Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
November 4, 2013
Marijuana Legalization Will Produce Public Health Benefits

Marijuana Legalization Will Produce Public Health Benefits

Jacob Sullum explains on Forbes that marijuana legalization will reduce drinking, producing public health benefits such as fewer traffic deaths.
November 4, 2013
SC Police Chief Threatens To Target Legalization Advocates

SC Police Chief Threatens To Target Legalization Advocates

A South Carolina Police Chief claimed advocating cannabis legalization gives police reasonable suspicion to target people for investigation.
November 1, 2013
The Next States to Legalize Marijuana

The Next States to Legalize Marijuana

After last weekend’s International Drug Reform Conference in Denver, a clear picture is emerging of which states are likely to be the first to follow Colorado and Washington down...
November 1, 2013
NH House Refuses To Recommend Marijuana Legalization

NH House Refuses To Recommend Marijuana Legalization

Even though 60% of New Hampshire adults are in favor, a New Hampshire House committee has refused to recommend marijuana legalization.
November 1, 2013
The Nation: Why It’s Always Been Time to Legalize Marijuana

The Nation: Why It’s Always Been Time to Legalize Marijuana

The Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel recounts the disaster that is the drug war, giving several reasons to legalize marijuana.
October 31, 2013
Corporate Interests in Maine Kill 2014 Legalization Effort

Corporate Interests in Maine Kill 2014 Legalization Effort

As we mentioned here previously, NORML has worked with Representative Diane Russell in Maine to draft and prepare for introduction a measure that would have legalized and...
October 31, 2013
California Study Suggests Marijuana a Substitute for Alcohol

California Study Suggests Marijuana a Substitute for Alcohol

A New York Times article this week, Few Problems With Cannabis for California, reports that a pending study in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management by Mark Anderson and...
October 31, 2013
Daily Beast: The Drug War Is Over (If Obama Wants It)

Daily Beast: The Drug War Is Over (If Obama Wants It)

Nick Gellespie of The Daily Beast explains that the drug war is over as a political issue, as most Americans now favor legalization.
October 31, 2013
Product Review: Golden Organic Healing Oil

Product Review: Golden Organic Healing Oil

Golden Organic Healing Oil is unique in a cannabis community that offers a myriad of oils and elixirs that provide topical and ingestible relief for a plethora...
By: Anna Diaz
October 30, 2013
Oregon Legalization Initiative Filed, Has $$$ Support

Oregon Legalization Initiative Filed, Has $$$ Support

Last Friday, Oregon activists organized as the New Approach Oregon political action committee filed a marijuana legalization initiative with the secretary of state’s office. Unlike the initiatives filed this year by...
October 29, 2013
Legal Weed is the Cheapest Weed

Legal Weed is the Cheapest Weed

In what amounts to a collective “duh” moment for the non-cannabis enthusiasts out there, a recent study illustrated that marijuana is very expensive when it’s illegal. Not...
October 28, 2013
Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill Published

Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill Published

Ireland’s Cannabis Regulation Bill 2013 was published last week by Roscommon TD Luke Ming Flanagan, who says “Ireland is ready for the legalization of cannabis.” The bill will...
October 28, 2013
Yakama Nation Won’t Recognize Legal Marijuana

Yakama Nation Won’t Recognize Legal Marijuana

The possession, sale and cultivation of marijuana will remain illegal in Washington’s Yakama Nation according to the tribe’s attorney.
October 28, 2013
Texting for Pardons, Help Free Federal Drug War Prisoners

Texting for Pardons, Help Free Federal Drug War Prisoners

Drug Policy Alliance International Drug Policy Reform Conference ran from October 23, 2013 until October 26, 2013. The event boasted a plethora of cannabis activists and took...
By: Anna Diaz
October 24, 2013
MPP’s Dan Riffle Debates Kevin Sabet on Marijuana Policy

MPP’s Dan Riffle Debates Kevin Sabet on Marijuana Policy

Leading up to November’s election, marijuana policy is an increasingly hot topic in Maine. Voters in the city of Portland will soon decide whether or not possessing...
October 24, 2013
Marijuana Acceptance Varies Across Hemisphere

Marijuana Acceptance Varies Across Hemisphere

While marijuana acceptance is growing in Latin America as well as here in the US, there it is generally the leaders that favor legalization while the people...
October 23, 2013
Marijuana Legalization Returns to Center Stage in Maine

Marijuana Legalization Returns to Center Stage in Maine

Earlier this year, we came within just 4 votes on the floor of the Maine House of Representatives on legislation that would have put marijuana legalization before...
October 23, 2013
Pierce County, WA Council Members Seek to Reinstall Prohibition

Pierce County, WA Council Members Seek to Reinstall Prohibition

Apparently inspired by the handful of elected officials in D.C. who brought our government to a dead stop, several Pierce County, WA council members are planning a...
October 23, 2013
Historic High: 58% of Americans Want Marijuana Legalized

Historic High: 58% of Americans Want Marijuana Legalized

Gallup released new polling data today that shows an overwhelming majority of Americans want marijuana to be legalized. According to their survey, 58% of Americans support legalizing...
October 22, 2013
Uruguay to Legalize Marijuana, Sets Price at $1 Per Gram

Uruguay to Legalize Marijuana, Sets Price at $1 Per Gram

Not only is Uruguay all set to legalize marijuana, but it has just set the price at $1 per gram. That’s about $450 for a pound. Go,...