Seattle PD has been sending notifications to neighbors of potential pot business locations, suggesting specific complaints and reminding them they can object.
Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Program (MMP) has a surplus of $23,534,952.42, accumulated over the Program’s almost 5-year existence, from overpayment of fees. MI’s legislature approved in this year’s budget...
The stench grows in Philadelphia, a parole officer gets caught stealing parolee’s pills, a reserve cop tries to trade dope for sex, and jail guards continue to...
A Nottingham bar was closed for hosting the Nottingham Cannabis Club, and law enforcement reminds us that all drugs destroy user’s lives… Oh, except alcohol.
On January 6th, Bill O’Reilly shared with Fox News cohorts Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham that apparently the ones getting arrested for cannabis are “only dealers,...
With Colorado allowing businesses to sell marijuana recreationally (Washington soon enough) and many more allowing some form of medical marijuana, it’s understandable that many people would have...
San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon and San Diego Police Chief William Landsdowne filed an initiative with state officials Thursday that would defelonize most drug possession and...
Jacob Sullum recounts the story of a New Mexico woman that was taken against her will and fruitlessly probed by drug warriors and their ‘medical’ helpers.
Oregon’s plan to regulate dispensaries statewide moves ahead, Washington state looks like it will let medical marijuana patients keep their personal grows, a new national certification program...
A busy Tuesday in California, herbal medicine experts make a call, New Jersey’s third dispensary opens, Florida’s Supreme Court hears a challenge to an initiative, and more....