Former Disney child star and singer Miley Cyrus started this December off right, when she smoked weed on stage during a performance at the Raleigh Hotel.
Another jail guard dope smuggler, another cop with a pain pill problem, another cop brought down by a sting, another cop selling cocaine, and yet another cop...
Special to Drug War Chronicle by Houston-based investigative journalist Clarence Walker, Part 6 in a series, “Prosecutorial Misconduct and Police Corruption in Drug Cases Across America.” There...
This iteration of great stoned television is all about Dexter. When Dexter (based on 2004’s Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay) first premiered in 2006 on Showtime...
013 Two people are dead and one man is under arrest after a Miami-Dade Police investigation into a possible marijuana grow house Tuesday evening turned into a...
There’s something fishy in a Virginia evidence room, a Louisiana deputy gets in trouble for peddling fake weed, three suburban Chicago cops were running a dirty racket,...
The headlines from yesterday seemed to suggest that because toxicology tests detected marijuana in the zombie face-eater, Rudy Eugene, the only logical conclusion is that weed was to...
How many people are going to draw the wrong conclusion from the sensational title of this article? No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests...