New York State lawmakers announced today that they have come to agreement to approve a limited pilot program for medical marijuana in the Empire State. An agreement...
Following reports that New Jersey’s medical marijuana program is suffering from low enrollment, Gov. Chris Christie called the program and similar programs across the U.S. “a front...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to have changed her mind when it comes to marijuana policy, according to National Journal. Clinton had previously expressed that...
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has had three-and-a-half years to weigh in on New York’s medical marijuana legislation. Instead, he first opposed medical marijuana outright. Then, this January, he...
Most of us were caught off-guard by the rush of states this year that approved the limited use of CBD-only marijuana extracts because these traditionally conservative states...
A ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana in Oregon will be on November’s ballot after supporters collected more than 100,000 signatures (only 87,213 needed). If passed, the...
Even with the start of legal recreational marijuana sales 5½ months ago, burglaries and robberies at all pot businesses in Denver are on pace for their lowest...
More evidence has come to light courtesy of a new study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggesting that, despite prohibitionist fear-mongering, teen marijuana...
Federal Government Survey Dispels Myth That Rolling Back Marijuana Prohibition Laws Will Lead to an Increase in Teen Marijuana Use Biennial CDC survey finds rate of current...
A high-ranking state senator in New York has expressed that he has no plans to move the medical marijuana bill out of his committee, reports The Poughkeepsie Journal....
Marijuana documentary “Evergreen: The Road to Legalization”, a behind-the-scenes examination of Washington State Initiative 502, is set to open theatrically at Cinema Village (22 East 12th Street) beginning this...
On Tuesday, MPP and allied advocates launched a ballot referendum committee to make marijuana legal, taxed, and regulated for adults in Massachusetts. The committee is called the...
Mexico’s president is hinting that he is considering making marijuana legal south of the border, San Francisco Weekly reports. In an interview published Sunday in El Pais, President...
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ranked Lebanon in 2011 as one of the world’s top five sources of cannabis resin. Recently, cannabis (hashish) legalization...
The Temporary Platform Committee of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) today passed an amendment to the Healthcare and Nutritional Supplements plank of the proposed 2014 RPT...
The Minnesota Department of Health is seeking a director for its new Office of Medical Cannabis, which will implement the medical marijuana bill recently signed into law...
Governor Mark Dayton signed a bill into law today that makes Minnesota the 22nd medical marijuana state. Patient advocates celebrated the passage of SF 2470, which will protect qualified...
Gov. Mark Dayton has signed SB 2470, making Minnesota the 22nd state with a compassionate medical marijuana law. While the new law contains unnecessary restrictions, it will bring needed relief to...
Republican gubernatorial candidate Dax Ewbank, who attended the rally, said legalized marijuana is one of those “taboo topics” in Oklahoma. He said if elected, he would legalize...