Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
May 8, 2015
Morgan Freeman Shoots Straight: On Legalizing Marijuana and His Escape From New York

Morgan Freeman Shoots Straight: On Legalizing Marijuana and His Escape From New York

“Marijuana has many useful uses,” Morgan Freeman says. “I have fibromyalgia pain in this arm, and the only thing that offers any relief is marijuana. They’re talking about kids...
May 6, 2015
The End of the War on Drugs and the Emergence of the Venture-Backed Cannabis Industry

The End of the War on Drugs and the Emergence of the Venture-Backed Cannabis Industry

When news broke that Founders Fund, the proudly contrarian venture firm helmed by PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, was going to invest a major $75 million in Privateer...
May 5, 2015
Labor Unions Endorse Legal Weed in Ohio

Labor Unions Endorse Legal Weed in Ohio

Earlier this week, ResponsibleOhio, the organization currently collecting signatures to get their initiative to legalize marijuana on the ballot in the next presidential election, earned the support...
May 4, 2015
High Times Cannabis Cup 2015 Review: A Restrained Celebration

High Times Cannabis Cup 2015 Review: A Restrained Celebration

Just two weeks before the big weekend, MED issued a letter to all dispensaries that giving out cannabis samples is, in fact, a violation of state law....
May 4, 2015
It’s Time for Congress to Act on Cannabis Legalization

It’s Time for Congress to Act on Cannabis Legalization

What Judge Mueller did was an administrative passing of the ball to Congress. Judge Mueller felt the need to rule the way she did and risk disappointing...
May 1, 2015
Do Marijuana Prisoners Deserve Amnesty?

Do Marijuana Prisoners Deserve Amnesty?

What to do with the prisoners of a failed war? Since 2012, when voters in Colorado and Washington approved the tax and sale of recreational marijuana, the...
April 28, 2015
Rising Marijuana Sales Leave Pot Shops Flush With Cash They Can’t Deposit

Rising Marijuana Sales Leave Pot Shops Flush With Cash They Can’t Deposit

Two months from now, on July 1, Oregon will become the fourth state to allow residents to legally purchase marijuana for recreational use. In anticipation of legalization,...
April 27, 2015
Back-Fire: How Getting Busted Made Me a Drug-Policy Activist

Back-Fire: How Getting Busted Made Me a Drug-Policy Activist

My experience, seeing the unfairness of the drug war laid bare before me, crystallized in my mind to form the nucleus of all my drug war efforts....
April 27, 2015
Bud and Breakfast: The ‘Airbnb’ of Cannabis is Here

Bud and Breakfast: The ‘Airbnb’ of Cannabis is Here

Thanks to Bud and Breakfast, weedists looking to get away from it all can enjoy a vacation where their weed consuming ways are not only accepted, but...
April 21, 2015
New Video Features Ex-Cops Smoking Weed

New Video Features Ex-Cops Smoking Weed

A new video released on 420 allows us to observe as three ex-cops spark up for the first time in decades, in Washington state. It’s a compelling...
April 21, 2015
Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches All-Time High in CBS Poll

A majority of Americans support the legalization of recreational marijuana, according to a new poll from CBS News — and it’s the highest percentage in support since...
April 20, 2015
Vermont Lawmakers Threaten: Legalize Cannabis or Face Alcohol Prohibition

Vermont Lawmakers Threaten: Legalize Cannabis or Face Alcohol Prohibition

Vermont, you have stolen my heart. A group of Vermont lawmakers have threatened to reinstate alcohol prohibition unless a vote is passed to legalize cannabis.
April 14, 2015
Marijuana Legalization Across U.S. May Hinge on 2016 California Vote

Marijuana Legalization Across U.S. May Hinge on 2016 California Vote

A fight next year over whether to allow recreational marijuana use in California may serve as a tipping point as legalization proponents press their campaign in other...
April 13, 2015
When Should You Talk to Your Kids About Cannabis?

When Should You Talk to Your Kids About Cannabis?

As a parent and cannabis supporter, the following question has been put to me by various people: what is the appropriate age to have a talk with...
April 1, 2015
Reefer in Rome? It Could Be Coming Sooner Than You Think

Reefer in Rome? It Could Be Coming Sooner Than You Think

An effort to legalize marijuana is getting underway in the Italian parliament, with some 60 lawmakers having signed onto a motion to do just that by the...
April 1, 2015
Proposed Pot-Plant Limits Spark Outcry From Medical Marijuana Supporters in Oregon

Proposed Pot-Plant Limits Spark Outcry From Medical Marijuana Supporters in Oregon

Defiant medical marijuana supporters urged lawmakers Monday not to set new limits on their growing operations when recreational pot sales open next year. Patients and growers flocked...
March 30, 2015
Gov. Chris Christie and His Prohibition Proclivity

Gov. Chris Christie and His Prohibition Proclivity

New Jersey Governor and potential 2016 Presidential candidate, Chris Christie, recently took some air time to throw cannabis under the proverbial bus and take shots at the...
March 30, 2015
Racism Persists Even With Changing Attitudes About Cannabis

Racism Persists Even With Changing Attitudes About Cannabis

A shocking example of this comes in form of the arrest and subsequent abuse of business woman Kam Brock — a black woman who was pulled over...
By: Rae Lland
March 30, 2015
Why Not Try Medical Marijuana for Pets?

Why Not Try Medical Marijuana for Pets?

Last week, Nevada state Senator Tick Segerblom introduced a bill in the Nevada legislature that would allow pets to use medical marijuana.
March 27, 2015
D.C. Is About to Host the Nation’s Biggest, Legal, Marijuana Giveaway

D.C. Is About to Host the Nation’s Biggest, Legal, Marijuana Giveaway

The District is about to witness a massive, public drug deal on Thursday — and for those involved, it will be quite a bargain. Over 800 people...