Tag: Measure 80

(43 posts)
August 28, 2012
Financial Impact Statement for Oregon Cannabis Legalization

Financial Impact Statement for Oregon Cannabis Legalization

On November 6th Oregonians will vote on the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 (OCTA), aka Measure 80, a proposal to regulate, tax, and manage marijuana for recreational use...
August 27, 2012
Pot Legalization Campaigns in Two States Raise $3 Million

Pot Legalization Campaigns in Two States Raise $3 Million

Backers of pot legalization in Washington and Colorado have cumulatively raised $3 million dollars in campaigns, far surpassing their opposition. Part of the money has been used to...
By: Lateralus
August 14, 2012
Measure 80 Cites Bible For Marijuana Legalization

Measure 80 Cites Bible For Marijuana Legalization

Oregon’s proposed Measure 80 for recreational marijuana legalization quotes Genesis and our rights to “herb bearing seed” to make its case.