(15 posts)
May 30, 2014
LEAP’s Bret Black Running for Utah House of Representatives

LEAP’s Bret Black Running for Utah House of Representatives

Ladybud introduces Bret Black from LEAP who is running for the Utah House of Representatives. Bret is a Former Deputy Constable who stated “I support full legalization.  The...
October 31, 2013
Pro-Legalization Cop Files Complaint Against Department

Pro-Legalization Cop Files Complaint Against Department

Constable David Bratzer, President of the Canadian branch of LEAP, filed a complaint against his chief for discrimination based on political views.
September 27, 2013
Legalization Debate Held at Wichita State University

Legalization Debate Held at Wichita State University

Jack Cole of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) was set to debate local law enforcement at Wichita State University yesterday, but no local law enforcement showed up....
September 26, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.25)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.25)

Oregon begins moving toward a regulated dispensary system, Massachusetts advances down the dispensary path, New Jersey’s governor signs a medical marijuana bill, and much, much more. Let’s...
July 10, 2013
NORML Meets With Former Mexican President on Cannabis Legalization

NORML Meets With Former Mexican President on Cannabis Legalization

At a meeting with drug reform advocates in San Francisco, former Mexican President Fox expressed support for California’s efforts to legally regulate cannabis, medical and otherwise. He...
June 28, 2013
Rolling Stone: Five Reasons Cops Want to Legalize Marijuana

Rolling Stone: Five Reasons Cops Want to Legalize Marijuana

Rolling Stone’s Kristen Gwynne describes five reasons to legalize marijuana that even police officers agree with. These reasons include better overall public safety, renewed focus on real...
March 20, 2013
Southern Cannabis Reform Conference Unites Reform Groups

Southern Cannabis Reform Conference Unites Reform Groups

The Southern Cannabis Reform Conference began in Atlanta, Georgia on Friday. The conference was attended by members of several cannabis reform organizations such as NORML Women’s Alliance, Law...
March 11, 2013
Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

Drug War Symposium, Cardozo Law School, NYC – 3/13

I am presenting at a symposium sponsored by the Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal, “The War on Drugs: Working Toward a Ceasefire,” this Wednesday 3/13...
February 18, 2013
Why I Am Attending the National Unity Conference

Why I Am Attending the National Unity Conference

American’s for Safe Access (ASA) opened the eyes of this thirty-three year law enforcement veteran. Caught in the whirlpool of drug prohibition policy, prohibitionist law enforcement folks...
February 12, 2013
Maryland Senator Wants to Reduce Marijuana Penalty

Maryland Senator Wants to Reduce Marijuana Penalty

Senator Bobby A. Zirkin is promoting SB-297, a bill which would reduce penalties for possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana in Maryland. The bill would...
November 21, 2012
Law Enforcement Call on DOJ to Respect State Marijuana Laws

Law Enforcement Call on DOJ to Respect State Marijuana Laws

012, 03:12pm Tuesday morning, former Baltimore narcotics officer Neill Franklin delivered a letter signed by 73 current and former police officers, judges, prosecutors, and federal agents to...
October 30, 2012
Video: Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War On Drugs

Video: Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War On Drugs

LEAP co-founder and retired police captain, Peter Christ, appears on WGRZ-TV in Buffalo, NY and takes on all aspects of our country’s disastrous War on Drugs. Christ is...
October 11, 2012
At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives

At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives

12:40pm The 41st annual national NORML conference took place at a downtown Los Angeles hotel over the weekend under the theme of “The Final Days of...
September 26, 2012
Regulate Marijuana to Improve Public Safety, Yes on Amendment 64

Regulate Marijuana to Improve Public Safety, Yes on Amendment 64

A 36-year Denver PD veteran, a former Lafayette municipal court judge and a former lead felony prosecutor for Clear Creek County urge: “There are lots of reasons...
July 27, 2012
Anti-drug-war cop wants Baltimore police commissioner opening

Anti-drug-war cop wants Baltimore police commissioner opening

Executive director of a national group of LEAP, Stanford “Neill” Franklin, who had a 33-year law enforcement career in Maryland, is now apparently seeking to become the...