Patrick Kennedy was the guest on February 10th’s Colbert Report. I still can’t tell if Kennedy is a good-intentioned (albeit misguided) person who is doing something he...
Prohibitionists are crapping themselves in disgust, in response to a recent interview President Obama gave wherein he stated that cannabis was safer than alcohol and that prohibition...
Last night, Patrick Kennedy joined CNN’s Piers Morgan to discuss marijuana legalization on his recurring “Gone to Pot” segment. Before getting into Patrick’s “truths”, hats off to...
There are four new videos worth checking out, two provide comic relief…two provide contrasting views about cannabis prohibition. The same day last week, I caught a CNN...
Sign of the Times is a recurring segment in which we head to Times Square and ask the people there what they think about current events. Since Colorado...
MPP is taking issue with former Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s plan to force marijuana consumers into treatment and marijuana “education” classes, which his new organization, Smart Approaches to...