Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
April 8, 2014
Maine House and Senate to Vote on Putting Marijuana Legalization Before State Voters

Maine House and Senate to Vote on Putting Marijuana Legalization Before State Voters

Recently, Gov. LePage introduced a bill, LD 1811, to crack down on heroin and cocaine trafficking. While we disagree with his approach (doubling-down on the War on...
April 8, 2014
Scramble for Medical Marijuana Business Begins in Florida

Scramble for Medical Marijuana Business Begins in Florida

Would-be investors and entrepreneurs are already lining up to get into the medical marijuana business should it become legal in Florida. More than 60 businesses have incorporated in Florida...
April 8, 2014
Medical Marijuana Still Scares Most High Profile Pennsylvania Politicians

Medical Marijuana Still Scares Most High Profile Pennsylvania Politicians

US Rep. Scott Perry last month became the highest-ranking elected Pennsylvania Republican to support the once-controversial position to legalize medical marijuana, which the majority of GOPers support. However,...
April 7, 2014
WebMD Poll: Medical Community Backs Legalizing Cannabis

WebMD Poll: Medical Community Backs Legalizing Cannabis

An estimated 70 percent of physicians acknowledge the therapeutic qualities of cannabis and over half believe that the plant should also be legal for non-medical purposes, according...
April 4, 2014
Guatemalan President Will Present Plan to Legalize Marijuana, Opium Production

Guatemalan President Will Present Plan to Legalize Marijuana, Opium Production

Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina said Wednesday his country could present a plan before year’s end to legalize the production of marijuana and opium poppies. His comments...
April 3, 2014
Most Americans Want Legal Weed Sold in Hometown

Most Americans Want Legal Weed Sold in Hometown

Marijuana is becoming increasingly more acceptable in the United States, with the majority of Americans willing to allow a legal pot commerce to operate in their hometown....
April 2, 2014
New Jersey Marijuana Prosecutors Reverse Course, Say It’s Time to Legalize

New Jersey Marijuana Prosecutors Reverse Course, Say It’s Time to Legalize

The New Jersey State Municipal Prosecutors Association now officially supports legalizing the possession of marijuana, which is quite an unlikely source of support, since they are the...
April 2, 2014
Colorado: Surprising Fact About Recreational Pot Sales

Colorado: Surprising Fact About Recreational Pot Sales

Colorado expected to see a decline in patients seeking medical marijuana with the advent of the state’s newly-legalized recreational pot industry, but recent statistics indicate there was...
April 1, 2014
Study Finds Legalization of Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Crime, May Decrease Violent Crime

Study Finds Legalization of Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Crime, May Decrease Violent Crime

The 18-year-old question as to whether or not legalizing medical marijuana causes an increase in crime seems to be answered in a recent study by a team of researchers...
April 1, 2014
Legalising Cannabis: Uruguay’s President Jose Mujica Asks World for Support

Legalising Cannabis: Uruguay’s President Jose Mujica Asks World for Support

The small South American country will soon become the first in the world to legalize, regulate and participate in the production, sale and taxation of marijuana. Uruguay’s “weed...
March 28, 2014
Michigan Medical Marijuana Bills Would Legalize “Medibles” and Dispensaries

Michigan Medical Marijuana Bills Would Legalize “Medibles” and Dispensaries

House bill 5104 passed 100 to 9 in favor of legalizing medical marijuana edibles “Medibles”.  State representative Eileen Kowall sponsored the legislation. The republican lawmaker from White Lake...
March 28, 2014
PPIC Poll: Slim Majority of California Voters Say Legalize Weed

PPIC Poll: Slim Majority of California Voters Say Legalize Weed

Public Policy Institute of California released survey results yesterday; 53% of California voters favor marijuana legalization and 44% oppose. 60% of independents and 57% of Democrats favor legalization,...
March 26, 2014
Poll: Marijuana Ballot Measures Likely to Increase Overall Voter Turnout

Poll: Marijuana Ballot Measures Likely to Increase Overall Voter Turnout

Marijuana-related initiatives are likely to increase voter turnout, according to polling data released by George Washington University. Nearly four out of ten participants in the nationwide survey said that...
March 25, 2014
NORML Still Fighting to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Georgia

NORML Still Fighting to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Georgia

People hoping to legalize marijuana aren’t giving up after a crushing defeat in the legislature. The Peachtree NORML Conference brought together people hoping to legalize medical marijuana and...
March 25, 2014
NJ Senator Wants to Legalize Marijuana, Use Tax to Pay for Roads

NJ Senator Wants to Legalize Marijuana, Use Tax to Pay for Roads

A New Jersey lawmaker announced a bill Monday that would legalize marijuana, tax it and use the revenue to pay to fix the state’s roads and bridges....
March 24, 2014
Marijuana Industry Finds Unlikely New Allies in Conservatives

Marijuana Industry Finds Unlikely New Allies in Conservatives

The work is largely about the federal government unnecessarily stifling an industry’s growth. Conservatives should be troubled when companies can’t claim tax deductions or keep cash in...
March 24, 2014
Oregon Rules Ban Edibles – The Community Responds

Oregon Rules Ban Edibles – The Community Responds

“The Oregon Health Authority released draft rules late Wednesday for medical-pot dispensaries to follow when they open as early as next week under a new law. Although...
By: Anna Diaz
March 21, 2014
Washington’s New Marijuana Law May Be Freeing Up Police Resources

Washington’s New Marijuana Law May Be Freeing Up Police Resources

A steep drop in the number of misdemeanor marijuana possession charges filed against adults over 21 in Washington state after legalization shows the new law is freeing...
March 21, 2014
Why Dianne Feinstein Opposes Marijuana Legalization

Why Dianne Feinstein Opposes Marijuana Legalization

California’s senior senator, Dianne Feinstein, has joined Governor Jerry Brown in voicing her disapproval of marijuana legalization. “The risk of people using marijuana and driving is very substantial,”...
March 20, 2014
Indiana: Lawmakers Approve Legislation Reclassifying Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity

Indiana: Lawmakers Approve Legislation Reclassifying Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity

Indiana House and Senate lawmakers have signed off on legislation, Senate Bill 357, to reclassify and regulate industrial hemp. Members of the Senate had initially approved the legislation by...