Tag: poll

(216 posts)
February 19, 2014
Poll: New York Voters Back Medical Marijuana 10 to 1

Poll: New York Voters Back Medical Marijuana 10 to 1

New Yorkers Overwhelming Support Fixing New York’s Broken Marijuana Policies. State Senate Out of Step with New York Voters; Reform Urgently Needed. In a poll released this morning,...
February 14, 2014
Alaska: Measure Seeking to Legalize Marijuana Qualifies for 2014 Ballot

Alaska: Measure Seeking to Legalize Marijuana Qualifies for 2014 Ballot

State election officials have confirmed that a proposed initiative to regulate the production and retail sale of cannabis to adults has obtained the necessary number of signatures from registered...
February 12, 2014
Coloradans Split On Whether Pot Hurts State’s Image: Poll

Coloradans Split On Whether Pot Hurts State’s Image: Poll

According to a recent Quinnipiac University Poll, 51% of overall  Colorado voters said that recent legal marijuana measures are bad for the state’s wholesome image (with a margin of error of...
February 4, 2014
Hawaii: 66 Percent of Voters Back Legalizing Cannabis

Hawaii: 66 Percent of Voters Back Legalizing Cannabis

Hawaii voters overwhelmingly support legalizing and regulating the adult use of cannabis, according to just-released statewide survey data by QMark Research and commissioned by the Hawaii Drug...
January 29, 2014
Rhode Island Poll Finds Strong Support for Marijuana

Rhode Island Poll Finds Strong Support for Marijuana

Earlier today, MPP released a new poll finding that a clear majority of Rhode Islanders support “changing Rhode Island law to regulate and tax marijuana similarly to...
January 24, 2014
For First Time, CBS News Poll Has Majority for Marijuana Legalization

For First Time, CBS News Poll Has Majority for Marijuana Legalization

For the first time since the CBS News Poll first asked the question back in 1979, a slim majority of Americans support marijuana legalization. In the latest CBS...
January 23, 2014
62% of Georgia Voters Support Marijuana Decriminalization

62% of Georgia Voters Support Marijuana Decriminalization

A newly released poll found that over half of Georgia voters support a marijuana legalization policy similar to that of Colorado and Washington (54%), however that same...
January 21, 2014
Minnesotans Fight for Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Minnesotans Fight for Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Although a recent poll showed 76 percent of Minnesotans are in favor of legalizing medical marijuana, cannabis activists are planning to take their fight to the Minnesota State...
January 17, 2014
Poll: Strong Majority Of DC Residents Want Marijuana Legal

Poll: Strong Majority Of DC Residents Want Marijuana Legal

Residents of the District of Columbia favor legalizing marijuana for adults, according to the findings of a Washington Post poll, released Wednesday. Sixty-three percent of respondents said...
January 9, 2014
West Virginia Legislators Drop Medical Marijuana Study

West Virginia Legislators Drop Medical Marijuana Study

A new poll was released Monday showing increased support for allowing medical marijuana in West Virginia. The poll, which was commissioned by MPP and conducted by Public...
January 7, 2014
While Majority Support Legalization, Many Remain Uninformed

While Majority Support Legalization, Many Remain Uninformed

The majority of Americans support legalization, but almost half of people still believe that marijuana is harmful and/or a gateway drug.
January 7, 2014
CNN Poll: 55% Support Marijuana Legalization

CNN Poll: 55% Support Marijuana Legalization

A CNN/ORC International survey released Monday has a solid majority of Americans supporting the legalization of marijuana. Some 55% agreed that marijuana should be legal, with 44% disagreeing. CNN...
December 31, 2013
Video: 2013 Year in Review – Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)

Video: 2013 Year in Review – Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)

2013 Year in Review (MPP) This 2013 Year in Review video from the Marijuana Policy Project highlights many major marijuana accomplishments achieved over the past 12 months. From the...
December 27, 2013
2013: The Year in Review – NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy

2013: The Year in Review – NORML’s Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy

NORML and NORML Foundation are supported by cannabis consumers and other caring citizens. Please see our annual report and help us to keep going strong into 2014 by making...
December 23, 2013
AP Poll Finds Falling Resistance to Marijuana Legalization

AP Poll Finds Falling Resistance to Marijuana Legalization

A new poll found that resistance to marijuana legalization is continuing to fall.
December 19, 2013
Teen Drug Use Survey Figures Spark Marijuana Debate

Teen Drug Use Survey Figures Spark Marijuana Debate

This year’s annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey on the habits of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders was released Wednesday, and most of the results were uncontroversial. But with...
December 19, 2013
Higher Education Linked to Higher Support for Legalization

Higher Education Linked to Higher Support for Legalization

A new poll finds that higher education is linked to higher support for cannabis legalization.
December 12, 2013
California Field Poll: 55% Say Legalize Marijuana

California Field Poll: 55% Say Legalize Marijuana

For the first time ever, California’s Field Poll is reporting majority support for marijuana legalization in the Golden State. The poll had support for generic marijuana legalization at 55%...
November 25, 2013
Support for Medical Marijuana In Florida Reaches Record High

Support for Medical Marijuana In Florida Reaches Record High

A new poll by Quinnipiac University reveals that 82% of Florida voters support medical marijuana. Florida advocates are currently pushing for legislation that would allow seriously ill...
November 20, 2013
California MMJ Patients Please Take ASA’s Survey

California MMJ Patients Please Take ASA’s Survey

Americans for Safe Access is asking California MMJ patients to take a short survey.