This Friday, Philly NORML and The Panic Hour return to Independence Mall in Philadelphia for the seventh installment in their monthly protests against marijuana prohibition. From the organizers: “After six successful...
Thuggery in Philly, protecting drug shipments in Houston and Detroit, sticky fingers in Los Angeles, and that’s not all. Let’s get to it: In Philadelphia, five undercover narcotics...
Simply put, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is narcissism at its best. Since August 2005, the It’s Always Sunny‘s gang has been wreaking havoc in Philadelphia with...
It’s judges gone wild! Plus sticky-fingered narcs, lying narcs, crooked deputies, and more! Let’s get to it: In Philadelphia, a Philadelphia police officer was arrested May 23 for stealing...
On May 18th, The Panic Hour and PhillyNORML held “Smoke Down Prohibition V” in a free speech zone near the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA. As the name suggests, this was...
The 5th monthly Smoke Down Prohibition rally in Philadelphia ended with police breaking through the crowd to arrest several individuals for smoking marijuana, including the primary organizer of...
Michael Marcavage founded and runs the Philadelphia evangelical group, Repent America. Repent America calls it their mission to save us all from the lake of fire and red...
A high school basketball star caught selling marijuana off campus cannot sue the police for arresting him at school, though a federal judge was “deeply troubled” by...
Suspected dirty cops are under investigation in Texas and Alabama, a light-fingered (and well-connected) Philly cop gets suspended, a Texas cop gets in trouble for trying to...
NORML is pleased to announce the first ever Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Philadelphia, PA on March 16th, 2013! The conference will feature a day of enlightening panel discussions and...
A Seattle Kmart was surprised to receive a package containing 10 pounds of marijuana. The package was originally sent from Los Angeles to Philadelphia. For some reason,...
07:38pm Philadelphia keeps on paying for its out-of-control drug squad, and a pair of probation officers have pill-pilfering problems. Let’s get to it: In Philadelphia, the city...
07:02pm It never stops, does it? Here’s another seven bad apples. Let’s get to it: In Los Angeles, an LA County sheriff’s deputy was charged last Tuesday with...
Racism and marijuana go back to the early days of prohibition. New York City is notorious for the racial skewing of its marijuana arrests. Over the last...