Tag: poll

(216 posts)
August 26, 2013
Poll: Colorado Stands By Marijuana Legalization

Poll: Colorado Stands By Marijuana Legalization

A new poll by Quinnipiac University found that public opinion of marijuana legalization hasn’t changed much in Colorado since voters approved Amendment 64. Of the 1,184 Colorado...
August 26, 2013
Most MedPage Today Readers Support Medical Marijuana Use

Most MedPage Today Readers Support Medical Marijuana Use

Last week, MedPage Today surveyed over 5,600 of their readers about their opinion of medical marijuana use. 60.7% reported they’d always supported the use of medical marijuana,...
August 21, 2013
Poll Finds Few Think We’re Winning War on Drugs

Poll Finds Few Think We’re Winning War on Drugs

013 Four decades after President Richard Nixon ushered in the modern war on drugs, fewer than one out of 20 Americans think it is being won, according...
August 6, 2013
Gallup Poll Finds 7 Percent of US Adults Admit to Smoking Pot Regularly

Gallup Poll Finds 7 Percent of US Adults Admit to Smoking Pot Regularly

According to an annual Consumption Habits poll conducted by Gallup last month, the percentage of U.S. adults who have tried marijuana is 38%, an increase of only 5%...
By: Lateralus
July 18, 2013
Reality Check for Anti-Marijuana Group: Legalization Coming

Reality Check for Anti-Marijuana Group: Legalization Coming

The so-called Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA) has been a prolific, yet impotent, anti-marijuana propaganda machine since its inception in the mid 1980′s under President...
July 12, 2013
Katie Couric: Should Moms Smoke Marijuana?

Katie Couric: Should Moms Smoke Marijuana?

Katie Couric asks the question: “Do you think parents should smoke marijuana? We want to hear from you! Vote in our poll and share your answers.”
June 12, 2013
New Jerseyans Ready to Decriminalize Marijuana, Poll Finds

New Jerseyans Ready to Decriminalize Marijuana, Poll Finds

As New Jersey legislators consider a marijuana decriminalization bill, a new poll suggests strong public support for such a move—and more. The poll of likely voters conducted...
June 6, 2013
Baby Boomers: Overlooked Customers No More

Baby Boomers: Overlooked Customers No More

Baby boomers came of age at a time when smoking pot was all the rage. But after their party days were over, they entered corporate America and...
By: Mercedys
May 29, 2013
Brookings Webcast: The Politics of Marijuana Legalization

Brookings Webcast: The Politics of Marijuana Legalization

Washington, D.C., Wednesday, May 29 from 2:00-3:30 PM (eastern), the Brookings Institute is holding its second in a series of public policy review panels examining the ever-evolving changes of...
May 23, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.22)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.22)

From the US Supreme Court to the local city council chambers, medical marijuana continues to be a contentious issue. Here’s the latest. National On Monday, the US Supreme...
May 20, 2013
Poll: Almost No One Thinks Marijuana Users Should Be Jailed

Poll: Almost No One Thinks Marijuana Users Should Be Jailed

Reason-Rupe has just released new polling data that revealed only a minuscule percentage of Americans believe that marijuana use and possession should result in jail time. When asked which...
May 20, 2013
After Senate Vote, Illinois Now Waits on Governor Quinn to Become the 19th Medical Marijuana State

After Senate Vote, Illinois Now Waits on Governor Quinn to Become the 19th Medical Marijuana State

Advocates applaud Illinois legislature on HB1, but pledge to pursue follow-up bill to improve the law The Illinois Senate voted 35-21 today to pass HB1, the “Compassionate...
May 17, 2013
Poll: What Do You Think of the New Washington State Marijuana Logo?

Poll: What Do You Think of the New Washington State Marijuana Logo?

Yesterday was the public’s first look at the new Washington State marijuana logo, as well the state’s first draft of marijuana laws. Let other Weedists know in this...
May 15, 2013
56% Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona

56% Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona

Recent nationwide polls have shown that a majority of all Americans support marijuana legalization. Survey data released this week by Behavior Research Center shows even stronger support at the...
May 14, 2013
Kentucky – Public Support for Medical Marijuana Almost 80%

Kentucky – Public Support for Medical Marijuana Almost 80%

While public support for marijuana legalization in Kentucky is only about 25%, almost 80% of residents think medical marijuana should be legal and accessible for those that need it....
May 9, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.08)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.08)

Marijuana rescheduling is headed for the US Supreme Court, the California Supreme Court upheld local dispensary bans, the feds strike again in Berkeley and Washington state, and...
May 2, 2013
Fox News Poll: Nationwide Support for Medical Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

Fox News Poll: Nationwide Support for Medical Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

Nearly nine out of ten Americans — including 80 percent of self-identified Republicans — now say that marijuana should be legal if its use is permitted by...
May 2, 2013
A Millennial Manifesto for Marijuana Law Reform

A Millennial Manifesto for Marijuana Law Reform

As our nation edges cautiously toward majority support for marijuana legalization, the millennial generation is leading the way more than any other demographic in history. Our generation...
May 1, 2013
Marijuana Movement Following the Gay Rights Movement

Marijuana Movement Following the Gay Rights Movement

Marijuana Policy Project’s Rob Kampia published an article on Huffington Post about the parallels between the marijuana movement and the gay rights movement. In 1996, only 26%...
April 23, 2013
The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

    This year, Mixmag partnered up with the Guardian and Gay Times to conduct their annual “Global Drug Survey” — the world’s largest independent survey on which drugs...