At a meeting with drug reform advocates in San Francisco, former Mexican President Fox expressed support for California’s efforts to legally regulate cannabis, medical and otherwise. He...
Leadership is defined by as “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group,” “ability to lead [defined as “to conduct...
Last week, the Pennsylvania NAACP endorsed a pending marijuana legalization bill. And on the 4th of July, the civil rights group stepped up that support, holding a press conference...
In an article on the Star Press, Larry Riley examines the strange bedfellows opposed to marijuana legalization. Both the drug war crusaders of law enforcement and their...
In St. Louis, Missouri Sgt. Gary Wiegert has been given permission by his chief of police to become an official lobbyist in the state to legalize marijuana...
Jamen Shively, a former Microsoft engineer and creator of the Diego Pellicier ‘premium’ marijuana retail brand, is scheduled to speak Monday at noon at San Francisco’s Sir Francis Drake...
In their June edition, Sativa Magazine took an in-depth look at the effects of legalization on businesses with their article The Top Ten Business Benefits of Legalization....
Ohio Rights Group needs to collect a bit less than 400,000 signatures in 44 counties, by next July, in order to put an industrial and medical cannabis...
Rolling Stone’s Kristen Gwynne describes five reasons to legalize marijuana that even police officers agree with. These reasons include better overall public safety, renewed focus on real...
Washington’s Liquor Control Board, the entity in charge of implementing I-502, is funding a survey to gather opinions about how best to implement the historic law. If you...
As one of your resident Washington State marijuana journalists (that’s a thing now!), I wanted to say a little about how WA has fared since the passionately discussed...
Actress, activist and mother Susan Sarandon writes a think piece for Huff Post on why she supported Amendment 64 in Colorado, the “regulate marijuana like alcohol act.” She poses that...
013 Nearly eight months after Washington voters passed a binding cannabis legalization initiative with an impressive 55% showing, the federal government is still yet to have made...
The leftwing Party of the Democratic Revolution is preparing legislation to introduce in September to legalize smoking weed in Mexico City. It would permit marijuana home grows, smoking in designated...
Huffington Post introduces 9 upcoming marijuana gadgets from companies hoping to earn a living from the “green rush” of legalization. Among the products, are a device that...
Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach has been an outspoken advocate on the issue of marijuana law reform during his tenure in Harrisburg. Senator Leach made a splash legislatively this...
A federal judge in Colorado struck down a law that would require magazines about marijuana to be sold behind counters like pornographic magazines, following findings by state...