Tag: methamphetamine

(18 posts)
January 13, 2015
Crystal Meth Rampant in Australia: Cannabis Could Help

Crystal Meth Rampant in Australia: Cannabis Could Help

In the past four years, use of “ice” has doubled, and a correlating spike in violent crime has come along with it.
November 6, 2014
Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

After writing an article about synthetic marijuana, or spice, this past October I was not at all surprised when I read about a new study indicating that...
May 28, 2014
THC Prevents Brain Damage in Rats, Study Shows

THC Prevents Brain Damage in Rats, Study Shows

Leaf Science examines the research from a group of neuroscientists at the University of Cagliari in Italy. The study was the first to investigate the effect of...
March 19, 2014
RAND Study: Marijuana Use Rises While Consumption Of Cocaine, Methamphetamine Falls

RAND Study: Marijuana Use Rises While Consumption Of Cocaine, Methamphetamine Falls

A rise in the self-reported consumption of cannabis during the years 2006 to 2010 corresponds with a significant decline in Americans’ use of cocaine and methamphetamine during...
February 13, 2014
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.02.12)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.02.12)

A felonious foursome of public servants made the Hall of Shame this week. Let’s get to it: In Savannah, Georgia, a Savannah-Chatham police sergeant was arrested Sunday for lying...
January 16, 2014
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.01.15)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2014.01.15)

This week, we have a trio of jail guards gone bad, as well as another cop with a pain pill problem and sticky fingers. That’s a bad...
October 17, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.10.16)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.10.16)

A hard-partying Colorado cop calls it a career, a DC cop launders a bit of drug money, a North Carolina narc gets caught with her fingers in the...
September 5, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.09.04)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.09.04)

Even corrupt cops take the Labor Day weekend off. We’ve only got two this week, and they’re both from before the holiday, but they’re doozies. Let’s get...
July 22, 2013
Nevada Medical Marijuana Users Still Worry About DUI

Nevada Medical Marijuana Users Still Worry About DUI

Nevada medical marijuana users are concerned as the state’s dispensaries open for business in 2014 that they could easily violate Nevada’s DUI standard; driving with more than 2...
June 27, 2013
Great TV While High: Breaking Bad

Great TV While High: Breaking Bad

Weedists, if you have been craving a television show that delivers a hell of a ride with every episode, definitely give Breaking Bad a try! Without a...
By: Lateralus
April 29, 2013
Soon, You May Be Getting Breathalyzed for Weed

Soon, You May Be Getting Breathalyzed for Weed

Sometimes science is great, sometimes it is not so great. Case in point: according to a study published yesterday, a team of researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet have...
By: Andy Cush
February 1, 2013
Colombia Set to Decriminalize Ecstasy, Meth

Colombia Set to Decriminalize Ecstasy, Meth

Colombian Minister for Justice and Law, Ruth Stella Correa, said Wednesday that the government will propose decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of synthetic drugs, such as...
November 30, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada

Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada

03:14pm A new Angus-Reid Public Opinion poll has majorities favoring marijuana legalization in both Canada and the US. According to the poll, 57% of Canadians and 54% of...
November 15, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.11.14)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.11.14)

04:00pm A tweaked out former Oklahoma police chief cops a plea, a Mississippi cop admits to running interference for supposed drug traffickers, and a Louisiana narc...
October 25, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.10.24)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.10.24)

03:01am Small town police chiefs gone wild! Junkie cop sells stolen police guns to dealer! More crooked cops go down in stings! Let’s get to it:...
September 19, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.09.18)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.09.18)

04:28pm A Virginia prison guard smuggles heroin, a Pennsylvania cop steals and uses it, and a New Jersey cop pays off a prostitute with it, and...
September 13, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.09.12)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.09.12)

12:23pm A Louisiana cop gets strung out in a hurry; a Florida cop has car problems; a Kentucky state trooper has perv problems; and one member...
August 8, 2012
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.08.07)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2012.08.07)

07:02pm It never stops, does it? Here’s another seven bad apples. Let’s get to it: In Los Angeles, an LA County sheriff’s deputy was charged last Tuesday with...