Tag: Piece of the Week

(155 posts)
December 13, 2013
Piece of the Week | Snic Barnes Free Radical Bong

Piece of the Week | Snic Barnes Free Radical Bong

I recently found this piece on Pinterest (courtesy of the McKenzie Cannabis Club in Eugene, Oregon), the Snic Barnes Free Radical bong. I’m no expert on Snic Barnes...
December 6, 2013
Piece of the Week | Spine With Organs Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Spine With Organs Glass Pipe

I will be the first to admit that this spine with organs glass pipe is very strange, some may call it obscene (to any offended, I redirect...
November 22, 2013
Piece of the Week | Middle Finger Pipe (aka. The North American Bird)

Piece of the Week | Middle Finger Pipe (aka. The North American Bird)

This week we’re going with something that I just happened to stumble upon on Pinterest: a Middle Finger Pipe. Or what some people may fondly call: The...
November 15, 2013
Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

Piece of the Week | DIY Bell Pepper Bubbler

The tuxedo of edible pieces. Fruit and vegetables have been at it for years. Fruit versus vegetable juices, orchards versus gardens, chips versus fruit snacks, it’s Army...
November 8, 2013
Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison Glass/Hitman Glass Animal Mayhem Torch Tube

Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison Glass/Hitman Glass Animal Mayhem Torch Tube

This week’s Piece of the Week is the sickest friggin’ piece I have ever seen! Feast your eyes and show your respect to the Rob Morrison vs....
November 1, 2013
Piece of the Week | Redwood Tree Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Redwood Tree Glass Pipe

If you haven’t experienced a redwood tree first hand, you don’t know what you are missing. Living in northern California, I can tell you that these giant...
October 25, 2013
Piece of the Week | Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar

Piece of the Week | Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar

  Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar This week’s Piece of the Week rips so fat it kicks my ass’ ass. It is with great esteem and pleasure I...
October 18, 2013
Piece of the Week | Chinese Dragon Smoking Pipes

Piece of the Week | Chinese Dragon Smoking Pipes

Recently I stumbled upon these beautiful Chinese dragon smoking pipes on Etsy. Each one is unique, intricate and would make an excellent addition to a collection of...
October 11, 2013
Piece of the Week | D.M. Pipes

Piece of the Week | D.M. Pipes

D.M. Pipes handcrafts one pipe to rule them all. There’s a lot of expensive glass and ceramic wonders out there: Blown tentacular intricacies with prehensile tubes or...
October 4, 2013
Piece of the Week | Stax Interchangeable Bong System

Piece of the Week | Stax Interchangeable Bong System

Did you enjoy Lego as a kid? Do you still? Well then I’ve got the bong system for you… Stax from Grav Labs in Austin, Texas. Stax...
September 27, 2013
Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison X Hops Glass Cookie Monster Jagitoe

Piece of the Week | Rob Morrison X Hops Glass Cookie Monster Jagitoe

This one is special… It really does not get any better than this week’s Piece of the Week. It is my esteemed privilege to share with you...
September 20, 2013
Piece of the Week | Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass

Piece of the Week | Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass

This week we find a not-so-simple spoon: a monster claw pipe with a slyme glass accent. Monster Claw Pipe with Slyme Glass This cool pipe is brought to us...
September 13, 2013
Piece of the Week | Sasquatch Glass Beehive

Piece of the Week | Sasquatch Glass Beehive

Sasquatch Glass Beehive This week’s Piece of the Week creator is not just a hometown artist— he is also the recipient of the Best Glass award from...
September 6, 2013
Piece of the Week | Henna Inspired Glass Pipe

Piece of the Week | Henna Inspired Glass Pipe

This week we take a look at culturally inspired glass artwork, specifically this particular artist’s Henna Inspired Glass Pipe. Henna Inspired Glass Pipe This week’s piece comes...
August 30, 2013
Piece of the Week | Gummy Bear Pipe

Piece of the Week | Gummy Bear Pipe

I think most kids have a soft spot in their heart for gummy bears and if you share that memory, this gummy bear pipe should be in...
August 23, 2013
Piece of the Week | Elephant Pipe

Piece of the Week | Elephant Pipe

This week we go back to nature themed glasswork and consider this cute little piece, an elephant pipe. We have covered elephants in the past, specifically this...
August 16, 2013
Hempfest Edition: Piece of the Week | Dank Dabber

Hempfest Edition: Piece of the Week | Dank Dabber

Hempfest is finally here! You already know Diablo had to throw down for the #seattlestoners. This week’s Piece of the Week hails from the Emerald City and in...
August 9, 2013
Piece of the Week | Helmet Bongs

Piece of the Week | Helmet Bongs

Helmet Bongs Besides the fact that these are some really cool pieces of intricate glasswork, what’s the fascination with helmet bongs? Well I guess it’s the baseline...
August 2, 2013
Piece of the Week | Ray Gun Bubbler

Piece of the Week | Ray Gun Bubbler

Part High Scientist, part Piece of the Week, this week I touch my SciFi inner geek and pull out the Ray Gun Bubbler. Ray Gun Bubbler We...
July 26, 2013
Piece of the Week | E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant

Piece of the Week | E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant

 E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant This week’s Piece of the Week speaks to not one, but two super-hot trends in errl pipes right now- pendant rigs and...