Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
November 6, 2012
Alternet: “Why Election Day Marks the Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition”

Alternet: “Why Election Day Marks the Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition”

Why Election Day Marks the Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition via Alternet.org The criminalization of cannabis is a policy that has been in place federally...
November 6, 2012
If You Care About Medical Marijuana Patients (Among Others), Support I-502

If You Care About Medical Marijuana Patients (Among Others), Support I-502

05:09pm Readers of StoptheDrugWar.org know that we’ve supported Initiative 502, a ballot measure to legalize and regulate marijuana in Washington State. I-502 has seen the strongest polling...
November 6, 2012
I-502: Too Important to Lose (Steve D’Angelo, Harborside Health Center)

I-502: Too Important to Lose (Steve D’Angelo, Harborside Health Center)

05:46pm The founder of the flagship medical marijuana center, Harborside Health Center in Oakland, speaks out about how important it is to pass I-502 and how...
November 5, 2012
Weedist Voter Guide For Election Day

Weedist Voter Guide For Election Day

Tomorrow is Election Day, and it promises to be the most important election in quite a while for Weedists, whether they be recreational users,  medical marijuana patients,...
November 5, 2012
What About the Children?

What About the Children?

Unsurprisingly, the war on marijuana has been waged in the name of ‘the children.’  What message will we send the children if we change our policy on marijuana?  Why...
By: Anna Diaz
November 5, 2012
High Times: Morality Poll – Part I

High Times: Morality Poll – Part I

HIGH TIMES is conducting a ‘moral poll to find out how pure your stoner hearts are.’ The first deep question is: “If you were told that by your...
November 5, 2012
Vote Yes on Amendment 64, Colorado

Vote Yes on Amendment 64, Colorado

Very soon we will see if Colorado voters decide that marijuana should no longer be an illegal substance and pass Amendment 64. We will also see if...
November 5, 2012

British Columbia Public Supports Marijuana Legalization

04:11pm Support for marijuana legalization in British Columbia has reached a whopping 75%, according to a new Angus Reid poll commissioned by Stop the Violence BC, a coalition of...
November 2, 2012
Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

Final Week Polls Indicate Washington State Likely to Pass Marijuana Legalization

In what is likely to be one of last polls coming out of Washington State prior to Election Day, Initiative 502 to regulate marijuana is still holding strong to...
November 2, 2012
Legalization Would be a Direct Attack on Cartel Bankrolls

Legalization Would be a Direct Attack on Cartel Bankrolls

According to a study by a respected Mexican Think Tank, the legalization of recreational marijuana, which we will hopefully see after next week, could reduce cartel profits by...
November 2, 2012
November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

November 6: An Election to Stop the Drug War

09:27pm We are now only five days away from Election Day, and it’s starting to look very much like at least one state will vote to legalize...
November 1, 2012
Strange Bedfellows: Newspaper Endorsements on Marijuana Legalization

Strange Bedfellows: Newspaper Endorsements on Marijuana Legalization

The Seattle Times covers the strange bedfellows on Washington state’s marijuana legalization ballot measure, I-502. From GOP Senate candidate Michael Baumgartner and a host of newspapers’ support to...
October 31, 2012
Oregon Marijuana Measure Still Trails in Late Poll

Oregon Marijuana Measure Still Trails in Late Poll

04:57pm Measure 80, Oregon’s marijuana legalization initiative, continues to trail in the polls as the clock ticks ever closer to election day. According to a new poll...
October 31, 2012
Smoke the Vote: Final Week Election Update

Smoke the Vote: Final Week Election Update

With just one week left until the election, there have been some recent news to report on, including two new campaign ads and several new polls. WASHINGTON...
October 31, 2012
Is Jury Nullification the Right Tool to End Prohibition?

Is Jury Nullification the Right Tool to End Prohibition?

Is Jury Nullification the right tool to end modern day Prohibition of Cannabis? Jury Nullification is a controversial practice, yet has a long history. With recent new...
October 31, 2012
US News & World Report: ‘Should Marijuana Use Be Legalized?’

US News & World Report: ‘Should Marijuana Use Be Legalized?’

Next Tuesday, three voters in three states — Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — will be deciding on statewide ballot measures to legalize the adult possession, use, and...
October 30, 2012
Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies, Part 5 – Gateway Theory

Colorado Amendment 64: Know the Lies, Part 5 – Gateway Theory

This Weedist series is dedicated to stopping the misinformation  being spread by the campaign to prevent Colorado voters from legalizing marijuana with Amendment...
October 30, 2012
It’s Time for Nevada to Legalize Marijuana

It’s Time for Nevada to Legalize Marijuana

More people are in favor of marijuana legalization, and like voters in Washington and Colorado may do this election, Nevada should end the prohibition. The Las Vegas Sun...
October 29, 2012
Medical Marijuana Collective Owner Grapples with How to Vote on I-502

Medical Marijuana Collective Owner Grapples with How to Vote on I-502

Washington State Initiative 502 is a moral quandary for many in the medical marijuana business. Dale Meltzer, co-owner of Serious Medicine Collective , in Olympia, WA has...
October 29, 2012
If Voters OK Hemp, Unclear if Farmers Would Grow It

If Voters OK Hemp, Unclear if Farmers Would Grow It

Farmers may not be in a rush to grow hemp if cannabis legalization passes in Washington, Oregon and Colorado. Farmers who say they have enough to worry about...