This is another category of pipe that I first found on our Pinterest page Bongs & Great Glass, Dinosaur pipes. Dinosaur Pipes Some of these pipes are...
This week I was inspired by my 2 year old running around in the backyard chasing butterflies. So what kind of butterfly pipes, bongs and other accessories...
This week’s post came from a “wow, that’s pretty cool” moment while surfing Pinterest, I stumbled upon a hand grenade pipe. So, with that inspiration we bring you...
This week we take a step back toward nature inspired pipes, more specifically owls and owl pipes. Owl Pipes Maybe it’s just me, but there’s something that...
This week’s Piece of the Week is a ton of fun and comes with unprecedented access to the artist and operation. Meet the Prism Glass Works Errlephant....
In honor of the new Star Trek movie “Into Darkness” we’ve scoured the web looking for Star Trek pipes and paraphernalia. Surprisingly there isn’t a lot of great stuff...
This week we found a very cool dragon pipe honoring the George R. R. Martin series, Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones has earned much noteriaty since...
Glass Fruit Pipes Last weekend I was smoking a joint in my backyard while watching spring turn into summer as my vegetable garden grows. I stopped to...
Look out here comes the Spider-Man! If you haven’t been completely immune to pop culture, you know that Spider-Man is a superhero from Marvel comics. This week...
While most people are gearing up to drink themselves into oblivion this weekend and a “bong” has the connotation of a “beer bong”, we give a nod to the true die-hard...