(150 posts)
June 5, 2013
Minorities Disproportionately Arrested in US for Marijuana

Minorities Disproportionately Arrested in US for Marijuana

The American Civil Liberties Union released a new report affirming NORML’s historic data that minorities are disproportionately arrested (and most certainly prosecuted and, worse, incarcerated) at a rate four times higher than whites for cannabis...
June 4, 2013
Medical Marijuana Lobby Day – June 17, Washington DC

Medical Marijuana Lobby Day – June 17, Washington DC

Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Silver Tour will convene a medical marijuana lobby day and training session in Washington D.C. to encourage Congress and the Obama Administration to allow...
June 3, 2013
What It’s Like To Be High While Carl Sagan

What It’s Like To Be High While Carl Sagan

In this age of increasing marijuana acceptance, Huffington Post has revived the message of Carl Sagan. Carl Sagan was an avid marijuana advocate and, in my personal...
May 31, 2013
NORML’s Keith Stroup, Erik Altieri on The Bob Edwards Show

NORML’s Keith Stroup, Erik Altieri on The Bob Edwards Show

Last week, NORML Founder/Legal Counsel Keith Stroup and NORML Communications Director Erik Altieri, sat down with Bob Edwards (former host of NPR’s Morning Edition) on his SiriusXM talk...
May 27, 2013
Study: Hemp Seed Oil Benefits Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Study: Hemp Seed Oil Benefits Multiple Sclerosis Patients

The consumption of legal hemp seed nutritional oil, in conjunction with the intake of evening primrose oils and a restricted diet high in Hot-natured foods (such as...
May 27, 2013
Grab Prohibition by the Horns: TX NORML Conference, June 7-9

Grab Prohibition by the Horns: TX NORML Conference, June 7-9

It’s high time Texas grabbed prohibition by the horns! DFW NORML proudly presents the Texas Regional NORML Conference at the Norris Conference Center (304 Houston St. Fort Worth,...
May 23, 2013
Is Your Mayor in the Marijuana Majority?

Is Your Mayor in the Marijuana Majority?

Join NORML and our friends at the Marijuana Majority in our efforts to build support for marijuana law reform at the local level by contacting your mayor and urging their support for rational...
May 22, 2013
Study “Substantiates” Benefits of Cannabinoids for PTSD

Study “Substantiates” Benefits of Cannabinoids for PTSD

Brain imaging research published this month in the journal Molecular Psychiatry provides physiological evidence as to why cannabis may mitigate certain symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Post-traumatic stress syndrome is an anxiety...
May 22, 2013
Maine: Let the People Decide on Marijuana Legalization!

Maine: Let the People Decide on Marijuana Legalization!

Residents of Maine may get the opportunity to vote on ending their state’s marijuana prohibition this fall, if lawmakers approve of an amended version of LD 1229:...
May 21, 2013
New York: The Hempire State?

New York: The Hempire State?

013 Marijuana law reform is gaining some serious momentum in New York, as we approach the end of this year’s legislative session. Recent polling data released by Siena Research...
May 20, 2013
Poll: Almost No One Thinks Marijuana Users Should Be Jailed

Poll: Almost No One Thinks Marijuana Users Should Be Jailed

Reason-Rupe has just released new polling data that revealed only a minuscule percentage of Americans believe that marijuana use and possession should result in jail time. When asked which...
May 17, 2013
Study: Student Drug Testing Programs Linked to Spikes in Hard Drug Use

Study: Student Drug Testing Programs Linked to Spikes in Hard Drug Use

Schools that institute student drug testing programs are likely to experience a rise in students’ consumption of ‘hard’ drugs, according to observational trial data published this week in the Journal...
May 16, 2013
Study: Cannabis Use Reduced Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes

Study: Cannabis Use Reduced Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes

Subjects who regularly consume cannabis possess favorable indices related to diabetic control as compared to occasional consumers or non-users, according to trial data published today online in the American Journal of...
May 15, 2013
56% Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona

56% Support for Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona

Recent nationwide polls have shown that a majority of all Americans support marijuana legalization. Survey data released this week by Behavior Research Center shows even stronger support at the...
May 14, 2013
Study: Inhaled Cannabis Reduces Crohn’s Symptoms

Study: Inhaled Cannabis Reduces Crohn’s Symptoms

Inhaling cannabis reduces symptoms of Crohn’s disease compared to placebo in patients non-responsive to traditional therapies, according to clinical trial data published online ahead of print in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and...
May 13, 2013
Weedist Women: Lauren Vazquez

Weedist Women: Lauren Vazquez

Weedists: Meet Lauren Vazquez “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Lauren Vazquez is the Fired Up Lawyer,...
By: Anna Diaz
May 13, 2013
MMJ Advocates Protest US Attorney General Holder’s Speech

MMJ Advocates Protest US Attorney General Holder’s Speech

Fly-over action sends message to Holder, launches advocates’ Peace for Patients campaign As U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder delivered a commencement speech this morning for UC Berkeley...
May 10, 2013
FL Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patient Sues for Cannabis Protection

FL Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patient Sues for Cannabis Protection

Longtime Florida activist Cathy Jordan, a 63-year-old woman who consumes cannabis to mitigate symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), a debilitating condition that she has lived...
May 2, 2013
A Rising Marijuana Reform Tide at the Statehouses

A Rising Marijuana Reform Tide at the Statehouses

In the wake of the marijuana legalization victories in Colorado and Washington last November, and buoyed by a series of national public opinion polls showing support for...
May 1, 2013
Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Global Cannabis March Features Three in Oregon

Next Saturday, in over 200 cities worldwide, millions will come together to rally for an end to a failed drug war on cannabis and industrial hemp. Oregonians will...
By: Anna Diaz