Tag: jury nullification

(4 posts)
May 24, 2013
U.S Attorney Folds Under Pressure as Mayor Bob Filner Prepares Public for Jury Nullification

U.S Attorney Folds Under Pressure as Mayor Bob Filner Prepares Public for Jury Nullification

San Diego’s medical cannabis community saw history in the making when the city’s Mayor, Bob Filner, showed up to a federal hearing, sat with his arm around...
October 31, 2012
Is Jury Nullification the Right Tool to End Prohibition?

Is Jury Nullification the Right Tool to End Prohibition?

Is Jury Nullification the right tool to end modern day Prohibition of Cannabis? Jury Nullification is a controversial practice, yet has a long history. With recent new...
October 19, 2012
NJ Weedman Ed Forchion Found Not Guilty

NJ Weedman Ed Forchion Found Not Guilty

In a stunning victory for the power of juries, Ed Forchion (aka NJ Weedman, a very visible medical marijuana activist) was found not guilty today of possession...
September 18, 2012
Doug Darrell Acquitted Of Marijuana Charges Through Jury Nullification In New Hampshire

Doug Darrell Acquitted Of Marijuana Charges Through Jury Nullification In New Hampshire

Doug Darrell, a New Hampshire Rastafarian facing felony marijuana cultivation charges, was declared not guilty on Friday because a jury believed that punishing him for the offense...