Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
August 27, 2012
Pot Legalization Campaigns in Two States Raise $3 Million

Pot Legalization Campaigns in Two States Raise $3 Million

Backers of pot legalization in Washington and Colorado have cumulatively raised $3 million dollars in campaigns, far surpassing their opposition. Part of the money has been used to...
By: Lateralus
August 27, 2012
Bill Hicks About Marijuana Law: Evolve Ideas

Bill Hicks About Marijuana Law: Evolve Ideas

It isn’t his birthday or a remembrance of when he died, but Bill Hicks was a huge influence on not just me and my beliefs but many...
August 27, 2012
NAACP Regional Chapters Endorse CO, OR, WA Marijuana Initiatives

NAACP Regional Chapters Endorse CO, OR, WA Marijuana Initiatives

03:59pm All three marijuana legalization initiatives on state ballots this year have won the endorsement of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) regional...
August 24, 2012
Infographic: Another Reminder That Marijuana is Safe

Infographic: Another Reminder That Marijuana is Safe

This infographic, created with data compiled in 1994 by Dr. Jack E. Henningfield and Dr. Neal L. Burkowitz, is just one of the vast sea of examples that...
August 24, 2012
Do You Agree with Senator Rand Paul That Hemp = Jobs?

Do You Agree with Senator Rand Paul That Hemp = Jobs?

Nick Gillespie at Reason calls Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) a “a socially conservative Christian who wants to end the federal drug war, bring the troops home, and seriously cut...
August 22, 2012
Legalizing Weed: 42 Percent More Popular Than Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan

Legalizing Weed: 42 Percent More Popular Than Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan

Only 35% of Americans support GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan’s budget plan versus 50% of Americans who want marijuana legalized. You’d have to go back to 2003 to...
August 22, 2012
Will I-502 Become a Pyrrhic Victory?

Will I-502 Become a Pyrrhic Victory?

  I-502 is hardly perfect. The DUID clause (as recommended by federal drug czar Gil Kerlikowske) reeks of probable prejudice, there’s no protection from federal preemption and 25...
August 21, 2012
WSJ: Should Obama Support Amendment 64

WSJ: Should Obama Support Amendment 64

Should President Obama Support Amendment 64 in Colorado? The Wall Street Journal analyzes the latest PPP poll results and provides an audio analysis from The Daily’s Dan Hirshhorn. WSJ...
August 21, 2012
Colorado: Passage Of Marijuana Legalization Measure Would Potentially Yield $60 Million Annually

Colorado: Passage Of Marijuana Legalization Measure Would Potentially Yield $60 Million Annually

012 The passage and enactment of a statewide marijuana ballot measure this fall could generate as much as $60 million in savings and revenue, according to a...
August 20, 2012
Independents Driving Pro-Legalization Sentiment in Colorado

Independents Driving Pro-Legalization Sentiment in Colorado

The recent Public Policy Polling survey shows that Colorado’s pot-legalizing Amendment 64 is (unusually for marijuana initiatives) gaining support there and is due “almost entirely” to the...
August 20, 2012
Hempfest Video: Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, Vote Yes I-502

Hempfest Video: Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, Vote Yes I-502

Marijuana legalization advocate and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn spoke at Hempfest 2012, following up on his great speech from last year. It’s a short sub 3 minute...
August 20, 2012
Video: Seattle Hempfest 2012 – The Great I-502 Debate

Video: Seattle Hempfest 2012 – The Great I-502 Debate

Don E. Wirtshafter moderates the most anticipated panel of Seattle Hempfest 2012, The Great I-502 Debate. Initiative 502 is on the Washington State ballot and would legalize personal possession...
August 16, 2012
Safe Access Alliance Dissolves, Day After Disastrous Press Conference

Safe Access Alliance Dissolves, Day After Disastrous Press Conference

The anti Initiative 502 group Safe Access Alliance dissolved yesterday (good riddance), just one day after firing spokesperson Philip Dawdy for a disastrous press conference.
August 15, 2012
Spokesman For Medical Marijuana Group Against I-502 Fired

Spokesman For Medical Marijuana Group Against I-502 Fired

Philip Dawdy, a well known spokesperson for Safe Access Alliance was fired during a press conference with “minor theatrics” to discuss opposition among medical marijuana patients to Initiative 502.
August 14, 2012
Measure 80 Cites Bible For Marijuana Legalization

Measure 80 Cites Bible For Marijuana Legalization

Oregon’s proposed Measure 80 for recreational marijuana legalization quotes Genesis and our rights to “herb bearing seed” to make its case.
August 13, 2012
Barney Frank to Speak at Boston Marijuana Legalization Rally

Barney Frank to Speak at Boston Marijuana Legalization Rally

Congressman Barney Frank will head the list of speakers at the 22nd annual Boston Freedom Rally, Sept. 15, from noon to 6 p.m., on Boston Common.
August 10, 2012
Can Romney Win Marijuana Vote With Ron Paul as VP?

Can Romney Win Marijuana Vote With Ron Paul as VP?

Examiner ponders if Mitt Romney selected Ron Paul as Vice President, could he secure the 50%+ of American voters who support marijuana law reform in some form and win the Presidency...
August 10, 2012
Vermont Gubernatorial Candidates Differ On Marijuana Decriminalization

Vermont Gubernatorial Candidates Differ On Marijuana Decriminalization

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin and GOP challenger Randy Brock have very different views on marijuana decriminalization. Shumlin believes it should be decriminalized, but legalization is a federal...
August 9, 2012
Medical Marijuana: 10 Health Benefits That Legitimize Legalization

Medical Marijuana: 10 Health Benefits That Legitimize Legalization

International Business Times points out the hypocrisy of medical marijuana being demonized versus the many legal prescription drugs with track records of fatalities. It also lays out...
August 9, 2012
Bill O’Reilly Shouts Dumb Stuff About the Drug War Again

Bill O’Reilly Shouts Dumb Stuff About the Drug War Again

10:25pm I don’t even want to know how many times I’ve written about the reckless idiocy of this man, but what am I supposed to do,...