Tag: legalization

(1,238 posts)
August 5, 2014
Seattle’s First Couple Weeks of Legal Weed

Seattle’s First Couple Weeks of Legal Weed

I absolutely do see and smell more grass around since 502, despite existing prevalence of MMJ. What I do not see thus far is disrespect and I...
August 4, 2014
Study: Legalized Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Impact Teen Use Rates

Study: Legalized Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Impact Teen Use Rates

The passage of state laws legalizing the physician-recommended possession and consumption of cannabis by qualified patients has not led to an increase in adolescents’ use of the...
August 4, 2014
Crazed Mexicans, Marijhuana Addicted Children and More Reefer Madness From the New York Times Archives

Crazed Mexicans, Marijhuana Addicted Children and More Reefer Madness From the New York Times Archives

The New York Times publicly endorsed the legalization of weed last week, and followed up with numerous articles supporting its position. The paper addressed some of the xenophobic...
August 1, 2014
Cracked.com a Bit Off on Legal Weed

Cracked.com a Bit Off on Legal Weed

I love Cracked.com. The articles are well researched, interesting and almost always hilarious. One article, titled, “5 Reasons Legalized Marijuana Might Be Bad for Pot Smokers,” sort...
July 31, 2014
Study: Arrests for Marijuana Offenses Increasing in Many States

Study: Arrests for Marijuana Offenses Increasing in Many States

Law enforcement in many states are making a greater number of marijuana arrests than ever before despite polling data showing that the majority of Americans believe that the adult...
July 31, 2014
Good News and Not-So-Good News in Maine

Good News and Not-So-Good News in Maine

The good news: South Portland officials have informed us that we collected enough signatures to place an initiative on the November ballot that would make marijuana legal...
July 31, 2014
NY Times Calls on Feds to End Marijuana Ban

NY Times Calls on Feds to End Marijuana Ban

The New York Times editorial board put out a call for the federal government to end the ban on marijuana. Obviously, I agree and there is a...
July 30, 2014
Debunking the White House’s Reefer Mad Reaction to the NYT

Debunking the White House’s Reefer Mad Reaction to the NYT

The New York Times has joined the majority of US citizens in the call for a more rational marijuana policy. The White House responded with an attempt...
July 30, 2014
Campaign to Regulate Marijuana in Alaska Unveils New Bus Ads

Campaign to Regulate Marijuana in Alaska Unveils New Bus Ads

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol In Alaska unveiled a series of bus ads yesterday in Anchorage that highlight the relative safety of marijuana compared to...
July 30, 2014
Former Colorado Jail Might Transform Into a Massive Marijuana Grow Facility

Former Colorado Jail Might Transform Into a Massive Marijuana Grow Facility

In March, Colorado native Nicholas Erker purchased the town of Brush’s defunct Correctional Facility. Now, with more than six months of successful legal weed in Colorado’s history...
July 29, 2014
GOP Congressman Introduces CBD Oil Bill

GOP Congressman Introduces CBD Oil Bill

GOP Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania introduced a bill today that would make CBD oil legal under federal law. If passed, the “Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act...
July 29, 2014
Poll: Majority of Floridians Support Legalized Marijuana; Super-Majority Endorse Medicalization

Poll: Majority of Floridians Support Legalized Marijuana; Super-Majority Endorse Medicalization

Nearly nine out of ten Florida voters support legalizing the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, and a majority of Floridians support allowing adults to possess the...
July 28, 2014
New York Times: End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

New York Times: End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

What is arguably the most influential and respected newspaper in the United States is ready to free the weed. In a Sunday editorial, the New York Times...
July 28, 2014
Homeowners’ Associations Can Regulate Marijuana in Neighborhoods

Homeowners’ Associations Can Regulate Marijuana in Neighborhoods

Homeowners’ associations cannot legally ban their members from using marijuana in their homes in states where it is legal to do so, but some HOAs are attempting...
July 28, 2014
Guatemalan President Still Mulling Whether to Legalize Marijuana

Guatemalan President Still Mulling Whether to Legalize Marijuana

Will Guatemala ever legalize marijuana? Maybe. The country’s president, Otto Perez Molina, didn’t rule out the possibility of legalizing the drug during an interview with The Washington...
July 25, 2014
Chilean Senators Propose Legalizing Marijuana for Personal Use Including Growing the Plant

Chilean Senators Propose Legalizing Marijuana for Personal Use Including Growing the Plant

On July 24, Senator Isabelle Allende Bussi, who is President of the Chilean Senate, introduced a motion to modify the law in Chile to permit people to...
July 25, 2014
Minnesota Names Michelle Larson as Marijuana Director

Minnesota Names Michelle Larson as Marijuana Director

  Minnesota has named Michelle Larson as their first marijuana director with less than a year before their medical marijuana law takes effect, the Star Tribune reports....
July 25, 2014
Seattle police: African-Americans and Homeless Ticketed Most for Pot

Seattle police: African-Americans and Homeless Ticketed Most for Pot

An analysis of the first six months of Seattle police enforcement under new marijuana laws finds homeless people and African-American males are more likely to be ticketed...
July 25, 2014
Drug Testing in MMJ and Legal Cannabis States

Drug Testing in MMJ and Legal Cannabis States

One of the (many) problematic issues that arises from the conflict between state and federal cannabis law is the still-legal vocational drug testing that screens for marijuana.
July 24, 2014
Dabless in Seattle?

Dabless in Seattle?

I must admit the suspense is killing me. It would appear that bad news is coming, but it’s just how bad that worries me. Legal weed is...