What do David Brooks, Tina Brown, Joe Scarborough, and Pat Buchanan* have in common, besides their lily whiteness and comfy careers nurtured in the ivory halls of corporate media?...
Washington officials have received over 2,600 applications from pot growers, which is a concern because of a set limit on the amount of space for growing.
A CNN/ORC International survey released Monday has a solid majority of Americans supporting the legalization of marijuana. Some 55% agreed that marijuana should be legal, with 44% disagreeing. CNN...
Just days after the first legal marijuana sales took place in Colorado, Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) announced that he would support legislation...
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) plans to use his executive powers to allow the limited use of medical marijuana, the New York Times reported Sunday. He will issue...
Although New Mexico state Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino wants to introduce a constitutional amendment to legalize recreational marijuana in NM similar to Colorado’s model to address...
A couple of weeks ago the state of Colorado announced that starting in February 2014, the fee to be on the medical marijuana registry and to purchase...
It’s been exactly nine years since MPP provided me with a grant to move to Colorado and begin laying the groundwork for a future statewide ballot initiative...
Weedists: Meet Megan Schwarting “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Megan Schwarting and her husband, Ben, started...
2013 Year in Review (MPP) This 2013 Year in Review video from the Marijuana Policy Project highlights many major marijuana accomplishments achieved over the past 12 months. From the...
The eyes and ears of the national and international media will be focused on Colorado on New Year’s Day as the nation’s first modern state-licensed retail cannabis...
And so it begins. On the first day of 2014, the cannabis policy battle lines decisively shift. No longer strictly a fight between drug warriors and POWs,...
NORML and NORML Foundation are supported by cannabis consumers and other caring citizens. Please see our annual report and help us to keep going strong into 2014 by making...
With nearly a month to go before their signature-gathering deadline, organizers of an Alaska marijuana legalization initiative are well-placed to qualify for the ballot, but it’s not a sure...
Uruguayan President Jose Mujica has signed into law legislation making Uruguay the first country to create a legal, state-regulated marijuana industry. Mujica quietly signed the bill Monday...