Tag: marijuana majority

(4 posts)
August 25, 2014
Al Olson, Senior NBC News Editor, To Head Marijuana News Site

Al Olson, Senior NBC News Editor, To Head Marijuana News Site

Yesterday, I believe, we got another morsel of evidence illustrating the reach of the pro-cannabis movement. Al Olson, veteran journalist and a Senior Editor at NBC news...
June 24, 2013
Mayors Demand Change to Federal Policy on Medical Marijuana

Mayors Demand Change to Federal Policy on Medical Marijuana

A resolution calling for change to federal policy is on the agenda at this weekend’s annual mayors meeting As mayors from across the country gather today in...
May 23, 2013
Is Your Mayor in the Marijuana Majority?

Is Your Mayor in the Marijuana Majority?

Join NORML and our friends at the Marijuana Majority in our efforts to build support for marijuana law reform at the local level by contacting your mayor and urging their support for rational...
October 31, 2012
10 Most Unexpected Marijuana Reform Supporters

10 Most Unexpected Marijuana Reform Supporters

Guess who else is speaking out in support of changing marijuana laws? Check out the slideshow for a top-10 list of the most unexpected allies in the...