Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
February 11, 2013
A Visit with UrbAge Designs Creator and Radio Host:  Urb Thrasher

A Visit with UrbAge Designs Creator and Radio Host: Urb Thrasher

Weedists: Meet Urb Thrasher “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Urbage Designs is a Portland, Oregon based...
By: Anna Diaz
February 11, 2013
Michigan Lawmaker Acting Fast to Legalize Dispensaries

Michigan Lawmaker Acting Fast to Legalize Dispensaries

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that dispensaries, even those that facilitate patient-to-patient sales, are illegal in Michigan. Rep. Mike Callton has introduced a bill to legalize dispensaries...
February 11, 2013
Lawmaker Seeks to Study Regulating Marijuana in New Mexico

Lawmaker Seeks to Study Regulating Marijuana in New Mexico

New Mexico State Senator Ortiz y Pino requested that the Economic Development Department conduct a study on the financial implications (of both revenue and cost savings) of taxing...
February 11, 2013
Virginia Attorney General Evolving on Marijuana Legalization

Virginia Attorney General Evolving on Marijuana Legalization

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Tea Party favorite and presumed Republican candidate for Governor, opened up on his views regarding marijuana legalization while addressing a group of...
February 8, 2013
Trailer for “Evergreen” Film on WA’s Marijuana Legalization

Trailer for “Evergreen” Film on WA’s Marijuana Legalization

“Evergreen: The Road to Legalization in Washington” is an upcoming documentary looking into all aspects of the passage of I-502. The trailer for the film has been...
February 7, 2013
Washington Adds More Public Marijuana Forums

Washington Adds More Public Marijuana Forums

Thanks to the popularity of Washington’s public marijuana forums discussing I-502, state officials have added new forums and changed the remaining scheduled forums to larger venues. “Clearly there...
February 7, 2013
Rhode Island Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed

Rhode Island Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed

State Rep. Edith Ajello (D-Providence), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, announced Wednesday she had introduced a bill to make marijuana legal for adults 21 and over...
February 7, 2013
Shrinking Labor Unions See Relief in Marijuana Industry

Shrinking Labor Unions See Relief in Marijuana Industry

The United Food and Commercial Workers union (UFCW), the nation’s largest retail union, currently has about 3,000 members that work in the marijuana industry. Most of these workers work...
February 7, 2013
Plan to Legalize Medical Marijuana in North Carolina to Be Introduced

Plan to Legalize Medical Marijuana in North Carolina to Be Introduced

North Carolina state Representative Kelly Alexander will introduce a comprehensive plan to legalize marijuana for medicinal use only.
February 6, 2013
Details on the New Federal Marijuana Legalization Measures

Details on the New Federal Marijuana Legalization Measures

Today, Representatives Jared Polis and Earl Blumenauer introduced two legislative measures that would end the federal prohibition on marijuana and permit for the regulated production and retail sales of...
February 6, 2013

Congress Introduces Federal Bills to Regulate Marijuana

Members of Congress introduced bills Tuesday to end marijuana prohibition and start regulating and taxing marijuana like alcohol at the federal level. Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced...
February 6, 2013
MPP’s Rob Kampia on “The Agenda”, Talks Nevada Cannabis Legalization

MPP’s Rob Kampia on “The Agenda”, Talks Nevada Cannabis Legalization

MPP executive director Rob Kampia is interviewed on “The Agenda,” a popular political show on the Las Vegas NBC affiliate. In particular, he discusses the prospects for legalizing marijuana...
February 5, 2013
Marijuana Policy Project’s Steve Fox on CNBC Power Lunch

Marijuana Policy Project’s Steve Fox on CNBC Power Lunch

MPP director of government relations Steve Fox was interviewed on CNBC’s Power Lunch on Wednesday about the implementation of Washington State’s new legal marijuana market regulations. Here’s the clip:...
February 5, 2013
Up Next… Oregon!

Up Next… Oregon!

Over the past couple of months, I have been asked the following question many, many times: So which states are next? What people want to know, of...
By: Steve Fox
February 4, 2013
Recreational Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced in PA

Recreational Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced in PA

Senator Daylin Leach has introduced a recreational marijuana legalization bill in Pennsylvania. Republican Governor and former prosecutor, Tom Corbett, says he’ll simply veto the bill if he...
February 4, 2013
Mitch McConnell Endorses Kentucky Hemp Bill

Mitch McConnell Endorses Kentucky Hemp Bill

In a Thursday statement, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the minority leader in the US Senate, endorsed pending legislation in his home state that seeks to reintroduce industrial hemp...
February 1, 2013
Poll: Marijuana Users in Legal States Shouldn’t Be Arrested

Poll: Marijuana Users in Legal States Shouldn’t Be Arrested

In a recent poll conducted by the libertarian Reason Foundation, national support for recreational legalization of marijuana fell short, with 47%. Almost 75% of people polled think...
February 1, 2013
Several States Considering Legislation To Legalize Adult Cannabis Consumption

Several States Considering Legislation To Legalize Adult Cannabis Consumption

Lawmakers in several states are anticipated to debate legislative measures this year that seek to legalize and regulate the adult use and retail distribution of marijuana. To date, lawmakers...
February 1, 2013
Czech Parliament Approves Medical Marijuana

Czech Parliament Approves Medical Marijuana

The Czech Senate Wednesday approved a bill allowing for the medical use of marijuana by an overwhelming margin of 67-2. The measure had already passed the lower...
January 31, 2013
Alabama to Consider Medical Marijuana Bill

Alabama to Consider Medical Marijuana Bill

Sponsored by Democratic Rep. Patricia Todd, Alabama’s medical marijuana bill will be considered next week by the House Health Committee. The Libertarian Party of Alabama also supports...