Tag: media

(61 posts)
March 31, 2015
Tips for Keeping Cannabis on the DL in Prohibition States

Tips for Keeping Cannabis on the DL in Prohibition States

Although the legalization and decriminalization of cannabis in many areas of the U.S. may have many of us feeling as though we are free to emerge from...
March 25, 2015
Marijuana Media Is Buzzing as Legal Pot Gains Territory

Marijuana Media Is Buzzing as Legal Pot Gains Territory

Last month, a new local magazine premiered in San Francisco filled with stories about pot-friendly politicians and a comic book starring a joint-smoking dinosaur named Budzilla. The...
February 23, 2015
Adam Scott’s New Cannabis-Themed Sitcom ‘Buds’ Will Bring Weed Culture to Network TV

Adam Scott’s New Cannabis-Themed Sitcom ‘Buds’ Will Bring Weed Culture to Network TV

Adam Scott is teaming up with producer Naomi Scott, and one of Parks and Rec’s writers to create a new cannabis themed sitcom called ‘Buds’ that will...
February 10, 2015
Researchers Find Twitter Has Reefer Madness

Researchers Find Twitter Has Reefer Madness

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have recently conducted a detailed analysis of attitudes towards weed on Twitter. Their findings: Twitter loves the...
February 4, 2015
2 Chainz vs. Nancy Grace: Fight!

2 Chainz vs. Nancy Grace: Fight!

Recently, Nancy Grace invited famous rapper, 2 Chainz, on her show to discuss marijuana.
November 11, 2014
Falcons Rookie Hageman Caught Searching for Weed on Instagram

Falcons Rookie Hageman Caught Searching for Weed on Instagram

Well on Sunday, rookie Falcons player Ra’Shede Hageman, got caught trying to score some weed from one of his followers on Instagram. If you’re a famous NFL...
September 29, 2014
Las Vegas Police Bust Pot Grower Who Put His Crop on YouTube

Las Vegas Police Bust Pot Grower Who Put His Crop on YouTube

Bragging about an illegal marijuana operation and posting it on YouTube for the whole world to see is, well, maybe not the best idea. The Las Vegas...
September 25, 2014
Charlo Greene Says “F*ck It” and Quits TV to Run Cannabis Business

Charlo Greene Says “F*ck It” and Quits TV to Run Cannabis Business

Greene finished her statement with a mic dropping sign off that can only be described as badass, “And as for this job, well, not that I have...
September 23, 2014
The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

In a stark reminder that times and public opinions have changed, Fox’s Facebook thread about the “dangers” of wax was bombarded with hilarious comments calling them out...
September 23, 2014
Frequent Misuse of Scientific Studies in Media Stories Linked to Biased Reporting

Frequent Misuse of Scientific Studies in Media Stories Linked to Biased Reporting

In an article from CNN, they reference a new study that explores the relationship between teen cannabis use and later life developments including high-school completion, attainment of...
September 16, 2014
Auditions Begin for Marijuana-Based Reality Show

Auditions Begin for Marijuana-Based Reality Show

About 200 people came out to audition for a new web reality show in Denver Saturday. The director of the project calls “The Marijuana Show” The Apprentice...
September 4, 2014
CNN Report on Kettle Falls 5 Airs Tonight

CNN Report on Kettle Falls 5 Airs Tonight

Tune in tonight at 7pm Eastern/Pacific for a LIVE CNN report devoted to the pending federal trial of five Washington State patients. On “Erin Burnett OutFront,” CNN’s David Mattingly investigates the Kettle...
August 27, 2014
Major Oregon Newspaper Supports Measure 91

Major Oregon Newspaper Supports Measure 91

Over the weekend, one of the most popular newspapers in Oregon lent its support to Measure 91, which would make marijuana legal for adults in the state. Voters will decide...
August 25, 2014
Al Olson, Senior NBC News Editor, To Head Marijuana News Site

Al Olson, Senior NBC News Editor, To Head Marijuana News Site

Yesterday, I believe, we got another morsel of evidence illustrating the reach of the pro-cannabis movement. Al Olson, veteran journalist and a Senior Editor at NBC news...
August 20, 2014
Al Olson Leaves NBC News to Head Marijuana News Site

Al Olson Leaves NBC News to Head Marijuana News Site

Veteran journalist Al Olson has left his senior editor position at NBC News and took over as managing editor of Marijuana.com on Monday. “I’ve been a journalist for as...
July 10, 2014
Instafire: Breaking Bad Dunny Set

Instafire: Breaking Bad Dunny Set

Breaking Bad references are a dime a dozen these days. You really need to be creative to stand out and these just scream for attention.
June 9, 2014
Cannabis TV: What Came First, More Stoners or More Stoner Media?

Cannabis TV: What Came First, More Stoners or More Stoner Media?

The Atlantic put out an interesting article posting the chicken/egg question about cannabis in the media. The gist: Cannabis is making more appearances on television than at...
May 14, 2014
Ohio Newspaper Accidentally, Perfectly Sums Up Legalization Debate

Ohio Newspaper Accidentally, Perfectly Sums Up Legalization Debate

In what could quite possibly be the best single photo summation of the legalize cannabis or not debate, a Dayton, Ohio newspaper published the following pages in...
April 28, 2014
I Can’t Stop Staring at These Vape Trick Videos

I Can’t Stop Staring at These Vape Trick Videos

The genus Selfie of the family Narcissus contains many species. There is the Selfie brunch and the Selfie drunk. But naturalists have only just begun to study a fascinating new breed, the...
April 24, 2014
Cramer: This ‘Cannabis’ Stock Will Quickly Double

Cramer: This ‘Cannabis’ Stock Will Quickly Double

CNBC’s Jim Cramer strongly endorsed an analyst’s bullish call on GW Pharma (GWPH) in his “Stop Trading” segment on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street.” “It’s not a medical...