Dabs have become a culture unto themselves, with many long time herb smokers now 110% worshiping at the altar of wax, shatter, and other full melt concentrates....
Posted by @dankdabber This splendid simultaneous piece of errl and glass Instafire was posted by none other than our friend Bones of Dank Dabber. If you’re in the...
So now that my Dank Dabber showerhead has become my hands-down daily driver, I thought it would be fun to share a little more about its handy namesake, the original...
Now You’re Playing with Flower Power As we noted, dab enthusiasts are highly fond of dab pins–a collector’s style pin with pop culture references cleverly parodied to...
A 15-year-old rastafarian has successfully argued for his religious right to carry a pipe in Minnesota. The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the enforcement of paraphernalia laws...
A joke: When asked how much his glass collection cost, Carl Sagan responded: “Thousands and thousands and thousands.” A solid glass collection requires some serious funding. While...
I love dabs. As a Colorado medical marijuana patient, I’m lucky to have access to some of the newest and most interesting ways to medicate. While good...
This is a quick and dirty 101 on choosing rolling paper. Full disclosure: I enjoy smoking joints (who doesn’t love that great taste), but I don’t smoke...
It’s been about a month since completely harvesting my own crop of bud grown in my studio apartment in Denver. The entire experience was a great opportunity...
House Bill 49, known as the ‘Florida Bong Law’ has literally gone up in smoke. News agencies continue to tirelessly spin the story as they deem appropriate, and...
This is another category of pipe that I first found on our Pinterest page Bongs & Great Glass, Dinosaur pipes. Dinosaur Pipes Some of these pipes are...
Pulse Glass impressed me greatly at the Kush Expo. Their booth caught my eye early on, with beautifully crafted glass work displayed against a black tablecloth with...
Huffington Post introduces 9 upcoming marijuana gadgets from companies hoping to earn a living from the “green rush” of legalization. Among the products, are a device that...