Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
September 24, 2012
Latino and Black Law Enforcement Groups Endorse Colorado Marijuana Initiative

Latino and Black Law Enforcement Groups Endorse Colorado Marijuana Initiative

Two national law enforcement organizations, Blacks in Law Enforcement of America and the National Latino Officers Association, announced their support last Thursday for Amendment 64, the ballot initiative to...
September 24, 2012
America’s Destructive War On Marijuana: A Drug Dealer Protects His Turf

America’s Destructive War On Marijuana: A Drug Dealer Protects His Turf

David Sirota lays out a sound case for the utter hypocrisy of Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper, who made his fortune from selling a more damaging drug.  “Alcohol peddlers and...
September 21, 2012
Future Shock: What Happens if Colorado Legalizes Pot?

Future Shock: What Happens if Colorado Legalizes Pot?

Scot Kersgaard explores how daily life might change in Colorado, from the workplace to going to ball games,  if Amendment 64 passes, allowing adults to possess, grow, consume and...
September 21, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Could Be a Tax Windfall for Cash-Strapped States, but Skeptics Abound

Marijuana Legalization Could Be a Tax Windfall for Cash-Strapped States, but Skeptics Abound

The debate over how much tax money recreational marijuana laws could produce is playing an outside role in the campaigns for and against legalization — and both...
September 20, 2012
Tens of Thousands Join MassCANN/NORML on Boston Common for 23rd Annual Freedom Rally

Tens of Thousands Join MassCANN/NORML on Boston Common for 23rd Annual Freedom Rally

This past weekend, tens of thousands of marijuana reform advocates joined MassCANN/NORML on the Boston Common for the 23rd Annual Boston Freedom Rally. This year’s event was...
September 20, 2012
It’s Time to Legalize Cannabis

It’s Time to Legalize Cannabis

Hey Kids, what time is it? It’s Time to Legalize Cannabis! Reason’s Mike Riggs does a succinct interview with David Bronner, of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. Mr....
September 20, 2012
Colorado’s Amendment 64 Heads for the Home Stretch

Colorado’s Amendment 64 Heads for the Home Stretch

5:59 PM With only a few weeks left until election day, Colorado’s Amendment 64 “tax and regulate marijuana” initiative is well-positioned to win on November 6, and its...
September 19, 2012
Oregon Marijuana Initiative Trailing Slightly in Poll

Oregon Marijuana Initiative Trailing Slightly in Poll

02:40pm The campaign behind an initiative that would legalize marijuana in Oregon has an uphill battle ahead, according to a new SurveyUSA poll. That poll has the...
September 19, 2012
In a Contest with Alcohol and Tobacco, Marijuana Wins

In a Contest with Alcohol and Tobacco, Marijuana Wins

There are two tracks of examining the debate over marijuana legalization: deciding to legalize (or not) based on the perceived evolution of American values and social mores,...
September 18, 2012
Marijuana: A Case for Legalization

Marijuana: A Case for Legalization

More than 100 million people in this country have tried marijuana at some point. More than 28 million will do so this year. It will not make...
September 18, 2012
Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization Measure Polls 51 Percent

Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization Measure Polls 51 Percent

04:55pm The latest poll, released Saturday by SurveyUSA for the Denver Post, has Colorado’s marijuana legalization initiative at 51%, with 40% opposed and 8% undecided. The initiative, Amendment...
September 17, 2012
Most Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Lead Solidly In Polls

Most Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Lead Solidly In Polls

Four of the six statewide marijuana initiatives appearing on the November 2012 ballot are solidly favored among likely voters. Voters in six states – Arkansas, Colorado, Massachusetts, Montana, Oregon,...
September 14, 2012
Political Think Tank Looks At Legal Marijuana Revenue

Political Think Tank Looks At Legal Marijuana Revenue

The well-respected, non-partisan Pew Charitable Trusts wrote a fairly balanced article in their newsletter about the possible consequences of legal marijuana, based on pending initiatives in Washington, Oregon, and...
September 14, 2012
Oregon’s Measure 80 Launches Online Shop

Oregon’s Measure 80 Launches Online Shop

The Measure 80 online store is now open for business. They have bumper stickers, t-shirts and posters available now. More items are being added every day, so...
By: Anna Diaz
September 14, 2012
Colorado Governor’s Opposition to Amendment 64 Labeled as “Hypocrisy”

Colorado Governor’s Opposition to Amendment 64 Labeled as “Hypocrisy”

On Wednesday, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper publicly expressed his opposition to Amendment 64, proclaiming that the ballot measure for marijuana legalization would send a bad message to kids...
By: Lateralus
September 14, 2012
Amendment 64: Three Key Arguments Deleted from CO Voter Book

Amendment 64: Three Key Arguments Deleted from CO Voter Book

In a supposed accident, three of the biggest arguments for Amendment 64  have been deleted from the CO blue book that is supposed to objectively inform voters...
September 13, 2012
Oregon Marijuana Measure Wins Over Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps

Oregon Marijuana Measure Wins Over Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps

Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, the Escondido, California company, has contributed $5,000 to Measure 80, which would legalize Oregon marijuana for recreational use.
September 13, 2012

Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure Polling Strong

03:41pm A solid majority of Washington voters approve of Initiative 502, the marijuana legalization measure sponsored by New Approach Washington, according to a SurveyUSA poll released...
September 12, 2012
Are States Leading Revolt on US Marijuana Laws?

Are States Leading Revolt on US Marijuana Laws?

In November, will voters in Washington, Oregon or Colorado decide to legalize recreational marijuana and potentially start a revolt? Any of these initiatives would put the states...
September 12, 2012
Montana Supreme Court: No Constitutional Right to Medical Marijuana

Montana Supreme Court: No Constitutional Right to Medical Marijuana

There is no fundamental right for patients to use any drug, particularly one like medical marijuana that’s illegal under federal law, the Montana Supreme Court ruled 6-1...