A battle is underway in Minnesota, where Gov. Mark Dayton is standing in the way of an otherwise widely supported medical marijuana bill because he does not want...
Posted by @potheadprincess_ Some people post Instafire, others live it… It is with privilege and pleasure that I introduce you to THE @potheadprincess_ , you should go follow...
Posting photos of marijuana to various social media sites is considered reasonable suspicion, in the eyes of the law, and cops are now using these images to...
Comcast, the nation’s largest cable operator, has agreed to run an ad on its local cable systems in New Jersey, Massachusetts and greater Chicago that promote a...
Patrick Kennedy was the guest on February 10th’s Colbert Report. I still can’t tell if Kennedy is a good-intentioned (albeit misguided) person who is doing something he...
Steve Elliott slams ignorant mainstream reporters for repeatedly reporting marijuana poisoning in pets. Marijuana is not poisonous to pets, or any mammal.
Fusion examines the media’s tendency to refer to the fact that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol as some unproven claim by legalization proponents.
On January 6th, Bill O’Reilly shared with Fox News cohorts Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham that apparently the ones getting arrested for cannabis are “only dealers,...
A couple of weeks ago, just in time for recreational sales to begin in Colorado, the Denver Post launched its cannabis coverage blog The Cannabist, a sleek,...
2013 Year in Review (MPP) This 2013 Year in Review video from the Marijuana Policy Project highlights many major marijuana accomplishments achieved over the past 12 months. From the...