Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
December 23, 2013
13 Reasons Marijuana Just Had The Best Year Ever

13 Reasons Marijuana Just Had The Best Year Ever

Matt Ferner lists the 13 reasons 2013 has been the best year ever for marijuana (and it’s consumers).
December 23, 2013
Fourth California Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed

Fourth California Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed

And then there were four. Famed marijuana cultivation expert Ed Rosenthal, the “Guru of Ganja,” announced Friday that he was filing The Cannabis Policy Reform Act of...
December 23, 2013
AP Poll Finds Falling Resistance to Marijuana Legalization

AP Poll Finds Falling Resistance to Marijuana Legalization

A new poll found that resistance to marijuana legalization is continuing to fall.
December 23, 2013
Sri Lanka May Legalize Marijuana

Sri Lanka May Legalize Marijuana

Sri Lanka’s Minister of Indigenous Medicine, Salinda Dissanayake, announced that he will introduce a bill to legalize marijuana.
December 19, 2013
Teen Drug Use Survey Figures Spark Marijuana Debate

Teen Drug Use Survey Figures Spark Marijuana Debate

This year’s annual Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey on the habits of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders was released Wednesday, and most of the results were uncontroversial. But with...
December 19, 2013
Higher Education Linked to Higher Support for Legalization

Higher Education Linked to Higher Support for Legalization

A new poll finds that higher education is linked to higher support for cannabis legalization.
December 17, 2013
Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

Denver, CO 2014 MMJ Infographic: Save Up to $828 per Year in Taxes vs. Recreational Tokers

January 1st, 2014 is rapidly approaching as the city of Denver gears up for its highly anticipated retail marijuana market. Colorado of course already has an established medical...
December 16, 2013
Daily Beast: The 2014 Candidates Who Want to Legalize Weed

Daily Beast: The 2014 Candidates Who Want to Legalize Weed

The Daily Beast names the 2014 candidates who want to legalize weed.
December 16, 2013
An Open Invitation to Mr. Bill O’Reilly: Smoke a Bowl With Me

An Open Invitation to Mr. Bill O’Reilly: Smoke a Bowl With Me

Dear Mr. Bill O’Reilly: I couldn’t help but notice how angry you got a few days ago after the Denver Post, which is the paper of record...
December 16, 2013
10 States Most Addicted to Cigarette Smoking, Guess How Many Permit Cannabis Use

10 States Most Addicted to Cigarette Smoking, Guess How Many Permit Cannabis Use

Health.com recently used “government data on smoking (and quit) rates, smoking bans and restrictions, cigarette taxes and sales, and deaths attributable to smoking” to identify the top...
December 13, 2013
This Incredible Video Shows How Cannabis Really DOES Help Cerebral Palsy

This Incredible Video Shows How Cannabis Really DOES Help Cerebral Palsy

Add this video to the long line of evidence that marijuana does have medical value and really does help people in need. I’ll let Jacqueline Patterson, the...
December 12, 2013
California Field Poll: 55% Say Legalize Marijuana

California Field Poll: 55% Say Legalize Marijuana

For the first time ever, California’s Field Poll is reporting majority support for marijuana legalization in the Golden State. The poll had support for generic marijuana legalization at 55%...
December 12, 2013
CO 2013: Thousands Not Arrested, Millions of Dollars Saved

CO 2013: Thousands Not Arrested, Millions of Dollars Saved

In it’s first year of cannabis legalization, Colorado saved millions of dollars in law enforcement and court resources.
December 12, 2013
Cannabis Critic Bill O’Reilly Criticizes Cannabis Critics

Cannabis Critic Bill O’Reilly Criticizes Cannabis Critics

Bill O’Reilly is a tad upset about the Denver Post hiring a cannabis editor.
December 12, 2013
City of Denver Launches Official Marijuana Policy Guide Website

City of Denver Launches Official Marijuana Policy Guide Website

The city of Denver launched a new section on the state of Colorado website Monday, specifically answering the FAQs that come with Colorado’s rapidly approaching new retail marijuana...
December 11, 2013
New York: Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act Introduced

New York: Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act Introduced

Senator Liz Krueger introduced the New York State Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.
December 11, 2013
Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana!

Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana!

The Uruguayan Senate approved the government’s marijuana legalization bill on a 16-13 vote Tuesday evening. It already passed the lower chamber, and it’s the president’s bill, so...
December 10, 2013
Indiana: Latest Red State to Go Green

Indiana: Latest Red State to Go Green

A majority of Indiana residents believe that marijuana should be legally regulated like alcohol and nearly 80 percent of Hoosiers support taxing it, according to recently released statewide polling data released...
December 10, 2013
Uruguay to Become First Nation to Legalize Marijuana

Uruguay to Become First Nation to Legalize Marijuana

The Uruguay Senate is expected to pass a bill Tuesday that would make it the first nation in the world to regulate the cultivation, distribution, and sale...
December 10, 2013
HR 1523, Respect State Marijuana Laws Act: Stalled Without Support

HR 1523, Respect State Marijuana Laws Act: Stalled Without Support

The name of HR 1523 basically explains it all: Respect State Marijuana Laws Act. In summary, it would amend the Controlled Substance Act to not include anyone...
By: Mercedys