Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
August 9, 2012
I-502 Campaign Tackles Marijuana Legalization Movement’s Gender Divide

I-502 Campaign Tackles Marijuana Legalization Movement’s Gender Divide

The backers of Washington state’s I-502 are targeting their ads towards women, who have historically trailed men on supporting legalization. Seattle Weekly dives into potential answers for this...
August 8, 2012
Facebook Censors Marijuana Activism

Facebook Censors Marijuana Activism

The Just Say Now federal marijuana rescheduling pledge program is alleging that Facebook censors marijuana activism… again. Just Say Now is a program of Firedoglake (FDL) media group in...
August 7, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Proponents in Washington Unveil First TV Ad

Marijuana Legalization Proponents in Washington Unveil First TV Ad

The campaign behind I-502, a ballot measure that would end cannabis prohibition in Washington State this fall, unveiled their first TV advertisement in support of the initiative....
August 6, 2012
Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Weedists, We’re Still Being Called Bitches (at the Polls)

Prompted by Libertarian 2012 POTUS nominee Gary Johnson‘s statement in Seattle last week that marijuana will be legalized by 2016, Examiner.com writes “by going to pot, Gary Johnson has assured he will...
August 3, 2012
Asking NORML’s Paul Kuhn: Is it finally time to legalize marijuana?

Asking NORML’s Paul Kuhn: Is it finally time to legalize marijuana?

The Washington Times interviews NORML’s Paul Kuhn to discuss prohibition, the misinformation that still exists and the recent surge in voter support.
August 2, 2012
Exclusive Video: Funeral for Shuttered SF Dispensaries

Exclusive Video: Funeral for Shuttered SF Dispensaries

San Francisco, CA – On August 1, 2012, San Francisco weedists rallied with a funeral procession to mourn the shuttering of two medical marijuana dispensaries that have served the...
August 2, 2012
“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

“Pot is The New Gay” says NY Medical Marijuana Screener

Kenny Toglia is on a mission to legalize medical marijuana in New York and save marijuana users from the lack of quality control and health standards that...
August 2, 2012
Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul Talks Marijuana With Rolling Stone

Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul Talks Marijuana With Rolling Stone

Aaron Paul, who masterfully plays Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad, is on the cover of Rolling Stone hitting stands August 3rd. Unlike his character, Aaron is against hard...
July 31, 2012
Is It Legal to Sell Pot On Craigslist in California?

Is It Legal to Sell Pot On Craigslist in California?

The legality of selling marijuana on Craigslist under Prop 215 in California is being hotly debated. Read more about these murky legal waters at The Press Democrat.
July 30, 2012
Youth Branch of Ireland’s Biggest Political Party Pushes for Medical Marijuana

Youth Branch of Ireland’s Biggest Political Party Pushes for Medical Marijuana

The Irish Independent reports that Young Fine Gael, the youth wing of Ireland’s biggest political party, is pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana. The Munster Regional...
July 30, 2012
Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Mothers and Responsible Marijuana Usage

Sarah Eyre at xoJane writes on the unwarranted social stigma that mothers can’t responsibly use marijuana to relax in the evening but it’s acceptable to drink wine...
July 30, 2012
Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

Legalization or Regulation in Colorado?

In Colorado this year, there are strong efforts to reform marijuana laws. Two different campaigns, Legalize 2012 and Amendment 64, are quickly gaining the support of weedists...
July 27, 2012
Video: Cannabis Connoisseur Doug Fine on Conan

Video: Cannabis Connoisseur Doug Fine on Conan

Doug Fine sat down with Conan O’Brien on Wednesday to talk about his book Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution. Fine elaborated on the...
By: Lateralus
July 27, 2012
‘Stirring the Pot’ Forum Panelists Say Regulation Is Key in Legalization of Marijuana

‘Stirring the Pot’ Forum Panelists Say Regulation Is Key in Legalization of Marijuana

Last night, ‘Stirring the Pot‘, a public forum focused on life post-legalization in 2016 California, met for two hours of heated debate covering topics such as taxation,...
July 24, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Could Set Up State Versus Federal Showdown

Marijuana Legalization Could Set Up State Versus Federal Showdown

Governing.com ponders what kind of federal response and ultimate showdown we may see after the November elections if at least one of the three states (Colorado, Oregon...
July 24, 2012
Mitt Romney’s Close-Minded Views About Marijuana

Mitt Romney’s Close-Minded Views About Marijuana

Well, just when I was sure that people were awakening from their prejudiced and fearful assumptions about marijuana, I decided to check and see what Mitt Romney...
July 23, 2012
‘Stirring the Pot’ Forum Puts Discussion of Legalized Marijuana on Front Burner

‘Stirring the Pot’ Forum Puts Discussion of Legalized Marijuana on Front Burner

In an attempt to understand and discuss what life in California might be like if marijuana were legal (versus should be legal), the Santa Barbara Foundation and the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History are...
July 23, 2012
Gary Johnson, Libertarian POTUS candidate, Endorses Oregon’s OCTA

Gary Johnson, Libertarian POTUS candidate, Endorses Oregon’s OCTA

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson officially endorsed Measure 80 – The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (aka OCTA) last Friday. Gary Johnson has also endorsed marijuana legalization measures in Colorado...
July 23, 2012
I-502 to Legalize Marijuana in Washington Now Polling at 55% Yes

I-502 to Legalize Marijuana in Washington Now Polling at 55% Yes

On July 21, 2012, SurveyUSA released the results of a recent statewide poll that showed 55 percent of Washington voters supporting I-502 to legalize marijuana while only 32 percent opposed....
July 23, 2012
I-502, Washington’s Marijuana Bill Grabs 1.25 million in New Cash

I-502, Washington’s Marijuana Bill Grabs 1.25 million in New Cash

I-502, Washington’s initiative to legalize marijuana this November has recently received $1.25 million in new donations for a big TV ad buy in August. The money came from...