Tag: law enforcement

(468 posts)
June 26, 2015
New Study: Honeybees Will Replace Drug-Sniffing Dogs

New Study: Honeybees Will Replace Drug-Sniffing Dogs

Researchers at the University of Cologne in Germany recently published a study in the journal Plos One, entitled “Detection of Illicit Drugs by Trained Honeybees,” which details...
June 22, 2015
Cops Raid Dispensary, Eat Edibles, Threaten Assault of Woman With Disability

Cops Raid Dispensary, Eat Edibles, Threaten Assault of Woman With Disability

Some cops in Santa Ana, California raided a marijuana dispensary. Apparently, one security camera went unnoticed by the raiders. This camera recorded video of the cops ingesting...
June 15, 2015
New DEA Chief May Mean the End of the Reefer Madness Era

New DEA Chief May Mean the End of the Reefer Madness Era

This will mark the first newly appointed DEA director in the era of legal weed. Rosenberg is rumored to want to shift the focus of the DEA...
June 3, 2015
Religious Cannabis Already Being Put to the Test in Rhode Island

Religious Cannabis Already Being Put to the Test in Rhode Island

While mainstream America waits to see if the drug enforcement agents will kick down the door of Indiana’s First Church of Cannabis and drop the hammer down...
June 2, 2015
Border Patrol Turns Immigration Checkpoint Into Drug Trap

Border Patrol Turns Immigration Checkpoint Into Drug Trap

If the border patrol is just becoming the DEA with a new name, we have some serious problems on our hands. One such incident occurred in early...
May 20, 2015
Retired Texas Cop Touts Cannabis Decriminalization

Retired Texas Cop Touts Cannabis Decriminalization

A retired cop supporting cannabis? From Texas? If that isn’t compelling evidence that the times, they are a-changing, then I don’t know what will convince you.
May 1, 2015
Being a Stoner in Beijing Is Expensive, Dangerous, and Complicated

Being a Stoner in Beijing Is Expensive, Dangerous, and Complicated

A few years ago, my neighbor Luke went to a bonfire party on a mountain just outside of Beijing. Three busloads of revelers came from the capital,...
April 30, 2015
There Is No Excuse to Bring Up Freddie Gray’s Drug History

There Is No Excuse to Bring Up Freddie Gray’s Drug History

Freddie Gray’s criminal background of several drug related offenses has been being tossed around quite a bit by people who bring it up as though it somehow...
April 28, 2015
Cop Sexually Assaults Teen Caught With Weed, Avoids Felony Charge and Keeps Law Enforcement Certificate

Cop Sexually Assaults Teen Caught With Weed, Avoids Felony Charge and Keeps Law Enforcement Certificate

Nebraskan law enforcement officer, Cory Cooper, discovered a small amount of cannabis during a traffic stop, and proceeded to use it to extort a teenager into performing...
By: Rae Lland
April 21, 2015
New Video Features Ex-Cops Smoking Weed

New Video Features Ex-Cops Smoking Weed

A new video released on 420 allows us to observe as three ex-cops spark up for the first time in decades, in Washington state. It’s a compelling...
April 16, 2015
Ex-Drug Officer Says He Stole Cash, Planted Drugs Many Times

Ex-Drug Officer Says He Stole Cash, Planted Drugs Many Times

A disgraced ex-police officer testifying against his drug squad colleagues acknowledged Tuesday that he stole drug money, planted evidence and lied on police paperwork too many times...
April 10, 2015
Dog Joins Suspects, Lies Down for Cops

Dog Joins Suspects, Lies Down for Cops

A fairly ordinary drug bust in Brazil became a viral sensation this week after an obedient – and ultimately very clever – guard dog on the scene...
March 24, 2015
Missoula Traffic Sign Hacked to Display ‘Smoke Weed Every Day’

Missoula Traffic Sign Hacked to Display ‘Smoke Weed Every Day’

Practical jokers and weed enthusiasts from the University of Montana hacked a digital traffic sign to display a very important message.
March 20, 2015
Smelling Like Marijuana Is Not Illegal

Smelling Like Marijuana Is Not Illegal

While there are still many marijuana-related ways a person can get sent to the slammer in the United States, smelling as if you reside in an eternal...
March 16, 2015
NYPD Commish Blames Cannabis for City’s Homicide Rate

NYPD Commish Blames Cannabis for City’s Homicide Rate

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton recently took to the podium and directly blamed marijuana for a jump in the city’s homicide rate.
March 12, 2015
DEA Agent Speaks Out: We Were Told Not to Enforce Drug Laws in Rich Communities

DEA Agent Speaks Out: We Were Told Not to Enforce Drug Laws in Rich Communities

As the lies that keep the drug war alive begin to come unglued, many of the police officers and government agents who made it possible are now...
March 11, 2015
Dell’s Maraschino Cherries Owner Commits Suicide When Secret Grow Discovered

Dell’s Maraschino Cherries Owner Commits Suicide When Secret Grow Discovered

Tragedy has struck Dell’s Maraschino Cherries in a recent Brooklyn police raid, when owner Arthur Mondella, shot and killed himself in a suicide when police discovered his...
March 10, 2015
D.C. Man Asks Police for His Weed Back, and Gets It

D.C. Man Asks Police for His Weed Back, and Gets It

A man walks into a police station and asks for his weed back — this sounds like the beginning of a joke, but recently in Washington D.C....
March 10, 2015
Bales of Cannabis Thrown Out of Car Window During High-Speed Police Chase

Bales of Cannabis Thrown Out of Car Window During High-Speed Police Chase

Alleged drug smugglers were speeding down Interstate 8 near Casa Grande when police spotted their SUV going over 100 mph. The police embarked on a high-speed pursuit,...
March 9, 2015
Lawsuit Officially Filed Against Colorado for Legal Cannabis

Lawsuit Officially Filed Against Colorado for Legal Cannabis

Among those who filed the lawsuit are six Colorado sheriffs, four Nebraska sheriffs as well as two county attorneys from Nebraska and Kansas.