Tag: legislation

(671 posts)
October 1, 2014
How Marijuana Legislation Will Affect Drug Testing in the Workplace

How Marijuana Legislation Will Affect Drug Testing in the Workplace

Can you fire an employee for testing positive for marijuana? That question becomes more difficult to answer with every passing election. So far, 23 U.S. states have...
September 29, 2014
Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes Says It Is Time to Discuss Making Marijuana Legal in Kentucky

Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes Says It Is Time to Discuss Making Marijuana Legal in Kentucky

According to Kentucky.com, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes – whose tight race against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is receiving national media attention – said...
September 26, 2014
California Defelonization Initiative Appears Poised for Victory

California Defelonization Initiative Appears Poised for Victory

While the nation focuses on marijuana legalization initiatives in Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Oregon, a California initiative that would turn drug possession felonies into misdemeanors...
September 25, 2014
Patients and Industry Win in Nevada

Patients and Industry Win in Nevada

Medical cannabis patients and industry teamed up to win an important victory in Nevada yesterday. A crowd of more than 100 patients, industry workers, lawmakers, and other...
September 25, 2014
Pennsylvania Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Pennsylvania Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

A bill to legalize the use of medical marijuana in Pennsylvania has cleared the state Senate and now heads to the state House of Representatives. Senate Bill...
September 19, 2014
US House Votes on Marijuana-Related Welfare Issue

US House Votes on Marijuana-Related Welfare Issue

Late Tuesday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R. 4137, the Preserving Welfare for Needs Not Weed Act, by voice vote. Sponsored by Rep. David Reichert (R-WA), the bill would...
September 19, 2014
Sen. Krueger Supports Prospect of Legal Marijuana in New York in 2015

Sen. Krueger Supports Prospect of Legal Marijuana in New York in 2015

According to the Huffington Post, the state of New York may see the regulation and taxation of marijuana for legal recreational use as early as 2015. State...
September 18, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Our first-ever medical marijuana update with no news from California. But there are things going in places that are not the usual suspects–a sign of changing times,...
September 18, 2014
Rally for Medical Marijuana Bill Held at Pennsylvania Capitol

Rally for Medical Marijuana Bill Held at Pennsylvania Capitol

Pennsylvania lawmakers returned to the Capitol from their summer recess Monday, while medical marijuana supporters rallied for Senate Bill 1182, or the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis...
September 18, 2014
No Welfare for Weed Bill Passes House of Representatives

No Welfare for Weed Bill Passes House of Representatives

The so-called “no welfare for weed bill,” which would block pot shops from accepting welfare debit cards, passed the House of Representatives Tuesday. The Preserving Welfare for...
September 18, 2014
Marijuana Caregivers Escape Colorado Crackdown

Marijuana Caregivers Escape Colorado Crackdown

Confronted with a room full of teary parents with sick children, Colorado health authorities on Tuesday changed course on a plan to limit marijuana caregivers to 10...
September 18, 2014
Supermajority May Be Needed to Pass Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Bill

Supermajority May Be Needed to Pass Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Bill

The Pennsylvania Senate reconvened on September 15 after their summer break, with the passage of medical cannabis near the top of the agenda.
September 17, 2014
New York Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana in 2015

New York Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana in 2015

The state of New York could legalize marijuana for recreational use as early as 2015. State Sen. Liz Krueger (D) will reintroduce the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation...
September 15, 2014
Members of Community Groups Congratulate Philadelphia Mayor on Marijuana Bill

Members of Community Groups Congratulate Philadelphia Mayor on Marijuana Bill

According to The Philadelphia Tribune, members of the Institute for the Development of African American Youth (IDAAY), as well as other organizations, congratulated Mayor Michael Nutter for agreeing to sign...
September 9, 2014
Philadelphia: Mayor to Sign Marijuana Depenalization Measure

Philadelphia: Mayor to Sign Marijuana Depenalization Measure

City mayor Michael Nutter announced today that he will sign municipal legislation into law decriminalizing marijuana possession penalties. Under the measure, penalties pertaining to the possession of up to...
September 9, 2014
Another Maine City Puts Marijuana Initiative on Ballot

Another Maine City Puts Marijuana Initiative on Ballot

Earlier this week, the City Council of Lewiston, Maine voted unanimously to send an initiative that would make possession of marijuana legal for adults to the voters. Citizens for...
September 9, 2014
Pennsylvania Moves Toward Medical Marijuana Legalization

Pennsylvania Moves Toward Medical Marijuana Legalization

As the Pennsylvania state Senate is set to reconvene on Sept. 15, a hotly contested national issue sits near the top of its agenda: medical marijuana. The...
September 8, 2014
GOP Senator Pat Roberts: Leave Marijuana Legalization Up to the States

GOP Senator Pat Roberts: Leave Marijuana Legalization Up to the States

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) said Saturday that states should be free to legalize marijuana. During a debate with independent rival Greg Orman, Roberts was asked for his...
September 4, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.03)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.03)

Interest in medical marijuana is spreading in the South, New Hampshire inches toward dispensaries, and in California, one farmers’ market gets shut down in LA even as...
September 2, 2014
Colorado Medical-Marijuana Caregiver Rules Could Pinch Young Patients

Colorado Medical-Marijuana Caregiver Rules Could Pinch Young Patients

Dozens of families who moved to Colorado to treat their severely disabled children with a special kind of marijuana could lose access to the treatment under new...