Tag: poll

(216 posts)
May 26, 2015
Survey Data Shows That WA and CO Did Right With Cannabis Legalization

Survey Data Shows That WA and CO Did Right With Cannabis Legalization

In Washington, the number of people who either like or don’t mind the legalization of weed has reached 77 percent of the population. That’s over 3/4 of...
April 21, 2015
Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

A majority of Americans support the legalization of recreational marijuana, according to a new poll from CBS News — and it’s the highest percentage in support since...
April 7, 2015
Poll: Majority of Swing-State Voters Support Legal Weed

Poll: Majority of Swing-State Voters Support Legal Weed

A majority of voters in three key swing states support legalizing marijuana, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. But it’s not like they’d want to smoke it...
March 2, 2015
6 in 10 Young Republicans Favor Legal Marijuana, Survey Says

6 in 10 Young Republicans Favor Legal Marijuana, Survey Says

While the Pew Research Center survey published on Friday shows a 14-percentage point gap between Republicans and Democrats under the age of 34, six-in-10 GOP-leaning Millennials still...
October 17, 2014
Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

A new poll conducted for Oregon Public Broadcasting/Fox 12 indicates that legalization of marijuana for recreational use is headed for approval in Oregon — but only if...
October 7, 2014
Sorry but Texas Is Not Legalizing Cannabis

Sorry but Texas Is Not Legalizing Cannabis

According to a poll conducted by The University of Texas and the Texas Tribune, 77 percent of voters in Texas believe in some form of cannabis legalization....
October 2, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.10.01)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.10.01)

A new study punctures some myths about medical marijuana in California, Connecticut’s dispensaries finally open for business, the Illinois program is moving along, and more. Let’s get...
September 25, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.24)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.24)

California’s medical marijuana battles continue, the Florida initiative is polling strong (according to its own poll), the Pennsylvania Senate is about to vote on a medical marijuana...
September 22, 2014
Poll Shows a Record 65 Percent of Washington, D.C. Voters Support Ballot Initiative 71

Poll Shows a Record 65 Percent of Washington, D.C. Voters Support Ballot Initiative 71

The Huffington Post reported that voters seem ready to make marijuana legal in the nation’s capital, according to a new poll that puts support for Initiative 71 at 65 percent. On...
September 22, 2014
Poll: Younger Voters Say Marijuana Is Less Destructive Than Alcohol

Poll: Younger Voters Say Marijuana Is Less Destructive Than Alcohol

Younger voters overwhelmingly agree that marijuana is less damaging than alcohol, according to the findings of a Rare.us/Gravis Marketing poll released yesterday. Among those voters age 18 to 40, 47...
September 18, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Our first-ever medical marijuana update with no news from California. But there are things going in places that are not the usual suspects–a sign of changing times,...
September 12, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.10)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.10)

The Florida initiative is in a close fight, hearings are coming in Hawaii, draft regulations are coming in Maryland, Illinois begins taking medical marijuana business applications, and...
September 11, 2014
Coloradans Still Support Legal Marijuana Sales, Poll Finds

Coloradans Still Support Legal Marijuana Sales, Poll Finds

Since Colorado voters approved Amendment 64 in 2012, and after the historic first sales of recreational marijuana began in January 2014, a majority of state residents still...
September 11, 2014
Alaska, Oregon, and DC: A Marijuana Legalization Trifecta in 2014?

Alaska, Oregon, and DC: A Marijuana Legalization Trifecta in 2014?

Labor Day has come and gone, and the 2014 election is now less than two months away. Marijuana legalization initiatives are on the ballot in two states...
September 5, 2014
Survey: 58 Percent of Americans Say Treat Cannabis Like Alcohol

Survey: 58 Percent of Americans Say Treat Cannabis Like Alcohol

Nearly 60 percent of Americans support regulating cannabis in a manner similar to alcohol, according to an analysis of over 450,000 online responses collected by the online polling data...
September 4, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.03)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.03)

Interest in medical marijuana is spreading in the South, New Hampshire inches toward dispensaries, and in California, one farmers’ market gets shut down in LA even as...
September 3, 2014
Poll: Sixty-Four Percent of Florida Voters Back Constitutional Amendment to Legalize Medical Marijuana

Poll: Sixty-Four Percent of Florida Voters Back Constitutional Amendment to Legalize Medical Marijuana

More than 60 percent of Florida voters say that they support Amendment 2, a proposed constitutional amendment to permit cannabis therapy to qualified patients, according to a recently...
August 28, 2014
NFL Player Poll: Pot Not as Dangerous

NFL Player Poll: Pot Not as Dangerous

As part of a survey of 100-plus players conducted by ESPN.com’s NFL Nation, 75 percent of the 82 players who answered said they agree with Obama’s statement...
August 25, 2014
Poll: New Yorkers Don’t Support Weed Legalization, Medical or Recreational

Poll: New Yorkers Don’t Support Weed Legalization, Medical or Recreational

Only 35% of New York voters want to legalize marijuana for personal use (43% men, 27% women), and 62% said they wouldn’t use it even it were...
August 20, 2014
Alaska Marijuana Initiative Trails in Poll

Alaska Marijuana Initiative Trails in Poll

The people trying to legalize marijuana in Alaska are in for a tough battle, if the most recent Public Policy Polling survey is any indicator. That poll, taken at...