Tag: poll

(216 posts)
April 21, 2014
Marijuana Has Come a Long Way Since Last 4/20

Marijuana Has Come a Long Way Since Last 4/20

What a difference a year makes. From 4/20, 2013, to 4/20, 2014, marijuana has taken big steps out of the shadows of the black market and into...
April 17, 2014
81% of Iowa Voters Support Medical Marijuana

81% of Iowa Voters Support Medical Marijuana

The Des Moines Register reports on a recent Quinnipiac Poll, 81 percent of Iowa voters said they would support medical marijuana should a patient need it per a doctor’s...
April 14, 2014
Oklahomans for Health Files Ballot Initiative for Medical Marijuana

Oklahomans for Health Files Ballot Initiative for Medical Marijuana

Today, Oklahomans for Health submitted an application for petition with Oklahoma Secretary of State, Chris Benge, which proposes to add a question to the November ballot asking whether or...
April 7, 2014
WebMD Poll: Medical Community Backs Legalizing Cannabis

WebMD Poll: Medical Community Backs Legalizing Cannabis

An estimated 70 percent of physicians acknowledge the therapeutic qualities of cannabis and over half believe that the plant should also be legal for non-medical purposes, according...
April 4, 2014
Pew Poll: Three-Quarters of US Adults Say That Marijuana Legalization Is Inevitable

Pew Poll: Three-Quarters of US Adults Say That Marijuana Legalization Is Inevitable

Seventy-five percent of Americans believe that the sale and use of cannabis will eventually be legal for adults, according to national polling data released this week by the Pew...
April 3, 2014
Most Americans Want Legal Weed Sold in Hometown

Most Americans Want Legal Weed Sold in Hometown

Marijuana is becoming increasingly more acceptable in the United States, with the majority of Americans willing to allow a legal pot commerce to operate in their hometown....
March 31, 2014
Surveys Yet to Link Medical Marijuana and Teen Drug Abuse

Surveys Yet to Link Medical Marijuana and Teen Drug Abuse

Medical marijuana has been in the US since 1996 and is now legal in twenty states & DC. Yet reported teen marijuana use has remained essentially flat....
March 28, 2014
PPIC Poll: Slim Majority of California Voters Say Legalize Weed

PPIC Poll: Slim Majority of California Voters Say Legalize Weed

Public Policy Institute of California released survey results yesterday; 53% of California voters favor marijuana legalization and 44% oppose. 60% of independents and 57% of Democrats favor legalization,...
March 26, 2014
Poll: Marijuana Ballot Measures Likely to Increase Overall Voter Turnout

Poll: Marijuana Ballot Measures Likely to Increase Overall Voter Turnout

Marijuana-related initiatives are likely to increase voter turnout, according to polling data released by George Washington University. Nearly four out of ten participants in the nationwide survey said that...
March 24, 2014
Project SAM Hyperbole: Seattle Students Love Marijuana

Project SAM Hyperbole: Seattle Students Love Marijuana

In normal shit-peddler fashion, the visionaries over at Project SAM recently tweeted the following: Spike in MJ use seen in Seattle public schools: http://t.co/BiUKGFVIDX — Project SAM...
March 19, 2014
Why National Marijuana Legalization Will Happen, in One Chart

Why National Marijuana Legalization Will Happen, in One Chart

In a Pew Research Center poll, Millennials overwhelmingly support marijuana legalization at a stunning 69% rate, more than double their support since 2005. Older generations changed their...
March 17, 2014
Millennials Want Legal Weed

Millennials Want Legal Weed

Pew Research Center recently put out a report on a survey that collected data on Millennials (those currently in the 18-33 age group) in adulthood. The survey...
March 13, 2014
WSJ Poll Results: Weed Is Less Harmful Than Tobacco, Alcohol and Sugar

WSJ Poll Results: Weed Is Less Harmful Than Tobacco, Alcohol and Sugar

A new NBC News / WSJ poll asked Americans which one of the these four substances is most harmful for your health. The answers, in order of...
March 11, 2014
Marijuana Use on the Rise Among Aging Baby Boomers

Marijuana Use on the Rise Among Aging Baby Boomers

The most recent data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration show that marijuana use has increased among individuals over the age of 50 in the past...
March 6, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.03.05)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.03.05)

CBD medical marijuana bills are moving in states that have traditionally been unreceptive to medical marijuana, New Mexico moves to increase supply, Maryland promulgates draft rules, and...
March 5, 2014
New Hampshire House Committee Approves Bill To Remove Criminal Penalties For Marijuana Possession

New Hampshire House Committee Approves Bill To Remove Criminal Penalties For Marijuana Possession

Measure with bipartisan support would replace criminal penalties and potential jail time with a civil fine of up to $100 for possession of up to one ounce...
March 5, 2014
Poll: Majority in Pennsylvania Favor Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Poll: Majority in Pennsylvania Favor Legalizing Medical Marijuana

A poll released Monday from Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University showed that 85 percent of Pennsylvania voters believe adults should be allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes if their doctor prescribes...
March 4, 2014
CA Gov. Jerry Brown: ‘How Many People Can Get Stoned and Still Have a Great State?’

CA Gov. Jerry Brown: ‘How Many People Can Get Stoned and Still Have a Great State?’

On Meet the Press,  CA Governor Jerry Brown expressed his concern “…how many people can get stoned and still have a great state or a great nation?...
February 27, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.26)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.02.26)

The Epilepsy Foundation comes out in support of medical marijuana, the feds delay a PTSD study, CBD bills are popping up, and a battle over local dispensary...
February 25, 2014
Ohio: Majority Want Legalization, Nearly 90% Support MMJ

Ohio: Majority Want Legalization, Nearly 90% Support MMJ

Polling data released today by Quinnipiac University revealed that a majority of Ohio voters support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, and nearly 9 out of 10 support...