Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
October 31, 2014
Pretentious Pot? I Don’t Like the Sound of That

Pretentious Pot? I Don’t Like the Sound of That

Cannabrand can bring the Jimmy Choo shoe boutique feel to weed and certainly has my blessing. But if three years from now that leads to coaching pot...
October 31, 2014
Oregon Marijuana Legalization Gets Boost From Cops

Oregon Marijuana Legalization Gets Boost From Cops

A coalition of law enforcers has come out in support of marijuana legalization in Oregon, less than a week before voters will decide the issue at the...
October 29, 2014
Sign of the Times: Cannabis-Friendly Dating Site

Sign of the Times: Cannabis-Friendly Dating Site

In an effort to get that awkward, “do you like to get high?” question out of the way early, one Marin county man has created a stoner’s...
October 28, 2014
No Love for Cannabis From Leading Colorado Gov. Candidates

No Love for Cannabis From Leading Colorado Gov. Candidates

It appears that neither of the two leading candidates in the race to be elected Colorado’s governor are a fan of the ganj.
October 28, 2014
Alaska’s Marijuana Ballot Measure Language Proves Explosive Issue for Dueling Campaigns

Alaska’s Marijuana Ballot Measure Language Proves Explosive Issue for Dueling Campaigns

Opponents of marijuana legalization are concerned that if Alaska’s Ballot Measure 2 passes, Alaskans would see an increase in butane hash oil, and with that, an increase...
October 27, 2014
Could Legal Cannabis Combat Stadium Violence?

Could Legal Cannabis Combat Stadium Violence?

In the last few weeks, there have been violent attacks at 49er games. With one such attack happening in a bathroom at Levi’s stadium between 49er fans,...
October 27, 2014
Push for Responsibly Farmed Cannabis

Push for Responsibly Farmed Cannabis

Cannabis, at its core, is an agricultural enterprise. As the model of the massive pot farm becomes more common with the onset of legalization and a growing...
October 23, 2014
Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

It looks like my favorite punching bag and one of the most vocal shit-peddlers, Kevin Sabet, took his stinky train of bullshit to Oregon earlier this month...
October 23, 2014
Uruguay’s Roll-Out of Marijuana Experiment Faces Election Risk

Uruguay’s Roll-Out of Marijuana Experiment Faces Election Risk

Uruguay is struggling to roll out the commercial production and sale of marijuana and its ground-breaking experiment could be dropped or watered down if an opposition candidate...
October 22, 2014
Toilets Narc on Cannabis Users!

Toilets Narc on Cannabis Users!

Using wastewater (sewage), the researchers can run tests to determine what kinds of drugs people are using and also tell in what concentration.
October 20, 2014
Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Rock the Vote’s latest campaign involves a video that, quite frankly, was more amazing than I could have ever anticipated. It just kept getting better and better...
October 20, 2014
Recklessness Compared: Legalization vs. Prohibition

Recklessness Compared: Legalization vs. Prohibition

At a televised debate between Gov. John Hickenlooper and his Republican challenger Bob Beauprez on October 6th, Hickenlooper repeatedly used the word “reckless” to describe the passage...
October 17, 2014
Instafire: Woven Blunt Wrap Pipe

Instafire: Woven Blunt Wrap Pipe

What I really appreciate here is the use of weed gear for arts and crafts, if you will. It was not so long ago you were happy...
October 17, 2014
Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

Poll: Oregon Marijuana Legalization Still Leading

A new poll conducted for Oregon Public Broadcasting/Fox 12 indicates that legalization of marijuana for recreational use is headed for approval in Oregon — but only if...
October 16, 2014
New Trove of Carl Sagan Papers Revealed

New Trove of Carl Sagan Papers Revealed

However, thanks to a collection of some 600,000 of Sagan’s documents that the Library of Congress recently made available to the public, we are getting a deeper...
October 14, 2014
Legalize Weed for a Healthier Environment

Legalize Weed for a Healthier Environment

I do have one area of concern when dealing with mass production and distribution of cannabis: its effect on the environment.
October 13, 2014
NYC Hosts Medical Marijuana Expo as State Ramps Up for Legalization

NYC Hosts Medical Marijuana Expo as State Ramps Up for Legalization

New York state lawmakers and advocates of medical marijuana gathered at an expo in New York City on Sunday to discuss the implementation of a new state...
October 9, 2014
Can Positive Thinking Lead to Legalization?

Can Positive Thinking Lead to Legalization?

The idea of thoughts creating our reality is not a particularly new one. What if the cultural shift toward a much more amicable approach to marijuana law...
October 7, 2014
Sorry but Texas Is Not Legalizing Cannabis

Sorry but Texas Is Not Legalizing Cannabis

According to a poll conducted by The University of Texas and the Texas Tribune, 77 percent of voters in Texas believe in some form of cannabis legalization....
October 7, 2014
Chicago Mayoral Contenders Talk Cannabis Legalization

Chicago Mayoral Contenders Talk Cannabis Legalization

Illinois is becoming a hotbed in the legal marijuana debate. The state recently authorized medical marijuana and now recreational use is at the heart of conversation between...