Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
November 12, 2012
Hundreds of Marijuana Cases Were Dismissed in Washington This Week

Hundreds of Marijuana Cases Were Dismissed in Washington This Week

10:13pm Two county prosecutors in Washington State have dismissed 220 pending marijuana possession cases, in response to the passage of I-502, according to the Seattle Times. Although...
November 12, 2012
Feds Unsure What to Do About State Legalization

Feds Unsure What to Do About State Legalization

12:31pm A Washington Post story by Sari Horwitz reports that federal officials don’t know what they are going to do about marijuana legalization in Colorado and...
November 12, 2012
Pot Votes in CO, WA Raise Specter of Weed Tourism

Pot Votes in CO, WA Raise Specter of Weed Tourism

Marijuana legalization votes this week in Colorado and Washington state don’t just set up an epic state-federal showdown on drug law for residents. The measures also open...
November 12, 2012
What Legal Marijuana Will Look Like in Washington State

What Legal Marijuana Will Look Like in Washington State

04:32pm Jacob Sullum has a detailed discussion in Reason’s “Hit & Run” blog of “What Legal Pot in Washington Will Look Like.” Jacob compares Washington’s I-502...
November 9, 2012
I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

I-502 Fact Sheets from WA State and ACLU of WA

04:36pm The Washington State Liquor Control Board and the ACLU of Washington have both issued facts sheets on the implementation of I-502. The state’s Office of Financial Management projects prices...
November 9, 2012
Colorado and Washington Legalized Marijuana Tuesday, What Happens Now?

Colorado and Washington Legalized Marijuana Tuesday, What Happens Now?

Tuesday night, the states of Colorado and Washington sent a loud and clear message to the federal government that they no longer wish to enforce the futile...
November 9, 2012
And the Federal Fast Talking Has Started…

And the Federal Fast Talking Has Started…

02:46pm I posited yesterday that federal fast talking about the Colorado and Washington initiatives would start soon. It turns out that federal fast talking hasn’t even needed feds to get...
November 8, 2012
Weedist Women: Diane Fornbacher

Weedist Women: Diane Fornbacher

Weedists: Meet Diane Fornbacher “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Diane Fornbacher has been a cannabis activist...
By: Anna Diaz
November 8, 2012
Washington Police and Prosecutors Winding Down Marijuana Possession Cases

Washington Police and Prosecutors Winding Down Marijuana Possession Cases

09:55pm Dominic Holden reports for The Stranger: Prosecutors won’t charge marijuana possession cases anymore, starting December 6th: Ian Goodhew, deputy chief of staff for the King County...
November 8, 2012
Next Mexican Administration: US Legal Marijuana Vote Changes ‘Rules of the Game’ in Drug War

Next Mexican Administration: US Legal Marijuana Vote Changes ‘Rules of the Game’ in Drug War

The main adviser to Mexico’s president-elect said Wednesday that votes legalizing recreational marijuana in the U.S. states of Washington and Colorado will force Mexico and the United...
November 8, 2012
Expect Federal Fast Talking About CO and WA to Start Soon

Expect Federal Fast Talking About CO and WA to Start Soon

05:16pm Not a day has passed since legalization initiatives passed in two states, and ominous words have already been spoken. According to CBS, “rug laws remain...
November 8, 2012
Canadians Want to Legalize Marijuana, Too

Canadians Want to Legalize Marijuana, Too

It’s a rare day when Canada looks to the United States as a picture of liberalism. On Tuesday, voters in Washington state Washington state and Colorado approved initiatives legalizing the recreational use of...
November 8, 2012
More Drug-Related Election Results, Good and Bad

More Drug-Related Election Results, Good and Bad

04:23pm We’ve covered the two-out-three victories for the statewide marijuana legalization initiatives and we’ve covered the medical marijuana initiative victory in Massachusetts, but there was more...
November 7, 2012
Election Day Votes Likely Signal the End of Cannabis Prohibition

Election Day Votes Likely Signal the End of Cannabis Prohibition

Reclassifying cannabis under state law limits police from going on “fishing expeditions” when they encounter it in “plain view” — such as in someone’s home or car....
November 7, 2012
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper: “Hold Off on the Cheetos and Goldfish”

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper: “Hold Off on the Cheetos and Goldfish”

Colorado voted to legalize smoking marijuana Tuesday, but the governor John Hickenlooper warned tokers not to “break out the Cheetos or Goldfish” just yet, since the federal government...
November 7, 2012
Arkansas Voters Reject Issue 5 On Medical Marijuana

Arkansas Voters Reject Issue 5 On Medical Marijuana

The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act, or Issue 5 on yesterday’s ballot has been rejected by voters. As of 4:54am Eastern Time this morning, CNN shows No on...
November 7, 2012
DEA Responds to Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington

DEA Responds to Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington

Despite the passage of ballot initiatives in Washington and Colorado legalizing recreational marijuana, “the Drug Enforcement Administration’s enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act remains unchanged,” a DEA...
November 7, 2012
Washington Marijuana Legalization Proponents Celebrate

Washington Marijuana Legalization Proponents Celebrate

In the hot, crowded Hotel Andra in Belltown, I-502 campaign manager Alison Holcomb has just finished an emotional speech to supporters of the movement. And, she declared, “Today,...
November 7, 2012
Colorado, Washington Legalize Marijuana!

Colorado, Washington Legalize Marijuana!

01:44am Colorado voters made history Tuesday night, passing a constitutional amendment to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana and becoming the first state in the US to...
November 6, 2012
Marijuana Wins

Marijuana Wins

In case you didn’t hear, there was an election earlier tonight and the winner is… weed. Both Washington and Colorado passed voter referendums legalizing marijuana. And not...