Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
September 4, 2013
Policy Mic: This Should Be Obama’s Next Step To Legalization

Policy Mic: This Should Be Obama’s Next Step To Legalization

Policymic.com’s Jessie Bullock points out a valid forward-thinking plan for Obama to not only secure the legal marijuana industry in the US, but to protect our government...
September 4, 2013
DOJ Memo Could Help Legalize Pot in Other Countries

DOJ Memo Could Help Legalize Pot in Other Countries

An article on High Times explores the potential global effects of last week’s memo from the US Department of Justice stating that state-legal, strictly regulated marijuana enterprises will...
September 3, 2013
Hopes High For Dunedin ‘South Pacific Cannabis Capital’ Plan

Hopes High For Dunedin ‘South Pacific Cannabis Capital’ Plan

Two New Zealand reform groups, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party and Otago Norml, are hoping to make the city of Dunedin the cannabis capital of the South Pacific. The groups...
August 30, 2013
Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Geraldo At Large: Mason Tvert VS Rehab Profiteer

Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project was recently on “Geraldo At Large” to talk about the “New Beer” ad that was pulled from a recent NASCAR event. Also...
August 30, 2013
Uruguay Sets Low Price for Marijuana at $2.50 Per Gram

Uruguay Sets Low Price for Marijuana at $2.50 Per Gram

In an approach completely different from what we’re seeing in Washington, and to a lesser extent, here in Colorado, Uruguay has set the price of their legal...
August 29, 2013
AG Eric Holder Says Yes Weed Can to States that Legalized Recreational Cannabis

AG Eric Holder Says Yes Weed Can to States that Legalized Recreational Cannabis

In what may come as a surprise to many weed advocates, Attorney General Eric Holder assured the governors of Washington and Colorado on Thursday that the federal government will...
August 29, 2013
John Hanger: Marijuana Reform Can Elect the Next PA Governor

John Hanger: Marijuana Reform Can Elect the Next PA Governor

While the general election for governor is still a little over a year away, things are heating up in Pennsylvania as Democrats vie for their party’s nomination...
August 29, 2013
Oregon 2014 Marijuana Legalization Initiative Likely

Oregon 2014 Marijuana Legalization Initiative Likely

Oregon activists organized as New Approach Oregon will try to put a marijuana legalization initiative on the November 2014 ballot, the leader of the group told the Willamette...
August 27, 2013
Denver City Council Sets Extra Tax Vote On Retail Cannabis

Denver City Council Sets Extra Tax Vote On Retail Cannabis

Yesterday, the Denver City Council approved a 3.5% additional sales tax on retail cannabis. The tax will be in addition to the 15% state sales tax, and...
August 26, 2013
Rally Held For Cannabis Legalization In Pennsylvania

Rally Held For Cannabis Legalization In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Hempland Security held their third rally this year for cannabis legalization in Pennsylvania in Penn Square in Reading on Saturday. The rally was in support of...
August 26, 2013
Legalization Event This Saturday in Birmingham, England

Legalization Event This Saturday in Birmingham, England

This Saturday, August 31 at 1 PM, Birmingham’s Cannon Hill Park will be home to a campaign effort for cannabis legalization. The event will showcase speakers, music,...
August 26, 2013
Poll: Colorado Stands By Marijuana Legalization

Poll: Colorado Stands By Marijuana Legalization

A new poll by Quinnipiac University found that public opinion of marijuana legalization hasn’t changed much in Colorado since voters approved Amendment 64. Of the 1,184 Colorado...
August 22, 2013
Denver Police Schedule Reddit Ask Me Anything About Marijuana

Denver Police Schedule Reddit Ask Me Anything About Marijuana

The Denver Police Department recently held a one-hour ask me anything session on reddit, and so many questions were asked about marijuana that the department decided to...
August 20, 2013
Billboards Raising Awareness, Support for Sensible BC

Billboards Raising Awareness, Support for Sensible BC

Three billboards have popped up to raise awareness and recruit supporters for a Sensible BC petition to decriminalize and legalize cannabis in the province. The petition would...
August 20, 2013
Washington Prepared If Feds Sue Over Marijuana Legalization

Washington Prepared If Feds Sue Over Marijuana Legalization

Since the Department of Justice still has not publicly decided how to handle the fact that marijuana legalization is a reality in Colorado and Washington, Washington state...
August 19, 2013
Legalizing Cannabis in NYC Would Yield $431 Million Annually

Legalizing Cannabis in NYC Would Yield $431 Million Annually

The regulation and taxation of marijuana for New York City residents age 21 and over would yield an estimated $431 million in annual savings and revenue, according...
August 19, 2013
UK Conservative Party Deputy Leader’s Call to Legalize Cannabis Welcomed

UK Conservative Party Deputy Leader’s Call to Legalize Cannabis Welcomed

Peter Lilley urged Tory leadership contenders to urgently think about liberalizing the UK laws on cannabis. His comments were welcomed by drugs charity Release, which said a...
August 15, 2013
Will Fox and Shively Mark the End of Cannabis Artisanship?

Will Fox and Shively Mark the End of Cannabis Artisanship?

Earlier this summer Vicente Fox, former Mexican president and Coca-Cola Mexico president, met with Big Marijuana self-prophesied computer nerd turned drug tycoon Jamen Shively. The news conference...
August 15, 2013
Most Americans Now Live in States That Reject Prohibition

Most Americans Now Live in States That Reject Prohibition

In a great article on Huffington Post, Marijuana Policy Project’s Rob Kampia reports that with the recent passage of Illinois’ medical marijuana law, most of our nation’s...
August 15, 2013
John Liu Wants to Legalize Weed in New York City

John Liu Wants to Legalize Weed in New York City

Facing lagging poll numbers just a month out from primary elections, NYC Comptroller and 2013 mayoral candidate John Liu just played a political wildcard. Yesterday, he said he’d...
By: Andy Cush