apologized on air for opposing marijuana legalization in...
A Mayo Clinic study found nearly 70% of Americans take prescription drugs, with antibiotics, antidepressants and painkillers being the most widely used. 13% took opioids (painkillers that include...
Recently I read the Cassie Shortsleeve’s Men’s Health article, “The Truth About Marijuana.” In it, the author meets with Dr. Mahmoud Elsohly, the director of the University...
The Massachusetts Medical Society, which steadfastly opposed the medical marijuana ballot question approved by voters in November, called on Friday for large-scale research of the drug’s potential medical uses...