Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
December 9, 2013
DPA Files California Marijuana Legalization Initiative, But…

DPA Files California Marijuana Legalization Initiative, But…

A California marijuana legalization initiative backed by the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) was filed Wednesday with the state attorney general’s office. But the national drug reform group...
December 6, 2013
Think Tank Issues Guidebook: “How To Regulate Cannabis”

Think Tank Issues Guidebook: “How To Regulate Cannabis”

“Cannabis policy should be built on evidence of what will minimize the potential harms and maximize the potential benefits associated with the use of the drug,” according...
December 6, 2013
Portland’s Legalization Takes Effect Today

Portland’s Legalization Takes Effect Today

Portland, Maine’s marijuana legalization takes effect today.
December 6, 2013
Missouri Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Filed

Missouri Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Filed

Activists with Show-Me Cannabis Reform have been crisscrossing Missouri to lay the groundwork for marijuana legalization, and now, they’ve taken the next step. Columbia-based attorney Dan Viets, the group’s...
December 6, 2013
Marijuana Legalization May Depend on National Pessimisim and Negativity

Marijuana Legalization May Depend on National Pessimisim and Negativity

  The marijuana legalization movement needs to bank on the fact that Americans are currently pessimistic about the government and society in general, at least according to...
December 4, 2013
Jackson Police to Respect the Will of the Voters

Jackson Police to Respect the Will of the Voters

In November, voters in Jackson, Michigan voted to pass a city ordinance that decriminalized possession of up to one ounce of marijuana. The ordinance applies to those...
December 4, 2013
Maine: Help Make Marijuana Legalization a Reality

Maine: Help Make Marijuana Legalization a Reality

Despite experiencing setbacks when it came to reintroducing marijuana legalization legislation for the 2014 Maine legislative session, efforts are already underway to prepare for 2015. The primary...
December 4, 2013
Jose Mujica, 2016! His Vision for Cannabis in Uruguay

Jose Mujica, 2016! His Vision for Cannabis in Uruguay

  Ok, let’s start a petition to allow Uruguayan nationals to become president. Actually, can we just kidnap Jose Mujica and get him on deck for 2016?...
December 3, 2013
Final Uruguay Marijuana Legalization Vote Set for Next Week

Final Uruguay Marijuana Legalization Vote Set for Next Week

It looks like the fat lady is about to sing. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, which has an operative in Montevideo, the Uruguayan Senate will vote next week,...
December 3, 2013
Underage Narcs Set to Bust Washington State’s Pot Shops

Underage Narcs Set to Bust Washington State’s Pot Shops

Washington has recruited a team of underage narcs to catch cannabis shops selling to minors.
December 2, 2013
Sorry Denverites, You Can’t Smoke Weed on the Patio

Sorry Denverites, You Can’t Smoke Weed on the Patio

So, here is an interesting experience I had recently… after playing a gig at a bar with my funk band here in Denver, Colorado, I stepped out...
November 26, 2013
Oregon Solons to Take Up Marijuana Legalization

Oregon Solons to Take Up Marijuana Legalization

State Sen. Floyd Prozanski (D-Eugene), the powerful head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, last Friday unveiled a draft bill that would ask voters in the November 2014...
November 26, 2013
Legalization Anniversary Smoke-Sesh Planned at Seattle Center

Legalization Anniversary Smoke-Sesh Planned at Seattle Center

On December 6th hundreds of connoisseurs will celebrate the one year anniversary of legalization in Washington state by consuming cannabis legally at the Seattle Center. When first...
By: Mercedys
November 22, 2013
Time for Rhode Island to Tax and Regulate Marijuana

Time for Rhode Island to Tax and Regulate Marijuana

A guest column from MPP’s Mason Tvert appeared today in the Providence Journal in Rhode Island. An excerpt is below, and you can click here to read...
November 22, 2013
Portland Lawmaker Deciding Vote Defeating Maine Legalization

Portland Lawmaker Deciding Vote Defeating Maine Legalization

This morning, the Maine Legislative Council voted 5-5 on whether or not to allow Rep. Diane Russell’s marijuana legalization to be introduced. A tie vote means the...
November 22, 2013
Petition Underway to Legalize Cannabis in Germany

Petition Underway to Legalize Cannabis in Germany

A new petition is gaining steam to legalize cannabis in Germany. The petition asks the German government to legalize cannabis for adults over 18 and allow for...
November 21, 2013
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Fight Legalization…Again?

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Fight Legalization…Again?

On High Times, Russ Belville recounts the pattern of opposition to legalization by dispensaries and others that profit from medical cannabis.
November 21, 2013
AMA Reconsidering Marijuana Prohibition

AMA Reconsidering Marijuana Prohibition

013 On Tuesday, the American Medical Association announced that while they still consider marijuana a dangerous drug and a public health concern, federal efforts to curb marijuana use...
November 21, 2013
Three Myths About the Marijuana Lobby

Three Myths About the Marijuana Lobby

MPP’s Rob Kampia dispels the 3 biggest myths about the marijuana lobby: that cartels are funding legalization, that the industry will market to minors and is the...
November 20, 2013
Vice: Is Britain Set for Its Very Own Cannabis Revolution?

Vice: Is Britain Set for Its Very Own Cannabis Revolution?

Author Doug Fine recently spoke in London about the US cannabis revolution, asking if Britain is ready for its own.