Tag: misinformation

(121 posts)
January 31, 2014
British Woman Does the Impossible, Dies of Weed Overdose

British Woman Does the Impossible, Dies of Weed Overdose

Gemma Moss, a 31-year-old British woman, reportedly died this week of a cannabis overdose. This is notable because it’s widely understood that death from pot is virtually...
By: Andy Cush
January 29, 2014
Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 of my What the FAQ?, in regards to Whitehouse.gov’s rather exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on marijuana: Question: Isn’t marijuana generally harmless? From the...
January 28, 2014
DEA Chief Criticizes Obama Marijuana Remarks, But Faces Backlash

DEA Chief Criticizes Obama Marijuana Remarks, But Faces Backlash

Criticism is mounting over reported remarks last week of DEA chief Michele Leonhart in a speech to the Major Counties Sheriffs Association. Leonhart criticized her boss, President Obama,...
January 28, 2014
Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Whitehouse.gov and Cannabis: What the FAQ? Part 1

Obama’s recent bombshell comments on marijuana fired up my curiosity to do a bit more digging. Whitehouse.gov has quite an exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on...
January 21, 2014
Nottingham, UK: Bar Closed for Hosting Cannabis Club Event

Nottingham, UK: Bar Closed for Hosting Cannabis Club Event

A Nottingham bar was closed for hosting the Nottingham Cannabis Club, and law enforcement reminds us that all drugs destroy user’s lives… Oh, except alcohol.
January 16, 2014
Parents Come Out of the Pot Closet

Parents Come Out of the Pot Closet

Adults, from parents to baby boomers, are lining up to purchase recreational cannabis in Colorado. Many are giving marijuana a try for the first time ever or...
January 15, 2014
HuffPost Canada: Stop Pretending Prohibition Protects Kids

HuffPost Canada: Stop Pretending Prohibition Protects Kids

Michael Bolen encourages politicians and media to stop pretending cannabis prohibition protects kids.
January 13, 2014
The Truthiness of Marijuana Anonymous

The Truthiness of Marijuana Anonymous

One of my personal crusades is to bring to light inconsistencies, misconceptions, and outright fiction regarding marijuana. This bit of “truthiness” (to borrow from Master Colbert) comes...
January 8, 2014
David Brooks, Tina Brown, Joe Scarborough, and Pat Buchanan All Hate Weed Cause They’re Old

David Brooks, Tina Brown, Joe Scarborough, and Pat Buchanan All Hate Weed Cause They’re Old

What do David Brooks, Tina Brown, Joe Scarborough, and Pat Buchanan* have in common, besides their lily whiteness and comfy careers nurtured in the ivory halls of corporate media?...
January 8, 2014
Bill O’Reilly Ignores Reality and Makes Millions of Marijuana Arrests Disappear

Bill O’Reilly Ignores Reality and Makes Millions of Marijuana Arrests Disappear

On January 6th, Bill O’Reilly shared with Fox News cohorts Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham that apparently the ones getting arrested for cannabis are “only dealers,...
December 19, 2013
Marijuana Arbitrarily Blamed for Young Man’s Ruination

Marijuana Arbitrarily Blamed for Young Man’s Ruination

This story of cannabis woe out of West Chester, PA caught my eye. The claim is that James Kiesling, a once smart and promising young man with a...
December 18, 2013
Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

As part of my/our ongoing quest to combat misleading, incomplete, or down right bad “facts” about marijuana, I recently found myself perusing the cannabis page at Above...
November 21, 2013
Three Myths About the Marijuana Lobby

Three Myths About the Marijuana Lobby

MPP’s Rob Kampia dispels the 3 biggest myths about the marijuana lobby: that cartels are funding legalization, that the industry will market to minors and is the...
October 15, 2013
“Excuse Me, Are You Smoking Weed?”

“Excuse Me, Are You Smoking Weed?”

“Excuse me, are you smoking weed?” This is what my roommate said to me as he was walking down the front yard and saw me chilling having...
October 11, 2013
Legalization: 8 Lies The White House Is Spreading About Weed

Legalization: 8 Lies The White House Is Spreading About Weed

In a great article on Policymic, Christopher Blakely shoots down 8 bits of misinformation still being spread about marijuana and legalization by the White House despite our...
September 20, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity”

Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity”

Chronicle Book Review: “Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths About Marijuana” by Kevin Sabet (2013, Beaufort Books, 198 pp., $11.66 PB Amazon) Kevin Sabet, or “Kevin Sabet, Ph.D.,”...
September 13, 2013
Grassley Says Marijuana Prohibition Is Based on Science

Grassley Says Marijuana Prohibition Is Based on Science

“Marijuana’s continued presence on the statute’s list of illegal substances isn’t based on whim. It’s based on what science tells us about this dangerous and addictive drug....
August 27, 2013
Mexican Drug Cartels Not in “Over 1,000 US Cities”

Mexican Drug Cartels Not in “Over 1,000 US Cities”

The refrain that Mexican drug cartels “now maintain a presence in over 1,000 cities” has been widely heard ever since the claim was first made in a...
August 21, 2013
Federal Agency Lies About Weed

Federal Agency Lies About Weed

013 At the center of the Marijuana Policy Project’s “controversial” ad at NASCAR’s Brickyard 400 was the claim that cannabis is less toxic than alcohol. It’s true–just ask the...
By: Andy Cush
August 13, 2013
Medical Researcher: Anti-Marijuana Activist Is Dishonest

Medical Researcher: Anti-Marijuana Activist Is Dishonest

In a country where it is increasingly difficult to find a living and breathing person willing to publicly debate in favor of maintaining cannabis prohibition’s status quo,...