Tag: pipes

(106 posts)
January 17, 2014
Piece of the Week | Saxophone Pipe

Piece of the Week | Saxophone Pipe

I was perusing Etsy and came across this cool Saxophone pipe, from an Etsy shop that claims to focus on “affordable Colorado-blown glass”. This saxophone pipe can...
January 3, 2014
Piece of the Week | David Umbs Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler

Piece of the Week | David Umbs Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler

This week we salute David Umbs and his creation, the Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler (h/t Pinterest: McKenna Burgess) David Umbs Rainbow Flame Hammer Bubbler A rainbow flame...
November 7, 2013
Pipes Exhibit, Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe: Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization

Pipes Exhibit, Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe: Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization

Mary Jane continues to kick ass and take names, as 58% of this great land of ours now sees things our way. However, we all know the court...
November 1, 2013
Piece of the Week | Redwood Tree Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Redwood Tree Glass Pipe

If you haven’t experienced a redwood tree first hand, you don’t know what you are missing. Living in northern California, I can tell you that these giant...
October 18, 2013
Piece of the Week | Chinese Dragon Smoking Pipes

Piece of the Week | Chinese Dragon Smoking Pipes

Recently I stumbled upon these beautiful Chinese dragon smoking pipes on Etsy. Each one is unique, intricate and would make an excellent addition to a collection of...
October 11, 2013
Piece of the Week | D.M. Pipes

Piece of the Week | D.M. Pipes

D.M. Pipes handcrafts one pipe to rule them all. There’s a lot of expensive glass and ceramic wonders out there: Blown tentacular intricacies with prehensile tubes or...
September 20, 2013
Piece of the Week | Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass

Piece of the Week | Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass

This week we find a not-so-simple spoon: a monster claw pipe with a slyme glass accent. Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass This cool pipe is brought to us...
September 12, 2013
Cannabis Crowd Funding | Rolet – Smoke Socially

Cannabis Crowd Funding | Rolet – Smoke Socially

With Eric Holder’s recent statement about allowing Colorado & Washington cannabis legalization to go unchallenged by the Feds has taken the Green Rush up another notch. Here’s...
August 23, 2013
Piece of the Week | Elephant Pipe

Piece of the Week | Elephant Pipe

This week we go back to nature themed glasswork and consider this cute little piece, an elephant pipe. We have covered elephants in the past, specifically this...
August 14, 2013
Product Review for the Stoner Spy: The Buckle Puffer

Product Review for the Stoner Spy: The Buckle Puffer

“The name is Bong, James Bong.” If there ever was a weed superspy or crime fighter in our midst, I’m almost certain they would have a Buckle...
July 19, 2013
Piece of the Week | Dinosaur Pipes

Piece of the Week | Dinosaur Pipes

This is another category of pipe that I first found on our Pinterest page Bongs & Great Glass, Dinosaur pipes. Dinosaur Pipes Some of these pipes are...
July 16, 2013
CannaBusiness: Pulse Glass, Setting a Higher Standard

CannaBusiness: Pulse Glass, Setting a Higher Standard

Pulse Glass impressed me greatly at the Kush Expo. Their booth caught my eye early on, with beautifully crafted glass work displayed against a black tablecloth with...
By: Mercedys
July 5, 2013
Piece of the Week | Butterfly Pipes, Bongs and Paraphernalia

Piece of the Week | Butterfly Pipes, Bongs and Paraphernalia

This week I was inspired by my 2 year old running around in the backyard chasing butterflies. So what kind of butterfly pipes, bongs and other accessories...
June 28, 2013
Piece of the Week | Hand Grenade Pipes, Chillums, Bongs and Accessories

Piece of the Week | Hand Grenade Pipes, Chillums, Bongs and Accessories

This week’s post came from a “wow, that’s pretty cool” moment while surfing Pinterest, I stumbled upon a hand grenade pipe. So, with that inspiration we bring you...
June 21, 2013
Piece of the Week | Owl Pipes

Piece of the Week | Owl Pipes

This week we take a step back toward nature inspired pipes, more specifically owls and owl pipes. Owl Pipes Maybe it’s just me, but there’s something that...
June 19, 2013
Paper Towel: Valuable Part of Any Weedist’s Utility Belt

Paper Towel: Valuable Part of Any Weedist’s Utility Belt

The simple, yet mighty, paper towel is a staple in my weedist tool kit. Aside from all the regular handy uses to have a paper towel around,...
June 14, 2013
Piece of the Week | Superman Pipes and Bongs

Piece of the Week | Superman Pipes and Bongs

Superman, or as we like to refer to him now as “Man of Steel”, is a comic book cultural icon. In the story, Clark Kent is an...
June 7, 2013
Piece of the Week | Star Wars Pipes

Piece of the Week | Star Wars Pipes

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… or today in the Milky Way, we bring you some Star Wars pipes. This single artist has...
May 31, 2013
CannaBusiness: Brothers with Glass

CannaBusiness: Brothers with Glass

Brothers with Glass has  an online head shop that was founded in 2010 by two brothers; Jake and Jess in Beaverton, Oregon. From the “About Us” section of...
By: Anna Diaz
May 24, 2013
Piece of the Week | Star Trek Pipes

Piece of the Week | Star Trek Pipes

In honor of the new Star Trek movie “Into Darkness” we’ve scoured the web looking for Star Trek pipes and paraphernalia. Surprisingly there isn’t a lot of great stuff...