Tag: New Jersey

(109 posts)
March 30, 2015
Gov. Chris Christie and His Prohibition Proclivity

Gov. Chris Christie and His Prohibition Proclivity

New Jersey Governor and potential 2016 Presidential candidate, Chris Christie, recently took some air time to throw cannabis under the proverbial bus and take shots at the...
March 16, 2015
Senator Booker’s Drug Reform Argument Touts Reason Over Morality

Senator Booker’s Drug Reform Argument Touts Reason Over Morality

Democratic New Jersey Senator, Cory Booker, recently gave an interview wherein he laid out some very logical, rational reasons to reform our national drug policy and incarceration...
February 19, 2015
Marijuana Legal in New Jersey? This New Coalition Launches Effort to Legalize It, Tax It

Marijuana Legal in New Jersey? This New Coalition Launches Effort to Legalize It, Tax It

A group of activists gathered in New Jersey’s largest city today to announce a new coalition that will advocate for the legalization, taxation, and regulation of marijuana...
February 9, 2015
Billboards Touting the Dangers of Cannabis Pop Up in New Jersey

Billboards Touting the Dangers of Cannabis Pop Up in New Jersey

A New Jersey anti-cannabis campaign aims to convince people that marijuana is a dangerous substance akin to underage drinking and prescription drug abuse.
By: Rae Lland
September 16, 2014
New Jersey’s Broken Medical Marijuana Program Continues to Hurt Patients

New Jersey’s Broken Medical Marijuana Program Continues to Hurt Patients

New Jersey remains a poor excuse for a medical marijuana state, and patients continue to suffer the consequences. Currently, there remain only three dispensaries in the state,...
September 12, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.10)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.10)

The Florida initiative is in a close fight, hearings are coming in Hawaii, draft regulations are coming in Maryland, Illinois begins taking medical marijuana business applications, and...
August 5, 2014
D.C. Empowers Physicians to Determine Medical Marijuana Patient Eligibility

D.C. Empowers Physicians to Determine Medical Marijuana Patient Eligibility

On Thursday of last week, Washington D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray took the bold step of putting physicians in charge of determining which of their patients should use...
July 9, 2014
ASA Issues Medical Cannabis State Report Card in Hopes of Improving Programs for Patients

ASA Issues Medical Cannabis State Report Card in Hopes of Improving Programs for Patients

With Monday’s signing of New York’s medical cannabis law, there are now 23 states with comprehensive medical cannabis access programs for patient’s living in those states, but...
July 3, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.02)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.02)

An Arizona researcher gets fired for apparently political reasons, new medical marijuana-related laws come into effect in several states, California dispensary conflicts continue as the Assembly grapples...
June 20, 2014
Chris Christie: Medical Marijuana Programs Are ‘A Front for Legalization’

Chris Christie: Medical Marijuana Programs Are ‘A Front for Legalization’

Following reports that New Jersey’s medical marijuana program is suffering from low enrollment, Gov. Chris Christie called the program and similar programs across the U.S. “a front...
June 16, 2014
New Jersey Medical Marijuana Program Struggling

New Jersey Medical Marijuana Program Struggling

After predictions that New Jersey’s medical marijuana program could serve tens of thousands of patients, only 2,342 have signed up. Fingers point at the lack of doctor participation, to pot quality...
May 29, 2014
This Week’s Corrupt Cop Stories (2014.05.28)

This Week’s Corrupt Cop Stories (2014.05.28)

Hoo-boy. The Dallas city council pays out for another brutal drug raid, a New Jersey narc has some issues at a local Starbucks, and a Florida narc...
April 30, 2014
Chris Christie Devours NJ Marijuana Future? More Likely His Own

Chris Christie Devours NJ Marijuana Future? More Likely His Own

Timing is everything in life. Perhaps that adage goes doubly true for celebrities and double that again for politicians. Is it unfair that we scrutinize their lives...
April 10, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.04.09)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.04.09)

Medical marijuana remains on the agenda at statehouses across the country, Oregon communities decide whether to bother with temporary dispensary moratoriums, DC looks to expand its medical...
April 10, 2014
Chris Christie Says He Opposes Bill to Legalize Marijuana in NJ

Chris Christie Says He Opposes Bill to Legalize Marijuana in NJ

Weeks after a state senator introduced a bill that would make the sale and possession of marijuana legal in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie emphasized today that...
April 3, 2014
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.04.01)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.04.01)

More jail guards gone bad, evidence has gone missing in Alaska, a Georgia cop sells pot from his patrol car, a North Carolina detective working prescription pill...
April 2, 2014
New Jersey Marijuana Prosecutors Reverse Course, Say It’s Time to Legalize

New Jersey Marijuana Prosecutors Reverse Course, Say It’s Time to Legalize

The New Jersey State Municipal Prosecutors Association now officially supports legalizing the possession of marijuana, which is quite an unlikely source of support, since they are the...
March 25, 2014
NJ Senator Wants to Legalize Marijuana, Use Tax to Pay for Roads

NJ Senator Wants to Legalize Marijuana, Use Tax to Pay for Roads

A New Jersey lawmaker announced a bill Monday that would legalize marijuana, tax it and use the revenue to pay to fix the state’s roads and bridges....
March 20, 2014
Chris Christie Worried About Profit Motive Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Chris Christie Worried About Profit Motive Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

At a town hall in South River, New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie said, “Part of the problem with this is what I originally proposed with the medical marijuana...
March 20, 2014
How Racist Is Your State’s War on Weed? Compare!

How Racist Is Your State’s War on Weed? Compare!

A new interactive website from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) highlights how many lives are derailed and billions of dollars wasted fighting a racially-biased war on...