Tag: mpp

(95 posts)
October 23, 2013
MPP Recommends Revising DE Compassion Center Regulations

MPP Recommends Revising DE Compassion Center Regulations

The Marijuana Policy Project submitted comments today recommending revisions to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services’ proposed medical marijuana compassion center regulations. MPP is particularly...
October 21, 2013
International Drug Policy Reform Conference This Week

International Drug Policy Reform Conference This Week

 week, the biannual International Drug Policy Reform Conference will take place in Denver, Colorado. This conference promises to bring together a wide range of drug policy and social...
October 8, 2013
Marijuana Legalization Advertisements Spark Controversy

Marijuana Legalization Advertisements Spark Controversy

Marijuana prohibitionists have been stirring up controversy since a line of bus advertisements supporting Question 1 in Portland, Maine were revealed on Tuesday. The advertisements serve to spark...
October 4, 2013
Marylanders Ready to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Marylanders Ready to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

A new poll jointly commissioned by MPP and the ACLU of Maryland shows that a majority of Marylanders support legalizing marijuana for adults and regulating it similarly...
October 2, 2013
MPP Plans to End Prohibition in 10 More States by 2017

MPP Plans to End Prohibition in 10 More States by 2017

The nation’s largest marijuana policy organization announced Monday it will support efforts to end marijuana prohibition in 10 more states by 2017. The Marijuana Policy Project’s announcement...
October 2, 2013
Bus Ads Run In Portland In Support Of Marijuana Initiative

Bus Ads Run In Portland In Support Of Marijuana Initiative

Supporters of Question 1, the ballot initiative to remove penalties for adult marijuana possession in Portland, are launching a series of ads on METRO buses and bus...
September 30, 2013
MPP’s Mason Tvert On “The Dish”

MPP’s Mason Tvert On “The Dish”

MPP director of communications Mason Tvert recently sat down with Andrew Sullivan at The Dish to discuss the state of marijuana policy. In this segment, he talks...
September 19, 2013
MPP’s Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users of 2013

MPP’s Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users of 2013

We’re excited to announce MPP’s second annual list of the Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users! There has been quite a bit of variation since last year,...
September 13, 2013
Campaign To Legalize Cannabis In Portland, ME Underway

Campaign To Legalize Cannabis In Portland, ME Underway

A campaign to legalize cannabis for recreational use in Portland, supported by MPP and the ACLU of Maine, officially began yesterday. The city ordinance would allow the possession...
September 5, 2013
Federal Report Shows Prohibition Failed to Accomplish Goals

Federal Report Shows Prohibition Failed to Accomplish Goals

The annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health released Wednesday by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health...
August 30, 2013
Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project was recently on “Geraldo At Large” to talk about the “New Beer” ad that was pulled from a recent NASCAR event. Also...
August 21, 2013
Federal Agency Lies About Weed

Federal Agency Lies About Weed

013 At the center of the Marijuana Policy Project’s “controversial” ad at NASCAR’s Brickyard 400 was the claim that cannabis is less toxic than alcohol. It’s true–just ask the...
By: Andy Cush
August 15, 2013
Most Americans Now Live in States That Reject Prohibition

Most Americans Now Live in States That Reject Prohibition

In a great article on Huffington Post, Marijuana Policy Project’s Rob Kampia reports that with the recent passage of Illinois’ medical marijuana law, most of our nation’s...
August 14, 2013
MPP’s Worst State Legislators of 2013

MPP’s Worst State Legislators of 2013

MPP  released a video last week listing the country’s “Worst State Legislators of 2013″ on marijuana policy issues. The seven state representatives and one state Senator were selected based on...
August 13, 2013
MPP’s Rob Kampia: Federal Pot Law Will Change in 2019

MPP’s Rob Kampia: Federal Pot Law Will Change in 2019

The Huffington Post describes MPP’s Rob Kampia’s recent predictions about marijuana policy, including which states will be next to legalize recreational marijuana: Alaska and Rhode Island, as...
August 6, 2013
MPP Gearing Up for 2016 Nevada Campaign

MPP Gearing Up for 2016 Nevada Campaign

The Marijuana Policy Project is gearing up for a 2016 campaign to tax and regulate marijuana in another Southwestern state, Nevada. Although a recent poll found that a majority of Nevada...
July 31, 2013


MPP’s video ad that began airing Friday on a jumbotron outside the NASCAR Brickyard 400 was pulled later that afternoon by the media company that owns the video screen. Grazie Media, which had...
July 30, 2013
Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Fox News Scared to Have Pro-Weed Lobbyist Defend Pro-Weed Ad

Something was conspicuously missing from that Fox News clip we posted earlier today, in which the anti-drug bishop Ron Allen rails against the “horrible” nature of a pro-cannabis ad...
By: Andy Cush
July 29, 2013
MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

Thanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant...
July 26, 2013
MPP Airs Ad at Brickyard 400 NASCAR Race

MPP Airs Ad at Brickyard 400 NASCAR Race

NASCAR fans attending this weekend’s Brickyard 400 races at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway will be greeted by an MPP video ad in support of making marijuana legal...