Tag: misinformation

(121 posts)
September 16, 2014
100% of New Cannabis Addiction Reports Show Signs of Reefer Madness

100% of New Cannabis Addiction Reports Show Signs of Reefer Madness

The idea that cannabis could be much worse for teenage users than previously expected, could make any parent lose sleep at night. Fortunately, those parents can breathe...
September 5, 2014
Uncle Sam Spends $715,000 on Marijuana App

Uncle Sam Spends $715,000 on Marijuana App

Courtesy of Uncle Sam, researchers are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to research and develop a useless smartphone app aimed at curbing marijuana addiction, a disease,...
September 4, 2014
How Big Pharma Is Sandbagging Marijuana

How Big Pharma Is Sandbagging Marijuana

As more Americans express interest in the healing potential of medical marijuana, the pharmaceutical companies have found it in their best interest to keep lawmakers, as well as...
September 4, 2014
Warning: Do Not Vaporize Edible Cannabis Oil

Warning: Do Not Vaporize Edible Cannabis Oil

Beyond Chronic points out the differences between Hash oil (an extract of cannabis) and edible cannabis oil (actual oil infused with cannabis), and warns us of the dangers of...
August 26, 2014
NY Times Peddled Reefer Madness in the Past

NY Times Peddled Reefer Madness in the Past

While the NY Times is doing some good work in rationally addressing the veil of bullshit and mystique that has clouded marijuana’s history in America, they conveniently...
August 21, 2014
Public Funds Paying for “Educational Tour” Against Oregon Marijuana Initiative

Public Funds Paying for “Educational Tour” Against Oregon Marijuana Initiative

014 Proponents of Measure 91, which would make marijuana legal for adults in Oregon and regulate cultivation and retail sales, are up in arms at the discovery that federal funds are being...
August 7, 2014
Florida Cop Sends Illegal Email to Voters Re: Medical Marijuana

Florida Cop Sends Illegal Email to Voters Re: Medical Marijuana

A North Miami Beach police officer is so worried about the possibility of Florida approving medical marijuana in the November election that he distributed a mass email...
July 31, 2014
NY Times Calls on Feds to End Marijuana Ban

NY Times Calls on Feds to End Marijuana Ban

The New York Times editorial board put out a call for the federal government to end the ban on marijuana. Obviously, I agree and there is a...
July 31, 2014
The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia

The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia

The federal law that makes possession of marijuana a crime has its origins in legislation that was passed in an atmosphere of hysteria during the 1930s and...
July 30, 2014
Debunking the White House’s Reefer Mad Reaction to the NYT

Debunking the White House’s Reefer Mad Reaction to the NYT

The New York Times has joined the majority of US citizens in the call for a more rational marijuana policy. The White House responded with an attempt...
July 29, 2014
Five Things the “Straight” Business World Continues to Get Wrong About Marijuana

Five Things the “Straight” Business World Continues to Get Wrong About Marijuana

As the multi-billion dollar cannabis market transitions above ground, there is no shortage of conflict and confusion while investors and entrepreneurs scramble to get their hands in...
July 14, 2014
DEA May Be Losing the War On Marijuana Politics

DEA May Be Losing the War On Marijuana Politics

The LA Times reports how the Drug Enforcement Administration is under attack in Congress as it holds its ground against pot legalization, even in the face of public...
July 9, 2014
Cannabis and Adolescents: WA State Guidelines

Cannabis and Adolescents: WA State Guidelines

I stumbled upon this gem of a site, that claims to put out “science-based information for the public” from the UW’s Institute for Alcohol and Drug Abuse....
June 23, 2014
The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

Reason’s Nick Gillespie calls out George W. Bush’s drug czar, John P. Walters, for his written delusion in Politico that the current drug war has victory around the corner. Walters peddles...
June 19, 2014
Yes, CBD Is Still Illegal

Yes, CBD Is Still Illegal

At first glance, a new pamphlet produced by “CBD-Care.com” looks like some sort of altruistic white paper on the therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol. Curious about the pamphlet’s contents,...
June 18, 2014
Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

It’s not as if you needed another log to toss onto your “DEA is the Devil” bonfire, but a new report from the Drug Policy Alliance casts...
June 17, 2014
New Teen Drug Use Survey Debunks Anti-Pot Argument

New Teen Drug Use Survey Debunks Anti-Pot Argument

More evidence has come to light courtesy of a new study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggesting that, despite prohibitionist fear-mongering, teen marijuana...
June 6, 2014
Dowd and Out In Colorado: Maureen’s Bad Dream

Dowd and Out In Colorado: Maureen’s Bad Dream

Maureen Dowd of the NY Times recently traveled to Colorado on assignment and decided she would try a pot edible to see what all the fuss was...
May 20, 2014
DEA Even More Reliant on Fear in the Age of Legalization

DEA Even More Reliant on Fear in the Age of Legalization

DEA Director, Michele Leonhart, is back at it again, spreading fear and incomplete stories in an attempt to bring back the DEA’s Golden Goose: Cannabis Prohibition! While...
May 2, 2014
DEA Chief Opposes Marijuana Legalization, Supports Mandatory Minimums

DEA Chief Opposes Marijuana Legalization, Supports Mandatory Minimums

DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to warn of the dangers of marijuana legalization and affirm her support for mandatory minimum sentences.0 Leonhart’s testimony put...