Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
July 8, 2014
New York Becomes the 23rd Medical Marijuana State!

New York Becomes the 23rd Medical Marijuana State!

On Saturday, June 5, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Compassionate Care Act into law, making New York the 23rd state with an effective medical marijuana law. The law goes...
July 8, 2014
California Town Considers Using Pot Taxes to Pay Police

California Town Considers Using Pot Taxes to Pay Police

Desert Hot Springs, a southern California town plagued with crime and financial destitution is now considering the legalization of medical marijuana dispensaries. Their hope is that it can...
July 8, 2014
Washington State’s First Legal Marijuana Shops Set to Open Amid Chaos

Washington State’s First Legal Marijuana Shops Set to Open Amid Chaos

The prohibition of marijuana in Washington state fell early Monday as a small number of retail shop owners received an electronic copy of a license to sell...
July 8, 2014
Schedule 1 Lunacy and Montana Weed

Schedule 1 Lunacy and Montana Weed

One group of hyper-conservative prohibitionists, going by the moniker of SafeMontana, illustrate yet another problem with roots in the irrational Schedule 1 status of cannabis.
July 7, 2014
Oregon: Marijuana Initiative Backers Turn in 145,000 Signatures for Proposed 2014 Ballot Measure

Oregon: Marijuana Initiative Backers Turn in 145,000 Signatures for Proposed 2014 Ballot Measure

Proponents of a statewide initiative to regulate the commercial production and retail sale of marijuana have turned in 145,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s office. The...
July 4, 2014
Instafire: Celebrate Your Freedom

Instafire: Celebrate Your Freedom

This Independence Day I wanted to take a second to acknowledge how we really got here — freedom. Not the freedom to legally spark a doob, but...
July 3, 2014
An Industry Emerges: The NCIA Cannabis Business Summit in Denver

An Industry Emerges: The NCIA Cannabis Business Summit in Denver

The exhibition hall in the Denver Convention Center last week was a wonder to behold. Automated, high-capacity marijuana trimming machines. Industrial strength cannabis oil extraction devices. Marijuana...
July 2, 2014
Colorado Retail Marijuana Application Rules Changed to Open Market

Colorado Retail Marijuana Application Rules Changed to Open Market

It’s been exactly six months since legal retail marijuana sales began in Colorado, and today is the first day that retail marijuana business licenses are open to...
July 2, 2014
International Cannabis Update: Morocco Seeks to Legalize Cannabis

International Cannabis Update: Morocco Seeks to Legalize Cannabis

Morocco is among the world’s top three cannabis producers in the world but condemns cannabis production on paper. However, because the country’s economy benefits from it, two political parties have drafted...
July 2, 2014
Weedist Destinations: Visit a Legal Cannabis Farm

Weedist Destinations: Visit a Legal Cannabis Farm

Farmer Tom Lauerman is taking his farm to another level. From now until mid-September, he will offer tours of his organic cannabis farm.
By: Anna Diaz
July 1, 2014
Philadelphia: City of Brotherly Love and Rogue Cops

Philadelphia: City of Brotherly Love and Rogue Cops

Things aren’t as sunny in Philadelphia as they may seem. Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey spoke out to announce his intention to continue arresting people for cannabis,...
By: Rae Lland
June 30, 2014
Pennsylvania Senate Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

Pennsylvania Senate Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

This afternoon, the Pennsylvania Senate Law and Justice Committee voted unanimously to approve a medical marijuana bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Mike Folmer and Sen. Daylin Leach. The bill is...
June 30, 2014
Alabama Takes Steps Towards Sensible Cannabis Laws

Alabama Takes Steps Towards Sensible Cannabis Laws

Marijuana proponents in the State of Alabama are working towards the port of legalization, but are currently tied at anchor by the resistance of marijuana prohibitionists. Efforts...
June 30, 2014
Why No One Should Care What the Pope Has to Say About Marijuana

Why No One Should Care What the Pope Has to Say About Marijuana

Why should anyone care what il Papa has to say on drug legalization of any kind anyway? The Catholic church never seriously addressed its open-armed position to...
June 27, 2014
Number of Citations Issued for Public Marijuana Use in Denver Spikes in 2014

Number of Citations Issued for Public Marijuana Use in Denver Spikes in 2014

Public use of marijuana is prohibited throughout Colorado. Now six months into legalization, 7NEWS has discovered a spike in the number of citations issued in Denver. According...
June 26, 2014
Washington Prepares for Marijuana Retail Sales

Washington Prepares for Marijuana Retail Sales

Washington state’s Liquor Control Board will issue about 20 licenses for marijuana retail stores on July 7th and the stores that are ready can open the next...
June 25, 2014
International Cannabis Update: Czech Republic, a Cannabis Mess

International Cannabis Update: Czech Republic, a Cannabis Mess

The Czech Republic has been seen in the past twenty years as a very liberal country in terms of attitude towards the cannabis plant and the laws...
June 25, 2014
UK Edging Closer to Legalization of Cannabis as British Medical Association Debates ‘Health Issue’

UK Edging Closer to Legalization of Cannabis as British Medical Association Debates ‘Health Issue’

Delegates at the British Medical Association’s annual representative meeting in Harrogate are to debate whether cannabis should be legalized. “Existing drug policy is contradictory and ineffective. The...
June 24, 2014
Legalization Won’t Hurt Cartels… Much

Legalization Won’t Hurt Cartels… Much

An interesting piece was published on Cracked.com called “5 Insane Things I Learned About Drugs As An Undercover Agent.” While a good read taken as a whole,...
June 23, 2014
Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Shake, a Great Deal on a Budget

Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Shake, a Great Deal on a Budget

Colorado is now six months into recreational sales of marijuana, and by all rational accounts everything is going really well. Business is steady with customers both from the state...