Last week, advocates turned in double the amount of signatures required to place a marijuana legalization initiative on the ballot in Portland, Maine this year, making certification seem very...
A marijuana legalization effort in Portland, Maine has gathered more than twice the required signatures to put the question before voters. The proposed ordinance would legalize the...
Next Saturday, in over 200 cities worldwide, millions will come together to rally for an end to a failed drug war on cannabis and industrial hemp. Oregonians will...
A Portland billboard put up by Marijuana Policy Project in March only lasted one night before being destroyed. The billboard featured pictures of beer, wine and a...
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, which in Portland means it’s time for the annual Spring Beer & Wine Fest. Locals may notice something different about this year’s festival: a...
There is a marijuana legalization bill pending in the Maine legislature, but some activists in the state’s largest city aren’t waiting for elected officials to get the...
The World Famous Cannabis Cafe will host a fundraiser for Jay Mack and Big Dub to help rebuild their business on Saturday, January 12, 2013. Long-time supporters...
Celebrate the End of Prohibition Speakeasy with Madeline Martinez, the World Famous Cannabis Cafe and Women for Measure 80 . Join us on Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 6:00 pm in the...
The World Famous Cannabis Café hosts a monthly Cannabis and Hemp Expo on the first Sunday of every month. It features a variety of services for Oregon Medical...
These utterly misleading anti-marijuana billboards have been taken down in Portland. Golf clap to Florida-based Drug Free America Foundation for funding this level of reefer madness misinformation.
Weedists: Meet Chief Greenbud “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” I had the pleasure of meeting...
Last Friday, I got to attend the Portland City Club’s debate on Measure 80. Chief Petitioner and author of the measure, Paul Stanford argued in favor and...
The eleventh annual Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA) will be held on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe. The day event includes...
The Measure 80 online store is now open for business. They have bumper stickers, t-shirts and posters available now. More items are being added every day, so...
It’s a busy Hempstalk weekend here in Portland for cannabis consumers and activists! Here are three events you don’t want to miss! To start the weekend early,...