Tag: parenting

(89 posts)
November 5, 2012
What About the Children?

What About the Children?

Unsurprisingly, the war on marijuana has been waged in the name of ‘the children.’  What message will we send the children if we change our policy on marijuana?  Why...
By: Anna Diaz
October 30, 2012
Video: Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War On Drugs

Video: Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War On Drugs

LEAP co-founder and retired police captain, Peter Christ, appears on WGRZ-TV in Buffalo, NY and takes on all aspects of our country’s disastrous War on Drugs. Christ is...
October 11, 2012
At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives

At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives

12:40pm The 41st annual national NORML conference took place at a downtown Los Angeles hotel over the weekend under the theme of “The Final Days of...
September 11, 2012
Children’s Alliance Endorses I-502 Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Children’s Alliance Endorses I-502 Marijuana Legalization Initiative

 The Children’s Alliance, a Seattle nonprofit whose members include major social services agencies, endorsed Washington State’s I-502 due to the racially disproportionate impacts of current marijuana laws,...
September 11, 2012
Mainstreaming Medical Marijuana With Pot for Parents

Mainstreaming Medical Marijuana With Pot for Parents

A recent NY Times opinion piece waxed rhapsodically on the benefits of medical marijuana for transforming a  stressed-out father into a calmer, more medicated daddy of toddlers. The breezy delivery,...
August 14, 2012
New Anti-Drug Ad is Scary and Ironic

New Anti-Drug Ad is Scary and Ironic

11:11pm The Partnership at DrugFree.org has been putting out outrageous anti-drug propaganda for many years, but this latest spot takes us in a really strange direction…...
July 30, 2012
Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Sarah Eyre at xoJane writes on the unwarranted social stigma that mothers can’t responsibly use marijuana to relax in the evening but it’s acceptable to drink wine...
July 16, 2012
Pot-smoking Moms Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers

Pot-smoking Moms Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers

MSNBC writes a great piece on the hypocrisy of the stigma put on mothers that responsibly use cannabis whereas consuming alcohol is just fine. Only 46% of women...
June 19, 2012
Prohibition Losing Its Grip Brings More Subtle Reefer Madness

Prohibition Losing Its Grip Brings More Subtle Reefer Madness

Times are getting tense for our prohibition overlords with more and more states adopting medical and decriminalization measures as well as a few striving for legalization.  If...