Tag: poll

(216 posts)
January 11, 2013
Poll Shows More Than Two-thirds of New Hampshire Voters Support Medical Marijuana

Poll Shows More Than Two-thirds of New Hampshire Voters Support Medical Marijuana

More than two-thirds (68%) of New Hampshire voters think the state should enact a law allowing seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana if their doctors recommend...
January 7, 2013
Mexico Considers Marijuana Legalization After Ballot Wins in US

Mexico Considers Marijuana Legalization After Ballot Wins in US

Mexico’s new president, Enrique Peña Nieto, opposes marijuana legalization, but he also told CNN recently that the news from Washington and Colorado “could bring us to rethinking the...
December 26, 2012
Men Are Usually Top Medical and Recretional Marijuana Users

Men Are Usually Top Medical and Recretional Marijuana Users

Medical marijuana patients are overwhelmingly male in Arizona (73%) and Colorado (68%), the only states to provide patient data by gender. According to the annual National Survey on...
December 26, 2012
2012: The Year In Review — NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy

2012: The Year In Review — NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy

#1 Colorado and Washington Vote To Legalize Marijuana Voters in Colorado and Washington made history by approving ballot measures allowing for the personal possession and consumption of cannabis by...
December 21, 2012
The Top Ten Drug Policy Stories of 2012

The Top Ten Drug Policy Stories of 2012

012, 11:21am In some ways, 2012 has been a year of dramatic, exciting change in drug policy, as the edifice of global drug prohibition appears to crumble...
December 18, 2012
Poll: Majority of New Yorkers Back Legalized Pot, Ohioans Evenly Split

Poll: Majority of New Yorkers Back Legalized Pot, Ohioans Evenly Split

Two new polls, published this week by Quinnipiac University, show solid support for marijuana legalization in both New York and Ohio. In a New York State poll...
December 12, 2012
Gallup: Most Americans Want the Federal Government to Butt Out of State Marijuana Laws

Gallup: Most Americans Want the Federal Government to Butt Out of State Marijuana Laws

Sixty-four percent of Americans oppose federal interference in state laws that allow for the legal use of the substance by adults, according to a random sampling of 1,015 adults...
December 10, 2012
Majority Says Feds Should Stay Out of Marijuana Legalization States

Majority Says Feds Should Stay Out of Marijuana Legalization States

10:42pm A slight majority of adults say the federal government should not attempt to enforce federal marijuana laws in states which have voted to legalize it,...
December 6, 2012
Quinnipiac Pollster Calls Marijuana Legalization “Just a Matter of Time”

Quinnipiac Pollster Calls Marijuana Legalization “Just a Matter of Time”

08:46pm The third different poll in less than a week to report a majority favoring marijuana legalization was released Wednesday, with the pollster saying the results...
December 5, 2012
Poll: Solid Majority of Voters Back Legalizing Cannabis

Poll: Solid Majority of Voters Back Legalizing Cannabis

Nearly six out of ten Americans support legalizing cannabis, according to a just released Public Policy Polling automated telephone survey of 1,325 voters, commissioned by the Marijuana Policy Project. 58...
December 3, 2012
CBS Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

CBS Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

02:59pm A CBS News poll released this week has support for marijuana legalization at an all-time high, with as many Americans now saying it should be legal as...
November 30, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada

Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada

03:14pm A new Angus-Reid Public Opinion poll has majorities favoring marijuana legalization in both Canada and the US. According to the poll, 57% of Canadians and 54% of...
November 27, 2012
New Poll: Canadians Want Marijuana Law Reform

New Poll: Canadians Want Marijuana Law Reform

09:00pm Even as the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephan Harper institutes harsher penalties for some marijuana offenses, a new poll finds that nearly two-thirds of...
November 15, 2012
POLL: Americans Evenly Split on Marijuana Legalization, But Overwhelmingly View It As State Issue

POLL: Americans Evenly Split on Marijuana Legalization, But Overwhelmingly View It As State Issue

Polling data released Tuesday by Rasmussen Reports shows the American public is now evenly split on the issue of marijuana legalization, with 45% in support, 45% opposed,...
November 14, 2012
RI and ME Lawmakers to Announce Recreational Marijuana Initiatives Tomorrow; VT and MA to Follow

RI and ME Lawmakers to Announce Recreational Marijuana Initiatives Tomorrow; VT and MA to Follow

On Election Day, voters in the states of Colorado and Washington approved ballot initiatives to remove criminal penalties for adult marijuana use and regulate the substance in...
November 5, 2012
High Times: Morality Poll – Part I

High Times: Morality Poll – Part I

HIGH TIMES is conducting a ‘moral poll to find out how pure your stoner hearts are.’ The first deep question is: “If you were told that by your...
November 5, 2012

British Columbia Public Supports Marijuana Legalization

04:11pm Support for marijuana legalization in British Columbia has reached a whopping 75%, according to a new Angus Reid poll commissioned by Stop the Violence BC, a coalition of...
November 2, 2012
Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

In what is likely to be one of last polls coming out of Washington State prior to Election Day, Initiative 502 to regulate marijuana is still holding strong to...
November 2, 2012
November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

09:27pm We are now only five days away from Election Day, and it’s starting to look very much like at least one state will vote to legalize...
October 31, 2012
Oregon Marijuana Measure Still Trails in Late Poll

Oregon Marijuana Measure Still Trails in Late Poll

04:57pm Measure 80, Oregon’s marijuana legalization initiative, continues to trail in the polls as the clock ticks ever closer to election day. According to a new poll...