Tag: lawsuit

(90 posts)
May 22, 2013
CO Resident Files Suit Against Stoned Driving Bill

CO Resident Files Suit Against Stoned Driving Bill

Brandon Baker of Nunn, Colorado is filing a lawsuit against the soon-to-be-signed stoned driving bill. Baker claims, and we at Weedist have seen, that the limits set...
May 16, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.15)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.05.15)

The feds stay on the attack in California, and fallout from last week’s state Supreme Court decision allowing local dispensary bans mounts. There’s news from other states...
May 10, 2013
FL Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patient Sues for Cannabis Protection

FL Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patient Sues for Cannabis Protection

Longtime Florida activist Cathy Jordan, a 63-year-old woman who consumes cannabis to mitigate symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), a debilitating condition that she has lived...
May 8, 2013
Woman Sues, Calls ‘American Weed’ Cop a Publicity Hound

Woman Sues, Calls ‘American Weed’ Cop a Publicity Hound

City police in Colorado invaded a woman’s privacy by bringing along a TV crew that filmed an abusive home raid on her medical marijuana plants, for which...
May 6, 2013
More Racial Profiling Claims in NYC, Marijuana Charges Abound

More Racial Profiling Claims in NYC, Marijuana Charges Abound

New York City police racially profile blacks and Latinos to “manufacture” marijuana offenses against them, five Bronx residents claim in Federal Court. Lead plaintiff Maurosol Felix sued New...
May 3, 2013
Federal Suit Claims NYPD Trumps Up Possession Charges

Federal Suit Claims NYPD Trumps Up Possession Charges

The NYPD has been under a lot of scrutiny for it’s “Stop-and-Frisk” tactic, which has been shown to unfairly target minorities. A new federal suit against the...
April 26, 2013
Off to the U.S. Supreme Court We Go

Off to the U.S. Supreme Court We Go

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, last week the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied a petition for rehearing filed be Americans for Safe Access...
April 22, 2013
Group Demands Space for Great Atlanta Pot Festival

Group Demands Space for Great Atlanta Pot Festival

Organizers of “The Great Atlanta Pot Festival” sued Atlanta, claiming the city violated their civil rights by refusing them a permit to hold their event in Freedom...
March 15, 2013
St. Louis Pot-Reform Cop Sues Police Commission

St. Louis Pot-Reform Cop Sues Police Commission

An officer sued the St. Louis Police Commission, claiming it violated his speech rights by threatening to discipline him for advocating reform of marijuana laws. Gary Wiegert...
March 15, 2013
Roadie Complains of Pot Smoke on Band Bus

Roadie Complains of Pot Smoke on Band Bus

A long-time roadie sued Chris Isaak, claiming the bandleader fired him for protesting the mistreatment of women and the choking clouds of marijuana smoke on the tour...
March 7, 2013
Punitive Damages OK’d After Cruise Cannabis Strip Search on 17-Year Old Girl

Punitive Damages OK’d After Cruise Cannabis Strip Search on 17-Year Old Girl

A 17-year-old girl who was strip searched, including a cavity check, on a Carnival cruise ship after dropping what looked like marijuana may seek punitive damages, a...
March 1, 2013
7 lbs of Cannabis: World-class Screw-up at Fedex, Mom Says

7 lbs of Cannabis: World-class Screw-up at Fedex, Mom Says

FedEx delivered 7 lbs. of marijuana to the wrong house, then told the dopers where to go to pick it up, a single mom and her young...
February 26, 2013
CT Towns Pay Out Big for Deadly SWAT Drug Raid

CT Towns Pay Out Big for Deadly SWAT Drug Raid

Five Connecticut towns whose SWAT team killed an unarmed man during a 2008 drug raid have agreed to pay $3.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by...
February 21, 2013
Overkill in Honolulu – Bamboo Confused for Marijuana

Overkill in Honolulu – Bamboo Confused for Marijuana

013 Dozens of Honolulu and Hawaii police used a battering ram in a pointless attack on a house, armed with a bogus affidavit from a helicopter pilot...
February 21, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI Waiting to Implement Decriminalization

Grand Rapids, MI Waiting to Implement Decriminalization

Voters in Grand Rapids, Michigan approved Prop 2 in November, a decriminalization initiative that would make possession of small amounts of marijuana punishable by a small fine....
February 15, 2013
Bronx Stop-and-Frisk Case Wins Class Status

Bronx Stop-and-Frisk Case Wins Class Status

A federal judge certified the second of three class actions filed over the New York City Police Department’s controversial stop-and-frisk practices. Jaenean Ligon leads the class in...
January 31, 2013
City of Oakland Battles in Federal Court over Harborside

City of Oakland Battles in Federal Court over Harborside

DOJ motion to dismiss Oakland’s lawsuit will be heard Thursday at 10am in San Francisco District Court. The Obama Administration will argue for the dismissal of a...
January 21, 2013
New Mexico Marijuana Prescriber Sues Medical Board

New Mexico Marijuana Prescriber Sues Medical Board

ALBUQUERQUE (CN) – New Mexico stripped a physician assistant of his medical license for prescribing medical marijuana, which is legal in the state, the longtime medical worker...
January 2, 2013
Florida Must Pay Attorney Fees in Employee Drug Test Lawsuit

Florida Must Pay Attorney Fees in Employee Drug Test Lawsuit

06:54pm A federal judge has ordered the state of Florida to pay more than $190,000 in attorneys’ fees in a case challenging an executive order ordering...
December 20, 2012
Video: Cop Gives Two Women Body Cavity Search for Pot on Public Highway, Using Same Glove

Video: Cop Gives Two Women Body Cavity Search for Pot on Public Highway, Using Same Glove

Who knew throwing a cigarette butt out of your car window in Texas (sure it’s littering) would lead to a publicly humiliating body cavity search under the...